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26 minutes ago, PACKRULE said:

Totally disagree with the endzone take, in consideration of the rule for fair catching it and a kicker possibly kicking short why take the chance of kicking short. Any good returner can just call a fair catch. Sure there are guys that bring them back. I'm surprised we didn't get more fair catches with those short kicks this year to be honest, but he does not have a big leg maybe he's still growing but he's not a big leg kicker. When he does kick into the EZ he's lucky if they are 2-3 yards deep at best. Can't tell me that RB wants them short every KO. 

He's got a weak leg on KO. He simply does. 

Agree with the rest of your take about a rook though. We tore the bandaid off i called for it actually to leg Cosby walk and start new so was willing to deal with misses. It's too bad, i'm sure we wanted the kid from MI on our team but he went just a bit earlier then our pick if i remember correctly.

Yah, I feel like you really don't understand the game within the game on special teams at all.

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2 hours ago, vegas492 said:

I feel like you gotta get over that bias concerning not kicking into the end zone.  It was very obvious that it was a coaching strategy.

Without looking it up, were there any kickers that were basically perfect on PAT's?  I feel like most every game I watched this year outside of GB included missed PAT's.  

I feel like Justin Tucker is about as good of a kicker as there is.  He missed one.  

Brandon Aubrey (Cowboys) was a heckuva kicker.  He missed three.

I tried looking up the Lions kicker, but they got rid of one and the new guy missed 2 out of 15.

Seems like perfection is tough on PATs.  No doubt that Carlson needs to improve there.  

There’s a difference between perfect and basically perfect. It was moved back to encourage the 2pt so it’s not automatic. Still there were plenty of kickers that were 100% and most in the 90’s. 87.2% for Anders puts him only above a three guys, one got let go, one played in a tanking Carolina and one was Mason Crosby.

There are many other things a kicker has to be good at but that needs to be a very high % play. Missed PATs haunted us in a few games where we had to make up a 4 point deficit instead of 3 late in the game. Anders deserves the criticism there. 

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3 minutes ago, Refugee said:

There’s a difference between perfect and basically perfect. It was moved back to encourage the 2pt so it’s not automatic. Still there were plenty of kickers that were 100% and most in the 90’s. 87.2% for Anders puts him only above a three guys, one got let go, one played in a tanking Carolina and one was Mason Crosby.

There are many other things a kicker has to be good at but that needs to be a very high % play. Missed PATs haunted us in a few games where we had to make up a 4 point deficit instead of 3 late in the game. Anders deserves the criticism there. 

at 87.2%.... you should go for 2 in neutral situations if you can expect to convert 44% of the time.

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50 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

Yah, I feel like you really don't understand the game within the game on special teams at all.

wow ok please explain to me. Maybe use popups or crayon for me may be easier to get!

Would the game within the game that I'm not aware of not include at times for various reasons kicking the crap out of the ball and getting a TB? I mean there would have to be a reason to do that seeing other teams do it or did GB become the ST guru this year with a ton or rookie talent:). 

I'm quite certain Anders did get a few TB's this year ( 86 KO and 37 TB from what I could find ) but not many were deep or through the EZ from start of the year till completion of season. Further in the link below he's been pretty consistent since Auburn really so must have drafted him with short KO in mind. 

Having kicked before in my local park touch league ( and getting MVP honors ), also being an advocate for the release of Cosby I tried to pay close attention to Anders this year. I just don't see a bit leg looks like Football data base keeps the avg distance of kicks.

While AC may not be very far behind the better/bigger legs in the NFL a few yards further into the EZ is huge in regards to TB. It would seem in regards to TB he is well behind the league leaders in that category.

But again my thoughts are without knowing as to whether RB tells him to kick it short on almost every KO to pin them deep.  Even with the new rules I find that hard to believe we do that every KO. But that's more of the game within the game that you're going to have to explain to me.  

Anders Carlson Stats | Green Bay Packers | The Football Database (footballdb.com)



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Big proponent of the power through on the kicker mentality.

Multiple times @skibrett15 wanted Crosby gone only for Crosby to come back and have a stronger year than before.

It’s kicker. The real difference between the top three kickers in the NFL and the rest is like the difference between Starbursts and Skittles. The difference between 4 and 28 is like the difference between different Skittles colors.

The difference between the top 29 and the rest in the league is like Skittles and Hersheys kisses.

