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This will be my last post as I delete my account but I wanted to respond. Since I joined two years ago, I was harassed. I stood up for myself the last two years and you all came after me. This year, I barely said a word and didn’t message anyone. Yet you have ppl like mission constantly posting and constantly talking ****. Still, I was removed right away. 

Obviousky what I have been saying in last season was true. You’re all a bunch of losers with no real friends. You all back each other up on this Internet forum I couldn’t care less about. You’re the type of nerds who were bullied by ppl like me in high school so you hide behind a computer and talk crap with nothing of value in your real life.

well congrats. I’m done and my account is gone. Just a Shame your lives are so pathetic that you need to obsess about me. I strongly urged you to get off your fat ***** and get a life. Talking crap on the internet 24/7 makes it pretty clear what kind of pitiful, scared losers you all are. Keep obsessing and thinking/talking about me bc you will. I will never remember a single one of you losers besides @outpost31 who ran an awesome game- compare it to any other game run. It’s a joke.

So, get an education, go workout or maybe play an actual sport, and stop hiding. **** all you.

Your superior is out

Edited by Nazgul
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if i know darth as well as i think i do: he will pick a  "Stay" of execution for every round!!!

or will it be pushes, pulls, or pardons?

you decide! 

but nobodys champion can outwit darth pees!!!!

what sort of person DARES oppose the mighty DP!!

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

if i know darth as well as i think i do: he will pick a  "Stay" of execution for every round!!!

or will it be pushes, pulls, or pardons?

you decide! 

but nobodys champion can outwit darth pees!!!!

what sort of person DARES oppose the mighty DP!!

my guess would be the person who prefers triple, if you catch my drift.

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Just now, Nazgul said:

This will be my last post as I delete my account but I wanted to respond. Since I joined two years ago, I was harassed. I stood up for myself the last two years and you all came after me. This year, I barely said a word and didn’t message anyone. Yet you have ppl like gmen constantly posting and constantly talking ****. Still, I was removed right away. 

Obviousky what I have been saying in last season was true. You’re all a bunch of losers with no real friends. You all back each other up on this Internet forum I couldn’t care less about. You’re the type of nerds who were bullied by ppl like me in high school so you hide behind a computer and talk crap with nothing of value in your real life.

well congrats. I’m done and my account is gone. Just a Shame your lives are so pathetic that you need to obsess about me. I strongly urged you to get off your fat ***** and get a life. Talking crap on the internet 24/7 makes it pretty clear what kind of pitiful, scared losers you all are. Keep obsessing and thinking/talking about me bc you will. I will never remember a single one of you losers besides @outpost31 who ran an awesome game- compare it to any other game run. It’s a joke.

So, get an education, go workout or maybe play an actual sport, and stop hiding. **** all you.

Your superior is out

This is never going to get old. 

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To clear up some confusion on the vote reading procedure...

"The next person voted out..." implies another vote.  That made it:

5 votes Naz.
2 votes Mission.
1 Ted.
1 vote Orca.

That was 9 votes, two votes left.  Even if the next two votes had been Mission, that wouldn't have been enough to have more votes than Nazgul.

As seen on Survivor, once there are enough votes, the voting ends and any superfluous votes are not read. 

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2 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

@mission27, @Shady Slim, @Malfatron, @theuntouchable, @Adrenaline_Flux, @Hockey5djh, @TedLavie, @The Orca, @Pickle Rick, @ET80,

Loved Ones Challenge

For Loved Ones Challenge, the winner receives both an additional HINT to the Fragile Tiles Challenge as well as a bonus in the challenge.  Second place will receive only an additional hint for the Fragile Tiles Puzzles. 

Chatty selected the challenge that your loved ones will play. 


It selected Platform Peril.

Each of you has to recruit your own Loved One.  Loved Ones cannot be repeated.  You have to get somebody on this site to compete in Platform Peril. 

1. The player has to PM me their submissions and who they are submitting for. 
2. The player cannot be a former
SURVIVOR or BIG BROTHER player.  Repeat, they cannot ever have played Big Brother or Survivor
3. If they do not PM me who they are submitting for and a proper challenge submission by the deadline, you will not have a Loved One compete for you. 

Matches will be randomized.  If there is an odd number of submissions, the first to send their moves will get a bye.  We will use the same submissions for every round.  The player competing has to send a dozen (12) moves. 

The moves have to be either PUSH, PULL or STAY. 

If two players PUSH, nothing happens.  If two players PULL, nothing happens.  If two players STAY, nothing happens. 

If one player PUSHES and one player PULLS, the puller wins the match up. 
If one player PULLS and one player STAYS, the player who stays will win the match up.
If one player STAYS and one player PUSHES, the pusher will win the match up. 

There is no penalty for missing the deadline on this challenge.  The challenge ends at 10 PM CST tonight

@.Buzz bb come help me

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