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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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7 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I'd say the most white trash life experience is knocking up honey boo boo's mom and then marrying her but to each his own.

Off the top of my head mine was sucking gas out the lawn mower with a turkey Baster into an empty water jug and then into my car with a funnel and realizing the whole time I’m doing this I’m holding a cigarette in my hand 

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13 minutes ago, Tyty said:

In other news I had to call the cops on my wife (ex-wife?) today. She was shoving me and screaming at me trying to get my phone because I posted about her on fb being abusive to me. Cops came and I told them I just want it on record that this happened but I don't want to see her go to jail. Probably my most white trash life experience but it was necessary. Police said I made the right call. 

Surprising that’s the most given your life on a daily basis 

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3 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Off the top of my head mine was sucking gas out the lawn mower with a turkey Baster into an empty water jug and then into my car with a funnel and realizing the whole time I’m doing this I’m holding a cigarette in my hand 

Mine was probably posting to an NFL draft forum

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4 minutes ago, RamRod said:

I don't know why redbox always warns me before I'm about to rent a blu ray. It's 2018, you should warn people before they're about to rent a DVD.

It should also remind you that you could probably order it right from your TV.

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10 hours ago, Tyty said:

In other news I had to call the cops on my wife (ex-wife?) today. She was shoving me and screaming at me trying to get my phone because I posted about her on fb being abusive to me. Cops came and I told them I just want it on record that this happened but I don't want to see her go to jail. Probably my most white trash life experience but it was necessary. Police said I made the right call. 

What did Mike Ehrmentraut say about half measures ...?

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2 minutes ago, cddolphin said:
12 hours ago, Desperado82 said:

Almost got into a fight tonight with a drunk who was choking out his wife. 

way to interrupt their foreplay, jerk

Atop the leaderboard today, @cddolphin with this well played comment...

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