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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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1 minute ago, LuckyNumber11 said:

Don't y'all have like, jobs or responsibilities though that keep you from a computer for a little more than a half hour at a time? Or do you guys just all work at a computer

Law school.  Exams in a month.  So I'm usually near my computer.

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

Law school.  Exams in a month.  So I'm usually near my computer.

I'm mainly joking, my job just doesn't have me around a computer too often. If I'm in class or at home though I'm generally glued to my computer. I'm trying to do accounting stuff right now but you know how it goes

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1 minute ago, LuckyNumber11 said:

I'm mainly joking, my job just doesn't have me around a computer too often. If I'm in class or at home though I'm generally glued to my computer. I'm trying to do accounting stuff right now but you know how it goes

That's understandable.  We are just a group impatient *******s who demand immediate gratification.

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7 minutes ago, LuckyNumber11 said:

Don't y'all have like, jobs or responsibilities though that keep you from a computer for a little more than a half hour at a time? Or do you guys just all work at a computer

It's called a smart phone for a reason. It makes all our posts and messages for us :D

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HOH 10: BattleBots

no working together or you will be evicted

Famous J, as outgoing HOH, you will not compete.

Deadline to get moves in: Sunday at 9 PM CST

You will not spin the wheel for failing to send in moves.

How to Play:
In this game you design a robot (using Stats), and you devise a Strategy (by deciding what criteria to chose to attack) then I run it through a battle royale. Last robot alive wins!

Feel free to name your robot!

You have fifteen points to spend on the bot.
X indicates the amount you are spending on each stat.

HP: 5 + 2*X
HP falls as the battle royale goes on. If reduced to zero then you're eliminated.

Attack: 1 + X
This is the amount of damage that can be done on a successful hit.

Aim: 1 + X
The higher it is then the greater the chance of scoring a hit.
This will be compared with your opponent's Dodge.

Dodge: 1 + X
For each point higher than or equal to your opponent's aim, there will be an additional 10% chance that your opponent will miss.
(For instance, if your opponent's aim is 3, and your dodge is 5, there's an 80% chance your opponent will hit).
(if your opponent's aim is 3 and your dodge is 3, there's a 90% chance your opponent will hit)
(If your opponent's aim is 4 and your dodge is 3, there's a 100% chance your opponent will hit).

NOTE: the percentage chance can't go lower than 50%.

Defense: X
Reduces the impact of being hit by the value you select. It can not reduce something to less than one.

Speed: X
The higher one's speed the earlier in the turn order they get to attack.
The player(s) (if any) who have the highest speed in the round have a 70% chance to get an extra attack at the end of the round.

This is where you'll program your robot as to which OTHER robots it will attack.
The publicly available information for your robot to make choices about are:

* Stats (Attack, Aim, Dodge, Speed, Defense, etc)
* The robot's current HP,
* the attacks made by the robots earlier in the round or in the previous round
*any other discrete information you can think of.

You will basically choosing which robots to attack based on certain information about the robots. You CANNOT decide to attack based on the robot's owners. Your program will ALWAYS attack Alive robots, so you don't need to program that part. You robot will never attack itself, so you don't need to worry about that either. Remember, it's up to you to program the robot to your liking.

Strategy Examples:


Strategy: (in order of tiebreakers)
1. Attack any bot that has attacked my bot earlier in the round
1. Attack the bot with the lowest remaining HP
2. Attack the bot with the lowest dodge
3. Attack the bot with the lowest defense


1.attack bot with lowest hp
2. if tie, attack one with lower dodge



Attack the lowest dodge
if a tie attack lowest HP
if still a tie, highest Attack.



1. Attack lowest dodge
2. If tied attack highest aim
3. If tied attack highest attack


1. Attack Robot with lowest dodge.
2. If a tie, attack the Robot with the lowest defense.
3. If a tie, attack the robot with the lowest health.
4. If a tie, randomize target


1. @EliteTexan80

2. @domepatrol91

3. @LuckyNumber11

4. @Whicker

5. @RuskieTitan

6. @Ragnarok

7. @HorizontoZenith

8. @iPwn

10. @gopherwrestler

11. @mission27

12. @LetTheBallFly

13. @JBURGE25

14. @Shady Slim

15. @Adrenaline_Flux

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