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2018 Free Agency - Prospects for GB


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The Packers surely have to add some CBs.  I just think House can contribute enough that we don't jump the board in the first couple of rounds if the value is wrong. So instead of taking a player 15 or so spots before you want to, we can wait and not pass up a superior prospect at another position.

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12 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

True, House could be better without Capers, but IMO losing Randall and adding Williams/House is not enough of an upgrade, regardless of where we draft a CB. Need one additional FA move. I see House as a No. 3-4 CB at best. Best case, House struggles to even make the final 53 because some of the unknown young players make significant jumps. Worst case, you have House as insurance if the young guys still look like UDFAs again. 

Damn. We're gonna sign so many CBs they wont all be able to get TC reps. Hey - we overdrafted RBs last year - lets do it again this year - but with DBs!

I keep seeing blurbs about these "underrated CBs" on NFL Network - fast as hell - can do this or that - so lets pile them up on the back end to compete with the the CB depth we've already got - weed em out and go with the best crop we can into this season. I'm a strong proponent of roster packing. Getting loaded up with ATHLETES. PLAY & DIFFERENCE makers.

Although I like House "per se" I think his body may be starting to break down. Staying healthy isnt his strong suit.


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2 hours ago, Scoremore said:

You don't get it Leader.  This is not why people are upset.  We surrounded by politics all the time.  Football is our one escape.  Don't need our beloved sport infiltrated.  I am somewhat sympathetic to the cause but not the way they went about it.  Just want to settle in and watch some football the one thing that unites instead of divides.  On another topic really beginning to not like Murphy.  He is talking about doing away with kick offs.  Understand they want to make the football safer but if they continue on this course the game will be unrecognizable.  Are they going to take away punts too?  Enough with the damn rule changes leave the sport alone.

Yea most here do not get it at all. I haven’t seen anybody portray an understanding of their opponent’s actual viewpoint. Just strawmen arguments of what they think the other side believes and falsely labeling vast portions of the country racist.

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22 minutes ago, Pugger said:

Of course that's why he's still out there.  The question is how bad is it really and can he be had for the right price.  He will heal.  So is there still interest from the Packers?  

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34 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:

Of course that's why he's still out there.  The question is how bad is it really and can he be had for the right price.  He will heal.  So is there still interest from the Packers?  

I think it worked out well for GB. Breeland's injury kept him on the market. Gutz will be going hard after him once that injury heals which will be post draft. He may actually have a petty high market with some teams missing out on CBs in the draft.

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2 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I'm totally fine with Tramon, King, House and one more free agent.  DRC would be great. 

What about Tramon, King, House and Ward/Oliver/Hughes/Alexander? 

I'm comfortable with that. It's a weaker group but could be worse

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7 minutes ago, JBURGE25 said:

What about Tramon, King, House and Ward/Oliver/Hughes/Alexander? 

I'm comfortable with that. It's a weaker group but could be worse

If we can get all four of those rookie CBs that’d be great! Prob cost a bunch though....


I would be content with King/Tramon/House and a 1-2 round rookie. It wouldn’t be the best group, but if King takes the next step, Tramon/ House stay healthy and the rookie can play descent ball it could be a good group. I’m pretty high on our pass rush (especially if we get Landry) and think it’ll help the group too.

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Just now, cannondale said:

Bill Parcells comes to mind. He said something along the lines of "until you do it, you can't do it"

I can name 10 times more players that we all thought was going to be the next nothing to Hall of Fame who turned out to be nothing than players who turned out to be a pro bowl player.

Sam Shields really killed Packer expectations.  Sam Shields and Ryan Grant. 

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11 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I can name 10 times more players that we all thought was going to be the next nothing to Hall of Fame who turned out to be nothing than players who turned out to be a pro bowl player.

Sam Shields really killed Packer expectations.  Sam Shields and Ryan Grant. 

Dr. Samkon Gado


He works at SLU... I have found my new doctor!

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59 minutes ago, JBURGE25 said:

What about Tramon, King, House and Ward/Oliver/Hughes/Alexander? 

I'm comfortable with that. It's a weaker group but could be worse

It's not ideal, but that's my realistic best case scenario for our CB group.

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