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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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I'm still weary of this, so for now I will go Gopher since he seems to have the most checkmarks against him imo

Don't like how that wiki changed your mind quickly MathMan, keeping my eye on you.


11 hours ago, MathMan said:

read my other posts. now im positive that 1 mafia is in our mix.

kill us all if we must


9 hours ago, MathMan said:

we probably are all civs


9 hours ago, MathMan said:


i am vanilla. hammer me and get it over with




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Just now, LetTheBallFly said:

Don't like how that wiki changed your mind quickly MathMan, keeping my eye on you.

the wiki explicitly said that the 3 chosen players are completely picked by mafia, and can all be civs. after losing a mafioso day 1, i am thinking that they go the safe route.


hell, i dont care if im the lynch. just dont lynch all 3 of us. lynch one of us.

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Just now, MathMan said:

the wiki explicitly said that the 3 chosen players are completely picked by mafia, and can all be civs. after losing a mafioso day 1, i am thinking that they go the safe route.


hell, i dont care if im the lynch. just dont lynch all 3 of us. lynch one of us.

I don't think you are mafia at this time, just given the wiki info, that was a complete 180 that I find a little odd in that short of time. So maybe a little hesitant. I'm thinking based on D1 and what FJ posted...Gopher is still at the top of my list by a large margin

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7 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

I don’t think mathman is vanilla at all

and i feel like you are the best bet for mafia as well.

from my point of view, fj isnt going to put himself up as mafia because he had major heat n1 

your actions make me believe you have an excellent chance to be mafia, and if not, we only lose a normie.


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3 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

No vote

Let them all die. It'll be 6:2 at worst. Otherwise we'll spend tomorrow figuring out who to lynch of the three, if we mislynch tonight.

this is literally so awful i almost want to lolclear him cause he isn't this bad right?

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Just now, MathMan said:

only votes for me, gopher, or fj will count.

i strongly suggest gopher, but its up to you

math but im low risk lynch option so i doubt my opinion will have the ability to influence the masses so i wouldn't worry if i was you

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