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I will be totally honest about the last tribal immunity challenge. Some people will get it, and some will be pissed off.

I was the leader of our tribe for this challenge. I was trusted by 5 desperate people who I cared for and who I wanted keep  alive.

They trusted me with their lives and I had to ensure that they all survived that day.

The bbws posted about an alliance in thread with the funky bunch  to make common cause against the hectic tree club.

Except if the hectic tree club has enough sense to protect one person on their tribe, and attack both of our tribes,  they would have all the tiebreakers and would win.

There are a lot of smart people on THC crew, so obviously it was possible. The BBW/Funky alliance was the best thing for THC because they got to maximize their kills (tiebreaker)

That said, I felt if I turned down the alliance and explained this, jfinley might strike against me. So I accepted. And I made moves such that if THC didn't protect 1 single member, they would be evicted.

Jfinley (leader of the BBWs) and I worked together on the challenge.  The strategy was to each attack different members of the hectic tree club each day.

As ambassador of the funky bunch,  I  buffed our tribe to make 100 percent sure there was no possibility we would lose.

One of the tiebreakers is how many people you paint. So if THC club myopically tried to eliminate the funky bunch, I had that covered.

I told jfin which members of HTC to hit. The thing is, my moves hit that particular HTC player first. One step ahead of fin. So funky bunch would always get the kill.

It worked. The funky bunch had the first 6 kills. Every HTC member was painted by funky bunch and not the BBWs.

We had the tiebreaker, if HTC decided to only attack funky bunch. Since we both ended up with 1 member, and they could only paint 5 people of our tribe and we could paint 6 of theirs, we would auto-win the tiebreaker. HTC would have went to the TC.

Also, obviously, if HTC didn't think of protecting one member of their tribe, they would have easily been taken out by the BBW/Funky Bunch combo. That would have been my preferred option, not because HTC would be eliminated, but because it would have make me look less like a ****

I also told jfinley to protect his tribe, and I will protect mine.

Jfinley even sent me his moves for me to double-check.....I noticed he protected a different tribe member each time. Not a single person like we did.

I said moves look good. And he sent them in. I knew that if HTC did try to spread their hits out between the tribes, BBW would likely be eliminated, and Funky Bunch would be safe.

This was a tribal challenge, and it was my obligation for the 5 other lives on our tribe that I was responsible for.

I was bringing them all home.

 This was the entire point of that particular challenge. It wasn't backstabbing. Jfinley had the opportunity to think of his protection strategy. If I would have corrected him, I would have been directly responsible for hockey dying, for Utley dying, for whicker dying, for shady dying, for ted dying, or myself dying.



So now that we are a team of 10, I am 100 percent committed to whatever team I am on, to win the challenge every time.

That's what I am here for.

I don't give a **** about alliances.

Evict me the days the tribes merge, and we are on our own.

But with me, you always have an excellent chance of winning these challenges, and seeing the other team going to tribal council.

I look forward to rebirthing in this game with new friends (my tribe) and new enemies (the opposing tribe).


Hakuna matata ****.


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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

1.  I already talked to everyone in the tribe.  How do you think I knew this was coming?
2.  If true, then who did the other fin vote and the nazgul vote come from?
3.  Having others vote me out is no different than voting me out yourself.  


1. then surely they told you the whole plan? i believe i told that to everyone about me voting FJ, just in case you played an idol. i didn't think you had an idol, i was just saying that to not break the promise. 
2. i have no idea where the other fin vote came from lol. if i knew i wouldn't be deceased. i assumed you convinced someone. i know where the nazgul vote came from, because it was something that happened late in the process when i wasn't online. not gonna blow his game up. 
3. from a moral stand point, yes no different. from the structural confines of the agreement that we had in place, i broke no promise. well i did. but i didn't mean too. 

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7 minutes ago, MathMan said:



I will be totally honest about the last tribal immunity challenge. Some people will get it, and some will be pissed off.

I was the leader of our tribe for this challenge. I was trusted by 5 desperate people who I cared for and who I wanted keep  alive.

They trusted me with their lives and I had to ensure that they all survived that day.

The bbws posted about an alliance in thread with the funky bunch  to make common cause against the hectic tree club.

Except if the hectic tree club has enough sense to protect one person on their tribe, and attack both of our tribes,  they would have all the tiebreakers and would win.

There are a lot of smart people on THC crew, so obviously it was possible. The BBW/Funky alliance was the best thing for THC because they got to maximize their kills (tiebreaker)

That said, I felt if I turned down the alliance and explained this, jfinley might strike against me. So I accepted. And I made moves such that if THC didn't protect 1 single member, they would be evicted.

Jfinley (leader of the BBWs) and I worked together on the challenge.  The strategy was to each attack different members of the hectic tree club each day.

As ambassador of the funky bunch,  I  buffed our tribe to make 100 percent sure there was no possibility we would lose.

One of the tiebreakers is how many people you paint. So if THC club myopically tried to eliminate the funky bunch, I had that covered.

I told jfin which members of HTC to hit. The thing is, my moves hit that particular HTC player first. One step ahead of fin. So funky bunch would always get the kill.

