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@Shady Slim, @Nazgul, @TedLavie, @mission27, @bcb1213, @theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @Adrenaline_Flux, @The Orca,

The above players have all voted for a player to return.

@Pickle Rick, @Hockey5djh,

Have not voted.

If Pickle and Hockey vote before 1 PM, voting will be over. 

If they do not vote by 1 PM, voting will be over. 

If there is a tie, the first of the tied players to receive three votes is back in. 

The first Individual Immunity Challenge will be posted as soon as the votes are read.  Because both tribes went to Tribal Council, Decisions, Decisions, Decisions has been eliminated as a challenge. 

The next challenge is Recall.  Recall will be a test of how well you recall information throughout the game.  If there is a tie for first place, the winner will be whoever submitted their answers fastest.  There are 27 questions. 

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@Shady Slim, @Nazgul, @TedLavie, @mission27, @bcb1213, @theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @Adrenaline_Flux, @The Orca, Rick, @Hockey5djh, @ET80,

ET received three votes and he is BACK IN THE GAME! 

Congratulations on making it to the Final 12!  The game gets more difficult and more serious from here on out.  You will be responsible for submitting an Immunity Challenge every time.  You will be responsible for voting every time.  Riggity Riggity members should be used to this. 


Deadline 1 PM CST Saturday

Do you recall all the pictures, links, videos and gifs I’ve posted in this game?  Do you remember the events that have happened?  If you want to win Individual Immunity, you better.  NO helping each other in this immunity challenge.  NO working together.  

Some of the answers can be looked up.  Some of them I have edited out. 

Here is a list of questions based on a number of images and videos I posted throughout the game.  Some of them I’ve edited out.  Others may still be there.  Whoever gets the most right WINS Immunity and safety during Tribal Council.  

If there is a tie, the tiebreaker goes to whomever submitted their answers fastest.  

Here are the questions.  Some questions have multiple points.  Some just have the one point.  Highest amount of points wins.  Tie goes to the fastest. 

1. After Reigning Champion’s Island lost Survivor Hoops, what song did I post a YouTube link to?
2. The first time I was told to relax, I posted a gif of a character from a TV series.  Who was that character?
3. What were the three songs I posted in the thread while asking for players to wait to post with the first four posts in this game?
4. Right before the first Immunity Challenge, I posted a picture when I was telling you to choose a leader.  What movie was that picture from?  
5. I posted a gif of a movie reference to a certain player signing up.  What was the movie?
6. After I posted the What Time Is It challenge, I edited posts on the first page.  I edited a song from YouTube into the post immediately after ET signed up.  Who was the band or artist, and what was the song (2 possible points).  
7. A reference was made to the year 1982.  I posted five gifs in response to that year.  From which movies did those five gifs come from (total of five points, can only make 5 guesses)
8. After ET and Mookie started crying foul in the Buried Treasure Challenge, I posted a gif in response to their complaints.  Which movie was the gif from?
9. I called one TV series the best show on television.  Which TV series was this?  
10. After we went to two tribes, we were waiting on TyTy.  I said I was going to watch another TV show unless TyTy voted within three minutes.  What was the TV show?  
11. While we were waiting on Tribes to vote before merging to one tribe, I posted a YouTube music video link.  What was the band and song?  (2 possible points)  
12. What was the answer to the FIRST clue from the FIRST First Word Reward Challenge?  For a bonus point, what was the clue?  
13.  From the First First Word Challenge, what was the movie that nobody got correctly?  Only the one I blanked out on page 25 will count.  
14. When Malf was Mathman early in the game, he suggested the actors in the Six Degrees of Separation Challenge had to make physical contact to count.  I posted a gif in response to this.  What movie was the gif from?  I will accept any of the three movies in the series.  
15. While waiting on the final vote before the merge, I posted a question followed by a gif about prejudice.  What movie was the gif from?
16. Who was the first player to receive a vote?
17. Who voted for themselves during Tribal Council?  Four players, two before the rule change.
18. Who were the leaders of the first four tribes?
19. Who was the SIXTH player to submit a big board for tribal selections?
20. During Pair Up, who was the first pair?
21. What was the date of the first merger?
22. Which tribe was the first to give their tribe a name?
23. Who went unpaired, and who did they pair with during the first Pair Up?
24. From the start of the game up to page 173, which castaway posted in thread the least?
25. In the first Reward Challenge, four players submitted responses.  Rank them in order of points scored.  
26. What was the original joke title for this year of Survivor before I announced the real title?
27. On which page did I post the results for the Reward Challenge From First to Last?

Edited by Outpost31
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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

@Shady Slim, @Nazgul, @TedLavie, @mission27, @bcb1213, @theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @Adrenaline_Flux, @The Orca, Rick, @Hockey5djh,

We have a tie.  The first player out of the two who tied to reach 3 votes to come back into the game will be back. 

The tie is between...

@ET80 and @Tyty

Damn @Ragnarok I asked them not to bring me back and they still wanted me in over you bruh that’s rough 

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