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4 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

Nope, you're just another sheep fallen into the persona that McGregor plays. Right where he wants you and how he makes money. Dude is a pretty legit guy in real life.

Legit great guys throw dollies through bus windows?

1 minute ago, Pats#1 said:

That goes for all stations nowadays unfortunately 


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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

It is public knowledge that the McGregor camp had been saying things that were borderline hate speech. I am simply stating, there are some things that could be said to me to provoke me to jump and cage. I’m not even as proud as Khabib.

"Hate speech" is such a soft term. Some naughty words are on a black-list, give me a break.

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1 minute ago, lancerman said:

WTF are you talking about. Conor made his entire ******* UFC career out of cheap WWE self promotion. Ric Flair called him out for ripping off his gimmick. Let's be real nothing done here was worse than Conor legitimately injuring and endangering a bunch of innocent people on a bus to make a spectacle of himself. Conor's a scumbag, tonight we found out Khabib is too. 

Conor made a character that people either love or hate and marketed himself from four figures in his bank account to $150M in a matter of two years. The guy is a genius. And no he isn't a scumbag, his character is not his real personality at all. You can go ahead and keep being jealous that the guy was able to take about same money any of us have, market himself, and become $150M richer. And LOL Ric Flair thinks ANYONE that is even remotely entertaining/playing a character is ripping off his character. Ric Flair is an old senile drunk. It's sad how he has fallen over the years.

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Just now, jrry32 said:

Do you not remember UFC 223? It cost them Pettis/Chiesa, Borg/Moreno, and Lobov/Caceres. And yes, outcomes do matter.

which one of those fights is a big enough draw that it cost ppv buys? Not a single one is the correct answer. 


And maybe outcomes matter legally, but thats not always the end all be all. Khabib put customers in danger, its worse. Youll say its not worse and around, around we go....

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6 minutes ago, childofpudding said:

He'd probably have more gas if he cut. He was tired early vs Bisping because he went up a weight class.

Yea for sure, but you could tell he was just all around much thicker now then back at his 170 days. 


In in order to properly lose the muscle to get down low enough, it would take a long time, and doing that may improve his cardio, but not to the extent he used to have imo.

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Just now, BayRaider said:

And no he isn't a scumbag, his character is not his real personality at all.

You can't possibly know that either way. You shouldn't be so cocky in that regard. His wife and family know for sure. Maybe Dana does too, but us schmucks online? We have no clue.

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8 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

UFC needs to let go of these old stars.

The talent pool nowadays is wayyy bigger in part because the sport has exploded. Treat your athletes right, honor the rankings and champion-caliber athletes will emerge.

This x1000


GSP revolutionized the sport, but the UFC can’t bring him back for these pick em matches like they’re Bellator.


Hes taking the spot of a viable challenger if he takes a championship fight, which is the only one he would take.

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1 minute ago, BayRaider said:

Conor made a character that people either love or hate and marketed himself from four figures in his bank account to $150M in a matter of two years. The guy is a genius. And no he isn't a scumbag, his character is not his real personality at all. You can go ahead and keep being jealous that the guy was able to take about same money any of us have, market himself, and become $150M richer. And LOL Ric Flair thinks ANYONE that is even remotely entertaining/playing a character is ripping off his character. Ric Flair is an old senile drunk. It's sad how he has fallen over the years.

Conor when he was promoting his fight with Diaz was careless ******* throwing **** around at the press conference. Conor wanted to make himself a story and attacked a bus which legitimately injured fighters, got glass in someones eyes and had fighters pulled from a card that they trained for and had innocent bystanders injured. Yeah he's a scumbag for that and it's despicable to defend him because you like him or think his characters entertaining. He's a piece of trash who let it go to his head and people ACTUALLY got hurt because of it. He's a scumbag, plain and simple. 

Just as it's despicable to defend the guy in Khabib's camp who attacked Conor. 

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