So unless you think you have the 28th worst kicker to the 40th worst kicker, or unless you think you see a top 5 kicker, you just roll with what you’ve got.

Otherwise you’re bouncing each and every year from maybe good to maybe crap.

Anders Carlson just had a higher rookie kicking percentage than either Crosby or Longwell.

It’s Lambeau. It’s tough to kick in Lambeau.

Anders will be fine.

Edited by MacReady
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1 hour ago, skibrett15 said:

He's trying to bait the opponent into a return.  It's 100% by design.

On every KO, I know what the bait is on a short KO I get it never argued that. But teams can call a fair catch and there are other risks so why do we do it so so so much like we did this year. I can't get on board with that and posted back to Vegas with some stats on KO's in the NFL he's pretty far behind the leaders in TBs and KO yards. His stats haven't changed much since college regarding yards per KO. I just disagree that plan that on every KO, there would easily be reasons why at times the KO would call for a short kick or to kick through the EZ. I think RB had no choice but to do that short KO that often as AC doesn't have a big enough leg to get them 5-7 deep into the EZ and keep returners from coming out.

He's Crosby 2.0 so far for me. Never said I don't like the kid, just hope we do bring in a kid who can make a FG on a KO if you know what I mean. Why not have the best of both worlds. AC needs competition for sure. 

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8 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Big proponent of the power through on the kicker mentality.

Multiple times @skibrett15 wanted Crosby gone only for Crosby to come back and have a stronger year than before.

It’s kicker. The real difference between the top three kickers in the NFL and the rest is like the difference between Starbursts and Skittles. The difference between 4 and 28 is like the difference between different Skittles colors.

The difference between the top 29 and the rest in the league is like Skittles and Hersheys kisses.

So unless you think you have the 28th worst kicker to the 40th worst kicker, or unless you think you see a top 5 kicker, you just roll with what you’ve got.

Otherwise you’re bouncing each and every year from maybe good to maybe crap.

Anders Carlson just had a higher rookie kicking percentage than either Crosby or Longwell.

It’s Lambeau. It’s tough to kick in Lambeau.

Anders will be fine.

These are good and valid points when it comes to PAT and FG's. I think most would totally agree he's a rook kicking in warm, then cold, then freezing weather in GB can be a big issue. Hopefully he grows with his metal game for FB and PAT's.

I myself would like to see a bigger leg for KO's but not sure that happens without losing the accuracy on FG's and PAT's being a caveat which some of the better kickers can do. Your analogy is entertaining. 

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7 hours ago, Old Guy said:

This is spot on. Almost have to wonder if riding it out with Carlson is the better course of action. I'd say, if he continues to struggle though TC and early into next season, might be time to pull the plug though. 

We could definitely upgrade his long snapper, that guy was not great this year. 

Yeah I saw quite a few snaps that were high, skidded along the ground, in the holders lap. Hope that guy gets it together. 

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7 minutes ago, PACKRULE said:

On every KO, I know what the bait is on a short KO I get it never argued that. But teams can call a fair catch and there are other risks so why do we do it so so so much like we did this year. I can't get on board with that and posted back to Vegas with some stats on KO's in the NFL he's pretty far behind the leaders in TBs and KO yards. His stats haven't changed much since college regarding yards per KO. I just disagree that plan that on every KO, there would easily be reasons why at times the KO would call for a short kick or to kick through the EZ. I think RB had no choice but to do that short KO that often as AC doesn't have a big enough leg to get them 5-7 deep into the EZ and keep returners from coming out.

He's Crosby 2.0 so far for me. Never said I don't like the kid, just hope we do bring in a kid who can make a FG on a KO if you know what I mean. Why not have the best of both worlds. AC needs competition for sure. 

You don't think Crosby had a huge leg?

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We do tend to obsess over misses by kickers. Doubs failing to haul in an endzone pass on the 1st drive of the game cost the Packers more points than Carlson's missed FG. 

All of Carlson's missed XP's for the entire year cost the Packers the equivalent of 1 missed TD opportunity. 

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I finally realized the way to describe the receiving core. Piranhas. They are a pack of piranhas. All of them bite everything they see and once one does, it’s not their second bite you need to be afraid of most, it’s surviving everyone else’s first.

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21 minutes ago, Kepler said:

Yeah I saw quite a few snaps that were high, skidded along the ground, in the holders lap. Hope that guy gets it together. 

They need to poach someone that's really good at it.  Seems we've had a string of middling snappers in GB for quite some time.

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