It worked. The funky bunch had the first 6 kills. Every HTC member was painted by funky bunch and not the BBWs.

We had the tiebreaker, if HTC decided to only attack funky bunch. Since we both ended up with 1 member, and they could only paint 5 people of our tribe and we could paint 6 of theirs, we would auto-win the tiebreaker. HTC would have went to the TC.

Also, obviously, if HTC didn't think of protecting one member of their tribe, they would have easily been taken out by the BBW/Funky Bunch combo. That would have been my preferred option, not because HTC would be eliminated, but because it would have make me look less like a ****

I also told jfinley to protect his tribe, and I will protect mine.

Jfinley even sent me his moves for me to double-check.....I noticed he protected a different tribe member each time. Not a single person like we did.

I said moves look good. And he sent them in. I knew that if HTC did try to spread their hits out between the tribes, BBW would likely be eliminated, and Funky Bunch would be safe.

This was a tribal challenge, and it was my obligation for the 5 other lives on our tribe that I was responsible for.

I was bringing them all home.

 This was the entire point of that particular challenge. It wasn't backstabbing. Jfinley had the opportunity to think of his protection strategy. If I would have corrected him, I would have been directly responsible for hockey dying, for Utley dying, for whicker dying, for shady dying, for ted dying, or myself dying.



So now that we are a team of 10, I am 100 percent committed to whatever team I am on, to win the challenge every time.

That's what I am here for.

I don't give a **** about alliances.

Evict me the days the tribes merge, and we are on our own.

But with me, you always have an excellent chance of winning these challenges, and seeing the other team going to tribal council.

I look forward to rebirthing in this game with new friends (my tribe) and new enemies (the opposing tribe).


Hakuna matata ****.


So ultimately, you caused the death of jfin.

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7 minutes ago, MathMan said:



I will be totally honest about the last tribal immunity challenge. Some people will get it, and some will be pissed off.

I was the leader of our tribe for this challenge. I was trusted by 5 desperate people who I cared for and who I wanted keep  alive.

They trusted me with their lives and I had to ensure that they all survived that day.

The bbws posted about an alliance in thread with the funky bunch  to make common cause against the hectic tree club.

Except if the hectic tree club has enough sense to protect one person on their tribe, and attack both of our tribes,  they would have all the tiebreakers and would win.

There are a lot of smart people on THC crew, so obviously it was possible. The BBW/Funky alliance was the best thing for THC because they got to maximize their kills (tiebreaker)

That said, I felt if I turned down the alliance and explained this, jfinley might strike against me. So I accepted. And I made moves such that if THC didn't protect 1 single member, they would be evicted.

Jfinley (leader of the BBWs) and I worked together on the challenge.  The strategy was to each attack different members of the hectic tree club each day.

As ambassador of the funky bunch,  I  buffed our tribe to make 100 percent sure there was no possibility we would lose.

One of the tiebreakers is how many people you paint. So if THC club myopically tried to eliminate the funky bunch, I had that covered.

I told jfin which members of HTC to hit. The thing is, my moves hit that particular HTC player first. One step ahead of fin. So funky bunch would always get the kill.

It worked. The funky bunch had the first 6 kills. Every HTC member was painted by funky bunch and not the BBWs.

We had the tiebreaker, if HTC decided to only attack funky bunch. Since we both ended up with 1 member, and they could only paint 5 people of our tribe and we could paint 6 of theirs, we would auto-win the tiebreaker. HTC would have went to the TC.

Also, obviously, if HTC didn't think of protecting one member of their tribe, they would have easily been taken out by the BBW/Funky Bunch combo. That would have been my preferred option, not because HTC would be eliminated, but because it would have make me look less like a ****

I also told jfinley to protect his tribe, and I will protect mine.

Jfinley even sent me his moves for me to double-check.....I noticed he protected a different tribe member each time. Not a single person like we did.

I said moves look good. And he sent them in. I knew that if HTC did try to spread their hits out between the tribes, BBW would likely be eliminated, and Funky Bunch would be safe.

This was a tribal challenge, and it was my obligation for the 5 other lives on our tribe that I was responsible for.

I was bringing them all home.

 This was the entire point of that particular challenge. It wasn't backstabbing. Jfinley had the opportunity to think of his protection strategy. If I would have corrected him, I would have been directly responsible for hockey dying, for Utley dying, for whicker dying, for shady dying, for ted dying, or myself dying.



So now that we are a team of 10, I am 100 percent committed to whatever team I am on, to win the challenge every time.

That's what I am here for.

I don't give a **** about alliances.

Evict me the days the tribes merge, and we are on our own.

But with me, you always have an excellent chance of winning these challenges, and seeing the other team going to tribal council.

I look forward to rebirthing in this game with new friends (my tribe) and new enemies (the opposing tribe).


Hakuna matata ****.


Jesus Christ tldr

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

So ultimately, you caused the death of jfin.

Ultimately we all cause the death of jfin by not loving him fully every day they way he deser vs

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2 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Well, much longer than the tyty thing.

"hey guys, lets evict ty. "









I’m telling my mom on you 

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