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Do You Like the Direction CFB is Going?

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I don’t think less people will watch those big games; I think less people will watch the other games that don’t matter as much, or at least care less.

I mean, for me personally, I’ve cared a lot less about college football the past several years than I used to.

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I've lost interest a ton after the transfer portal changes. The rich get richer meanwhile the mid teams who can occasionally pull off great seasons with experience and a little luck are now just farm teams for the big 10 or so.... This isn't like NFL FA in the slightest but more of a baseball FA situation without any of the safeguards on draft picks... They absolutely need to put limitations on the teams as far as how many transfers they can accept or some sort of compensatory system that would allow for the mid programs to compete. 

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Between the transfer portal thing and the ridiculous conference realignments, it's really put a damper on college football for me, which I love more than pro by far. So no. But the almighty dollar has damaged both a lot. 

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Not necessarily, but it's still football. I feel like the market will calibrate itself and the process will be streamlined for Power 5 football, I also found myself watching more FCS football and I feel its as good as its ever been IMO.

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If they're going to turn this into NFL-lite, NIL needs X year commitments attached to their packages. There's way too much movement, even the NFL you have 2, 3 or 4 year deals.

It's fine that kids can transfer once, maybe the opportunity didn't fit well, but when you have a guy like DJ Uigaleilei playing for 3 schools, I can't man.

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Have no issue with the athletes making money. My issue is with the transfer portal. I would like to see it change to sit out a year/juco  unless either 1) your coach is fired or 2)  coach resigns takes new job but the athlete is prevented from committing to the former coaches new team, all other teams are fair game. 

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I think since conferences are paying players, it’s reasonable to demand contracts in exchange, which should drastically reduce the transfer portal annual issue.

It has become untenable to build a team. Imagine if the NFL had everyone on a single year contract.

It’s even harder with scholarship limits and a 3 or 4 year window in the old model.

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I’m in favor of players allowed to be paid (with the caveat it doesn’t come majorly from student fees).


And I am for players who are top prospects acknowledging their worth and priorities when they sit out of bowl games. But it sucks for us as fans.

The constant annual portal mess sucks.
The realignments destroying cultural, geographical ties sucks.

The negative impact of non tier 1/2 schools sucks.

The potential fallout of other sports programs at many universities sucks.

The media/etc downplay of any non-championship season or non-top 5 team sucks.

Until this year, the playoffs have sucked hard so even it - something that could’ve been cool - has sucked.


But to be fair, I haven’t liked CFB for some decades now. 


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  • 3 months later...

- Too many games
- Conference cluster #### 
- 12 team playoff makes no sense
- Portal BS

So to answer the question: no. Major no. 

Also a minor site note, what's up with the cheerleaders having more makeup on than downtown hookers? 

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At the end of the day, football is football.


Can you win in the trenches and tackle? If yes, you’re going to win.


I think too much gets made out of guys transferring. Unless it’s a QB he’s not going to completely turn a program around.

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Playoff expanded too much, after being too little. 

The NIL and portal nonsense turn me off. I hardly know who plays where anymore. So much turnover year over year makes it hard to even care about "next year", and for a lot of schools "next year" was their shot at actually rising. 

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For the most part yes.

Nice to see players getting paid in a multi-billon dollar industry.  I think it should be more regulated, but that always was going to be really hard to regulate to begin with.

Playoffs expanded is a win for me.  It's more football.

Transfer portal needs to reigned in significantly.  I'm all in favor of players being able to transfer ONCE without any limitations, but I think the 2nd should burn a year of eligibility barring a significant event (i.e. family issues, coaching change, etc.).

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