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The full article: https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/11/05/the-problem-is-aaron-rodgers-thinks-he-has-all-the-answers


Well, now we know why Aaron Rodgers wanted to host Jeopardy! He is always sure he has all the answers.

Two days after testing positive for COVID-19 and being “outed” (his word) as unvaccinated, Rodgers did an interview with Pat McAfee that was a sad mixture of self-righteousness and misinformation, a man unironically countering “blatant lies that are out there about myself” with his own set of untruths and half-truths. There is a lot to discuss here, but start with this question—uttered by Rodgers. In poker terms, this is a tell:

“If the vaccine is so great, then how come people are still getting COVID and spreading COVID and unfortunately dying from COVID?”

This is every bit as ridiculous as asking, “If Aaron Rodgers is such a great quarterback, why does he throw interceptions?” or “If eating vegetables is so great, why do some vegetarians still get cancer?” Rodgers is an intelligent person. He claims to have spent many months, lots of money and more than the average lifetime’s allotment of printer paper on vaccine research, and yet he couldn’t find an answer to that?

Here it is, Aaron: COVID-19 vaccines are not 100% effective. This has been common knowledge since before the vaccines received federal approval. It was literally in the first headlines! If you get vaccinated, you can still get COVID-19. You can even still die from it. But if you do get it, the effects will probably be far less severe, and you’re less likely to transmit it to others.

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When a smart person says something so stupid, you should question everything else they say on the topic. It is easy to dismiss Rodgers as dumb (he isn’t) or political (he claims not to be). His problem is likely that he is so congenitally mistrustful that once he started questioning vaccines—for whatever reason—he dove so deep into a rabbit hole that he can no longer tell a carrot from a cucumber.

Rodgers told McAfee he is taking ivermectin on the advice of his new friend, podcaster Joe Rogan (the CDC does not consider ivermectin effective in treating or preventing COVID-19), and that the “woke mob” will be disappointed to hear that after 48 hours, he feels great. I am sincerely glad he feels great, but also: So what? I once felt great just 48 hours after eating at Applebee’s. What does that have to do with anything? This is a classic and frankly simple example of using anecdotal evidence to prove a point that can be proved with only statistics; it is the height of intellectual dishonesty, even if Rodgers is gullible enough to believe it himself.

Some people get COVID-19 and show no symptoms. This has been true since the start of the pandemic, before anybody ever had the dubious idea to take ivermectin to treat it. And speaking of ivermectin: Rodgers claimed that Pfizer’s new preventative COVID-19 pill is “basically the expensive version of ivermectin,” even though that has been credibly refuted. This is a man who has decided to believe what he wants to believe, especially if it goes against the word of prominent experts.

Rodgers said ivermectin has “been used a billion times in India. Go look at that research, what’s going on over there.” I looked at what’s going on over there: Ivermectin has been removed from India’s treatment protocols.

Rodgers was not done taking McAfee on his tour of the world. He went to Israel and cited a study that, “people who get COVID and recover have the most robust immunity.” That study has not been peer-reviewed and was possibly flawed (researchers could have missed those who tested positive and are asymptomatic), but also, it ignores the nagging issue that people who get COVID-19 sometimes die. More than 750,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. Many others have long-haul symptoms and are fighting a daily battle to live their previous lives. But hey, at least they (might) have the most robust immunity!

As anybody who has ever crossed Rodgers can tell you, when he digs in, he really digs in. He says he is allergic to two ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and that started him down this path, and once he got going, he picked up speed fast. Rodgers complained the NFL “sent in a stooge to basically shame our team.” He even said “one of the main [NFL] doctors said it’s impossible for a vaccinated person to get COVID or spread COVID,” which NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy told me was “absolutely false.” As a frequent critic of the NFL and its tendency to overreach, let me say I find Rodgers’s contention preposterous. That sounds like a conspiracy theorist hearing what he wants to hear.

Should we keep going? Why not? Rodgers did. He said unvaccinated people are “being made to think we’re the dangers, we’re the superspreaders.” This is true. It is because they are the superspreaders. They spread the virus at a higher rate than vaccinated people, and, because they are more likely to get it in the first place, the effect is exponential.

