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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

Please don't.  You could PM me if you'd like to know whether or not your answers are correct and I'll tell you, but don't feed the castaways please.  You should have played.  If you'd have made it to the final 12, you might have had some fun. 

Also lulz at if. I’m teh greetest.

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Just now, Outpost31 said:

It'll be a big board.  You can order it however you'd like.  You can say target so and so for so and so turns, or you can say randomize, or player with most tiles left.  Nothing is out of play for who you want to target.  If you don't put in specific directions, I'll assume target until tiles are broken. 

oh, so it can be like battlebots strategy.


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@mission27 is ineligible to compete in this Immunity Challenge since he missed the deadline for the last Immunity Challenge.  He will be removed from any big boards because he is not eligible to compete and thus has no tiles in the game. 

@Adrenaline_Flux, @The Orca, @Pickle Rick, @ET80, you have until 9 PM CST tonight to both submit your puzzle answers and present your big board.  If you do not present a strategy for Fragile Tile, your targets will be randomized. 

@Malfatron, @theuntouchable, @TedLavie, @Shady Slim, @Hockey5djh, and everybody else I tagged in this post.

The next Immunity Challenge is:

Majority Play. 

For Majority Play, we will replay one of the previous challenges for Immunity.  You may only vote once.  You each get 3 votes.  You CANNOT change your vote.  Once you vote for a challenge, it is official.  You can split your votes up between challenges, or you can place all your votes into the same challenge.  If there is a tie, the very first vote is the challenge we will play.  The player voted out of Tribal Council will not have his votes count. 

You may vote between the following challenges:

1. Just Figure It Out (Will be a combination of MOVIE, MUSIC, SPORTS, VIDEO GAME and ENTERTAINMENT clues).
2. Buried Treasure (with extremely strict YES, NO, EH, BICKER ALERT responses).
3. Writes of Passage.
4. Fragile Tile (with new puzzles). 

Voting is open now and lasts until Tribal Council ends. 


Edited by Outpost31
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29 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

cmon man. the easiest one?

i say this one. should go very smoothly:

2. Buried Treasure (with extremely strict YES, NO, EH, BICKER ALERT responses).

I say heck no - I want the one I won in. For research purposes.

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