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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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49 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Had these people owned dogs before? My dog has accidentally nipped my hands half a dozen times, we play this game where I spin a toy around and when he lunges up to grab it on my command I pull it upwards out of his reach, when we're both moving fast sometimes he'll get my hand instead of the toy, but he has always released quicker than I can even process his teeth are on me and has never broken skin or even come close.

Y'know, I'm honestly not sure. I don't think they had, and I really don't think they gave him a whole lot of affection. 

Ah well, whatever the case, it's worked out for me. 

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47 minutes ago, iPwn said:

You accept that culture can define which animals people can eat, even if it’s animals you don’t believe you should eat. But you don’t believe it should impact human rights. You’ve drawn a line where one side culture can justify, whereas on the other side, it cannot. Not everyone has drawn that line in the same place. That’s where a debate is to be had.

No. That runs counter to my whole point. Culture in and of itself is not sufficient to justify behavior in lieu of context. I thought I made that pretty clear in my example, that's the entire crux of what I'm saying. One cannot simultaneously hold up some cultures as a reasonable and appropriate cause of behavior while rejecting the identical line of reasoning for another culture or set of behaviors stemming from said culture.

2 hours ago, iPwn said:

So what’s the rationale for us not eating horse, but other cultures eating it? I can find any.

Americans don't eat horse because (I'm going to guess here just to flesh this out) we have throughout our brief history had access to other meat sources and horses provide us with more alternative utility than simple calories. If other areas of the world have limited sources of meat and don't have the livestock production to keep up with demand, and also have a surplus of horses and grazing lands, then eating a horse makes perfect sense within the context of their environment. (Besides the point, but I wouldn't care if my neighbor liked to eat horse tbh).

Of course, the next problem is dis-entangling "environment" and "culture", which is more than a little difficult when the former helps shape the latter.

To piggyback off your example, where I would hypothetically have an issue is someone saying "It's okay for Mongolians to eat horses because it's been a cultural tradition for millenia, but Japanese shouldn't eat Dolphins because their historical cultural practices should have no bearing on their future behavior."

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Tradition can be a perfectly valid reason to continue doing something, unless and until a problem or harm is demonstrated with continuing to carry on. At that point “because that’s how we’ve always done it” is no longer a sufficient excuse. That doesn’t mean you have to eschew your tradition at that point , but you should probably start seeking justifications better than “because tradition” at that point.

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7 hours ago, iPwn said:

So what’s the rationale for us not eating horse, but other cultures eating it? I can find any.

Because horses are pretty and I like them. 

But I know what argument you are making. I actually made this same argument in a drunken state not to long ago but it was in regards to toplessness rules between the sexes, lol.I dont even remember where I had that argument.

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Truth be told, there is a rational for not eating horses or dogs and thats because they have a useful function in our society. Now obviously that argument only has so many merits, especially with the dog over population and most breeds not being capable of work... but the point still stands that there is SOME rational. Even super small dogs can be used to control rodent infestations. 


Cats tho? Hope they taste like chicken when the apocalypse happens. Because me and Fido are going to chow down on some cats. 

Edited by Matts4313
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31 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

Y'all see this?


What a despicable little turd. Goes on the internet and brags about getting an innocent person killed. I hope he gets jumped and mercilessly beaten.

Who thinks of doing crap like that? I mean honestly, the thought process of some people, combined with the complete lack of human emotion from the aftermath, just continues to make me lose faith in a large portion of humanity.

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