Part of being a conspiracy theorist is convincing yourself that everybody is lying and only you and those who are like-minded see what is really happening. Rodgers claimed his stance is inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., which is a disturbing form of self-validation. He also made the dishonest argument that in 2020, liberals did not believe a vaccine would be real because it would be good for then President Donald Trump. In fact, many liberals believed that Trump would lie about a vaccine right before Election Day, a concern that stemmed from Trump’s previous promises that COVID-19 was “totally under control” and that it would go away by summer.

Rodgers claimed, “I’m not some sort of anti-vaxx, flat-Earther—I’m a critical thinker,” but that view of himself is not supported by his own words. Rodgers can be so thoughtful on a lot of topics, but he bristles at anybody who he perceives is trying to put him in his place. This is why he is so focused on “a shame-based environment” and “draconian” measures—and, one imagines, why he sought out those who would confirm his perception that he was being persecuted.

Rodgers should be facing the Chiefs this weekend. Instead, he is fighting straw men. He told McAfee “to just say that [a vaccine] is a blanket for all that ails you, in my opinion, is wrong and reckless.” Of course, that is not what doctors and scientists are saying. They’re saying if more people take the vaccine, fewer people will die. It’s simple and backed by science. Rodgers also said we should focus on eating healthy instead of vaccine distribution, as though it’s one or the other.

Spreading vaccine misinformation is wrong and reckless. It is what Rodgers did Friday. The more right he claimed to be, the more wrong he was. People have died listening to the same kind of nonsense Rodgers spread Friday. And he spread it only to protect himself, his ego and his perpetual belief that the world has wronged Aaron Rodgers.

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15 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

The full article: https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/11/05/the-problem-is-aaron-rodgers-thinks-he-has-all-the-answers


Well, now we know why Aaron Rodgers wanted to host Jeopardy! He is always sure he has all the answers.

Two days after testing positive for COVID-19 and being “outed” (his word) as unvaccinated, Rodgers did an interview with Pat McAfee that was a sad mixture of self-righteousness and misinformation, a man unironically countering “blatant lies that are out there about myself” with his own set of untruths and half-truths. There is a lot to discuss here, but start with this question—uttered by Rodgers. In poker terms, this is a tell:

“If the vaccine is so great, then how come people are still getting COVID and spreading COVID and unfortunately dying from COVID?”

This is every bit as ridiculous as asking, “If Aaron Rodgers is such a great quarterback, why does he throw interceptions?” or “If eating vegetables is so great, why do some vegetarians still get cancer?” Rodgers is an intelligent person. He claims to have spent many months, lots of money and more than the average lifetime’s allotment of printer paper on vaccine research, and yet he couldn’t find an answer to that?

Here it is, Aaron: COVID-19 vaccines are not 100% effective. This has been common knowledge since before the vaccines received federal approval. It was literally in the first headlines! If you get vaccinated, you can still get COVID-19. You can even still die from it. But if you do get it, the effects will probably be far less severe, and you’re less likely to transmit it to others.

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When a smart person says something so stupid, you should question everything else they say on the topic. It is easy to dismiss Rodgers as dumb (he isn’t) or political (he claims not to be). His problem is likely that he is so congenitally mistrustful that once he started questioning vaccines—for whatever reason—he dove so deep into a rabbit hole that he can no longer tell a carrot from a cucumber.

Rodgers told McAfee he is taking ivermectin on the advice of his new friend, podcaster Joe Rogan (the CDC does not consider ivermectin effective in treating or preventing COVID-19), and that the “woke mob” will be disappointed to hear that after 48 hours, he feels great. I am sincerely glad he feels great, but also: So what? I once felt great just 48 hours after eating at Applebee’s. What does that have to do with anything? This is a classic and frankly simple example of using anecdotal evidence to prove a point that can be proved with only statistics; it is the height of intellectual dishonesty, even if Rodgers is gullible enough to believe it himself.

Some people get COVID-19 and show no symptoms. This has been true since the start of the pandemic, before anybody ever had the dubious idea to take ivermectin to treat it. And speaking of ivermectin: Rodgers claimed that Pfizer’s new preventative COVID-19 pill is “basically the expensive version of ivermectin,” even though that has been credibly refuted. This is a man who has decided to believe what he wants to believe, especially if it goes against the word of prominent experts.

Rodgers said ivermectin has “been used a billion times in India. Go look at that research, what’s going on over there.” I looked at what’s going on over there: Ivermectin has been removed from India’s treatment protocols.

