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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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My friend old grand mother who wasn't mobile at all , her cat's collar got caught and twisted on her fingers/hand and broke the grandmas fingers and wrist and killed the cat. They found her with the cat still stuck to her hand. WORST. 

Yeah collars are bad news bears. 

Edited by Bednarik60
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32 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

My friend old grand mother who wasn't mobile at , her cat's collar got caught and twisted on her fingers/hand and broke the grandmas fingers and wrist and killed the cat. They found her with the cat still stuck to her hand. WORST. 

Yeah collars are bad news bears. 

Our two dogs nearly had the same experience. They were playing, collar of one of the dogs got twisted around the other's mouth (bottom of his jaw got caught between her neck and the collar), and he kept trying to dislodge it. By doing that, he kept twisting her collar until it was choking her to death. We had to try and hold him (as he was freaking out and snapping out of fear) as we cut her collar off. We got it off before it did permanent damage, but that was the last time the dogs wore collars in the house. If we hadn't been around, she would have certainly suffocated.

@devils1854 Gotta say that's an ugly collar, my friend. ;)

Edited by jrry32
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On 8/3/2017 at 11:45 AM, cddolphin said:

Interesting. Must be a breed thing. I have a pit and if I locked him out of the house accidentally I would bet my bank account an hour later he'd just be chilling by the front door like "DUDE WTF"

My Vizsla growing up was kind of like that. He was a master escape artist. You couldn't keep him in the yard/house. But he always returned after 15 minutes to 1 hour of walking around the neighborhood and sat by the door waiting to be let in. He knew how good he had it. We just started opening the door for him every day. He'd always be back within the hour waiting by the door to be let in the house.

On the other hand, our GSP would bolt and just keep running if he ever got out. You had to chase him down in a car. He wasn't coming back.

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So my girl works at Bonefish and one of her co-workers has been missing since Wednesday. The girl that has been missing arrived in the parking lot at work on Wednesday but never went into work. She parked in front of a bank (so they had cameras) and come to find out the kitchen manager parked a couple spots over from her, the girl went into his car, a struggle seemed to ensue in the car, he got out, popped her tire, got back in his car and drove off. Apparently he killed her in the parking lot. He confessed to dumping her body in a pond. He got arrested tonight at work. She was only 21 years old. This is so crazy and sad. 

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1 hour ago, Desperado82 said:

@devils1854 She's cute, smaller breed dogs just aren't my thing xD




This was Lemmy during his bath the other day at work. He wasn't thrilled.


I love that face.

Ive always had small to medium dogs. Abilgail is around 20 pounds, and thats perfectly fine with me.

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Did you just post that you got a puppy and then not include pictures? Shame!




She's a lot less adorable when she wakes up at 5 AM, but even then, still super adorable. Will have to try and get a pic of her blue skin later on.

Edited by JammerHammer21
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