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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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I refuse to believe Bran is the NK. I don't really see how so many people are buying this theory. So they dress similar so what. 9_9  We seen that he was a unnamed guy thousands of years before the star of the main story line . I'd say if he is somehow the NK they better explain it perfectly.

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1 hour ago, McNabbs Beef said:

I'm not saying they don't care about quality at all, I'm saying they didn't shorten the season because they thought it would be better at 7 episodes as opposed to 10. They shortened it to account for the increased cost of making each episode. Money took precedent over quality. Maybe it was a Benioff/Weiss call, maybe it came from the higher ups, but it still blows either way.

We get 13 episodes instead of 10.  I don't know about you, but I'll gladly take that.

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22 minutes ago, Blackstar12 said:

I refuse to believe Bran is the NK. I don't really see how so many people are buying this theory. So they dress similar so what. 9_9  We seen that he was a unnamed guy thousands of years before the star of the main story line . I'd say if he is somehow the NK they better explain it perfectly.

Is the similar dress indicative of the House of Stark?  Isn't there some theory that one of Ned's ancestors might be the Night King?  That would explain the similar look and would provide an emotional connection to the entire storyline.  

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Just now, Blackstar12 said:

I refuse to believe Bran is the NK. I don't really see how so many people are buying this theory. So they dress similar so what. 9_9  We seen that he was a unnamed guy thousands of years before the star of the main story line . I'd say if he is somehow the NK they better explain it perfectly.

I don't think the Night King is Bran, but I do think he has similar abilities, which would explain for a lot of his "questionable" decisions.  I think he wanted to keep them there and alive so he could get one of those dragons. 

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5 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

I refuse to believe Bran is the NK. I don't really see how so many people are buying this theory. So they dress similar so what. 9_9  We seen that he was a unnamed guy thousands of years before the star of the main story line . I'd say if he is somehow the NK they better explain it perfectly.

What do you think of the theory that Jon becomes the NK? Basically, the NK is immortal so Jon takes the Dragonglass from the NK's heart and stabs himself in the heart, thus becoming the NK. As the NK, Jon leads the army of the dead back north of the wall. The theory states that it happened before with the first NK but after thousands of years in isolation in the Land of Always Winter, he lost his grip on reality and that is why the army marches south again. In essence, the NK is a cycle. 

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17 minutes ago, BroncosFan2010 said:

How does Jon get the NK subdued and remove the dragonglass?

I think the NK is definitely a Stark, but not Bran. Just an old ancestor.

Wasn't house Stark established after Bran the builder built the wall? So he'd be like a pre-stark.

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4 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Place your bets. Who's kicking the bucket on sunday? 

Haven't decided yet myself, but I get the feeling Jamie and Cersei are going to split. 

Jaime and Cersei split.

Cersei and Littlefinger die.

Arya and Sansa realize what's going on and **** over littlefinger.

Snow and Dany go brown chicken brown cow all over each other.

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On 8/14/2017 at 1:21 AM, Forge said:

So we know that next week's episode is going to result in some deaths. I think that is pretty plain to see. So who does everybody think bites the bullet and won't make the trip back south? 

I'm going to say (I wasn't sure whether or not to just put these out, so I spoiler proofed them) 

Beric, Thoros, and Jorah bite the bullet. I'm pretty sure that the Hound will live due to that part in the trailer where he's pulling out his sword, clearly not in the north, hasn't happened yet. I think Tormund is safe for now. Gendry I'm torn on - could see him dying or living, but I think he could easily have another use to the fight as a Smith who can work obsidian since I don't think it's super easy and he apprenticed under one of the few blacksmiths I believe who could work Varlaryian Steel. Davos didn't go into the north, so I'm assuming that he lives. 

My wild card death? The first dragon falls. I think Dany gets nervous, starts to truly believe in what Jon is saying, and takes her dragons up north to save them. 


Cersei and lf bite it.  We get the pack line for sansa as they spring the trap on lf.  Last shot is nk arriving at the wall with the ice dragon.

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11 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Place your bets. Who's kicking the bucket on sunday? 

Haven't decided yet myself, but I get the feeling Jamie and Cersei are going to split. 

Littlefinger, the Mountain....having a tough time after that to be honest. I don't know how much fighting is going to be taking place. 

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