Rodgers was not done taking McAfee on his tour of the world. He went to Israel and cited a study that, “people who get COVID and recover have the most robust immunity.” That study has not been peer-reviewed and was possibly flawed (researchers could have missed those who tested positive and are asymptomatic), but also, it ignores the nagging issue that people who get COVID-19 sometimes die. More than 750,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. Many others have long-haul symptoms and are fighting a daily battle to live their previous lives. But hey, at least they (might) have the most robust immunity!

As anybody who has ever crossed Rodgers can tell you, when he digs in, he really digs in. He says he is allergic to two ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and that started him down this path, and once he got going, he picked up speed fast. Rodgers complained the NFL “sent in a stooge to basically shame our team.” He even said “one of the main [NFL] doctors said it’s impossible for a vaccinated person to get COVID or spread COVID,” which NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy told me was “absolutely false.” As a frequent critic of the NFL and its tendency to overreach, let me say I find Rodgers’s contention preposterous. That sounds like a conspiracy theorist hearing what he wants to hear.

Should we keep going? Why not? Rodgers did. He said unvaccinated people are “being made to think we’re the dangers, we’re the superspreaders.” This is true. It is because they are the superspreaders. They spread the virus at a higher rate than vaccinated people, and, because they are more likely to get it in the first place, the effect is exponential.

Part of being a conspiracy theorist is convincing yourself that everybody is lying and only you and those who are like-minded see what is really happening. Rodgers claimed his stance is inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., which is a disturbing form of self-validation. He also made the dishonest argument that in 2020, liberals did not believe a vaccine would be real because it would be good for then President Donald Trump. In fact, many liberals believed that Trump would lie about a vaccine right before Election Day, a concern that stemmed from Trump’s previous promises that COVID-19 was “totally under control” and that it would go away by summer.

Rodgers claimed, “I’m not some sort of anti-vaxx, flat-Earther—I’m a critical thinker,” but that view of himself is not supported by his own words. Rodgers can be so thoughtful on a lot of topics, but he bristles at anybody who he perceives is trying to put him in his place. This is why he is so focused on “a shame-based environment” and “draconian” measures—and, one imagines, why he sought out those who would confirm his perception that he was being persecuted.

Rodgers should be facing the Chiefs this weekend. Instead, he is fighting straw men. He told McAfee “to just say that [a vaccine] is a blanket for all that ails you, in my opinion, is wrong and reckless.” Of course, that is not what doctors and scientists are saying. They’re saying if more people take the vaccine, fewer people will die. It’s simple and backed by science. Rodgers also said we should focus on eating healthy instead of vaccine distribution, as though it’s one or the other.

Spreading vaccine misinformation is wrong and reckless. It is what Rodgers did Friday. The more right he claimed to be, the more wrong he was. People have died listening to the same kind of nonsense Rodgers spread Friday. And he spread it only to protect himself, his ego and his perpetual belief that the world has wronged Aaron Rodgers.

I can't believe I didn't see this before, but damn dude... You and 12 have a lot in common. You hold grudges, need to make sure everyone knows your opinion on your own terms, and apparently are the smartest guy in the room. I bet you're a big "headband" guy too aren't you? 😉

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1 hour ago, Toddfather said:

I can't believe I didn't see this before, but damn dude... You and 12 have a lot in common. You hold grudges, need to make sure everyone knows your opinion on your own terms, and apparently are the smartest guy in the room. I bet you're a big "headband" guy too aren't you? 😉

I am not the author. But I definitely recognize I share some things in common with Rodgers. Some of the stories I've read about him are 100% things I would do, too. 

For example:

" intense desire to push and prod and challenge and question. To take things to such a degree as to be, at times, uncomfortable.

For Rodgers, nothing is irrelevant and everything is subject to review. He wants to know about people and places and things. He wants to understand motivations"


This is 100% me and the college frat story is 100% something I would do.

There's definitely similarities. However, I am FAR more likely to understand where my expertise is and where it is not and defer to the experts for the latter. 

It's a significant difference.

Edited by incognito_man
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That badddddddd man has given lot of good things to this franchise. 

Winning in NFL is not easy.

He had 3 MVP’s, 1 SB MVP, 1 SB, 5 NFCCG, Team made playoffs because of him like probably 9/10 times under Fat Mike. 

Yeah he talked like douchebag yesterday. People make mistakes. Hopefully he will learn and move on..

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Prevea Health and Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers announced they are ending their partnership in a joint statement issued by the company Saturday. Rodgers tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this week and is unvaccinated against the virus.

Rodgers has been a spokesperson for Prevea Health, which is headquartered in Wisconsin, since 2012.
"Prevea Health remains deeply committed to protecting its patients, staff, providers and communities amidst the COVID-19 pandemic," the company wrote in a statement. "This includes encouraging and helping all eligible populations to become vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent the virus from further significantly impacting lives and livelihoods."
Weren't some folks laughing at this idea just yesterday?
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3 minutes ago, Leader said:

Actually.....AR and COVID are both highly topical at the moment.


5 minutes ago, HokieHigh said:

When you lock the Rodgers has covid thread this is what you get. 

There is nothing more randomer and newsier than the announcement Prevea Health dumped an anti-vaxxer on our roster.

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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

I am not the author. But I definitely recognize I share some things in common with Rodgers. Some of the stories I've read about him are 100% things I would do, too. 

For example:

" intense desire to push and prod and challenge and question. To take things to such a degree as to be, at times, uncomfortable.

For Rodgers, nothing is irrelevant and everything is subject to review. He wants to know about people and places and things. He wants to understand motivations"


This is 100% me and the college frat story is 100% something I would do.

There's definitely similarities. However, I am FAR more likely to understand where my expertise is and where it is not and defer to the experts for the latter. 

It's a significant difference.

Oh just have fun with it, lol.

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3 minutes ago, Toddfather said:

Oh just have fun with it, lol.

I'm actually self-aware (unlike Rodgers, IMO). I tick off 1 or 2 of the narcissistic traits (to some degree) and have been aware of this for pretty much my adult life. I'd argue that FAR more people do than care to admit, and are completely unaware or dishonest with themselves about it. So you're absolutely right that it's easy for me to see some of these things in others ;)

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5 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I tick off 1 or 2 of the narcissistic traits (to some degree) and have been aware of this for pretty much my adult life.

This is the most puzzling thing.....I can see no reason you'd take on narcissistic traits :)

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3 hours ago, incognito_man said:

The full article: https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/11/05/the-problem-is-aaron-rodgers-thinks-he-has-all-the-answers


Well, now we know why Aaron Rodgers wanted to host Jeopardy! He is always sure he has all the answers.

Two days after testing positive for COVID-19 and being “outed” (his word) as unvaccinated, Rodgers did an interview with Pat McAfee that was a sad mixture of self-righteousness and misinformation, a man unironically countering “blatant lies that are out there about myself” with his own set of untruths and half-truths. There is a lot to discuss here, but start with this question—uttered by Rodgers. In poker terms, this is a tell:

“If the vaccine is so great, then how come people are still getting COVID and spreading COVID and unfortunately dying from COVID?”

This is every bit as ridiculous as asking, “If Aaron Rodgers is such a great quarterback, why does he throw interceptions?” or “If eating vegetables is so great, why do some vegetarians still get cancer?” Rodgers is an intelligent person. He claims to have spent many months, lots of money and more than the average lifetime’s allotment of printer paper on vaccine research, and yet he couldn’t find an answer to that?

Here it is, Aaron: COVID-19 vaccines are not 100% effective. This has been common knowledge since before the vaccines received federal approval. It was literally in the first headlines! If you get vaccinated, you can still get COVID-19. You can even still die from it. But if you do get it, the effects will probably be far less severe, and you’re less likely to transmit it to others.

In-depth analysis, unrivaled access. Get SPORTS ILLUSTRATED's best stories every weekday. Sign up now.

When a smart person says something so stupid, you should question everything else they say on the topic. It is easy to dismiss Rodgers as dumb (he isn’t) or political (he claims not to be). His problem is likely that he is so congenitally mistrustful that once he started questioning vaccines—for whatever reason—he dove so deep into a rabbit hole that he can no longer tell a carrot from a cucumber.

Rodgers told McAfee he is taking ivermectin on the advice of his new friend, podcaster Joe Rogan (the CDC does not consider ivermectin effective in treating or preventing COVID-19), and that the “woke mob” will be disappointed to hear that after 48 hours, he feels great. I am sincerely glad he feels great, but also: So what? I once felt great just 48 hours after eating at Applebee’s. What does that have to do with anything? This is a classic and frankly simple example of using anecdotal evidence to prove a point that can be proved with only statistics; it is the height of intellectual dishonesty, even if Rodgers is gullible enough to believe it himself.

Some people get COVID-19 and show no symptoms. This has been true since the start of the pandemic, before anybody ever had the dubious idea to take ivermectin to treat it. And speaking of ivermectin: Rodgers claimed that Pfizer’s new preventative COVID-19 pill is “basically the expensive version of ivermectin,” even though that has been credibly refuted. This is a man who has decided to believe what he wants to believe, especially if it goes against the word of prominent experts.

Rodgers said ivermectin has “been used a billion times in India. Go look at that research, what’s going on over there.” I looked at what’s going on over there: Ivermectin has been removed from India’s treatment protocols.

Rodgers was not done taking McAfee on his tour of the world. He went to Israel and cited a study that, “people who get COVID and recover have the most robust immunity.” That study has not been peer-reviewed and was possibly flawed (researchers could have missed those who tested positive and are asymptomatic), but also, it ignores the nagging issue that people who get COVID-19 sometimes die. More than 750,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. Many others have long-haul symptoms and are fighting a daily battle to live their previous lives. But hey, at least they (might) have the most robust immunity!

As anybody who has ever crossed Rodgers can tell you, when he digs in, he really digs in. He says he is allergic to two ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and that started him down this path, and once he got going, he picked up speed fast. Rodgers complained the NFL “sent in a stooge to basically shame our team.” He even said “one of the main [NFL] doctors said it’s impossible for a vaccinated person to get COVID or spread COVID,” which NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy told me was “absolutely false.” As a frequent critic of the NFL and its tendency to overreach, let me say I find Rodgers’s contention preposterous. That sounds like a conspiracy theorist hearing what he wants to hear.

Should we keep going? Why not? Rodgers did. He said unvaccinated people are “being made to think we’re the dangers, we’re the superspreaders.” This is true. It is because they are the superspreaders. They spread the virus at a higher rate than vaccinated people, and, because they are more likely to get it in the first place, the effect is exponential.

Part of being a conspiracy theorist is convincing yourself that everybody is lying and only you and those who are like-minded see what is really happening. Rodgers claimed his stance is inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., which is a disturbing form of self-validation. He also made the dishonest argument that in 2020, liberals did not believe a vaccine would be real because it would be good for then President Donald Trump. In fact, many liberals believed that Trump would lie about a vaccine right before Election Day, a concern that stemmed from Trump’s previous promises that COVID-19 was “totally under control” and that it would go away by summer.

Rodgers claimed, “I’m not some sort of anti-vaxx, flat-Earther—I’m a critical thinker,” but that view of himself is not supported by his own words. Rodgers can be so thoughtful on a lot of topics, but he bristles at anybody who he perceives is trying to put him in his place. This is why he is so focused on “a shame-based environment” and “draconian” measures—and, one imagines, why he sought out those who would confirm his perception that he was being persecuted.

Rodgers should be facing the Chiefs this weekend. Instead, he is fighting straw men. He told McAfee “to just say that [a vaccine] is a blanket for all that ails you, in my opinion, is wrong and reckless.” Of course, that is not what doctors and scientists are saying. They’re saying if more people take the vaccine, fewer people will die. It’s simple and backed by science. Rodgers also said we should focus on eating healthy instead of vaccine distribution, as though it’s one or the other.

Spreading vaccine misinformation is wrong and reckless. It is what Rodgers did Friday. The more right he claimed to be, the more wrong he was. People have died listening to the same kind of nonsense Rodgers spread Friday. And he spread it only to protect himself, his ego and his perpetual belief that the world has wronged Aaron Rodgers.

So sayeth Michael Rosenberg. Like the Rodgers or not, his process has worked thus far.  He's comfortably perched at the upper echelon of his sport. 

The gatekeepers of the orthodoxy (the media) are absolutely irate that he decided to deviate from the established narrative. Rodgers has gone beyond the carefully crafted Madison avenue slogans and government propaganda to find out what logically suits his body.  

Edited by Howler
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