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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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New York Times:

“Game of Thrones” has several outstanding battles under its belt, and the director Miguel Sapochnik delivered some of the best, with “Hardhome” and “Battle of the Bastards.” But even with that impressive track record, I was a little afraid that Sunday night’s enormous (and enormously hyped) Battle of Winterfell might finally be the clash that was too epic for its own good in terms of stakes (life vs. death), personnel (everyone we like) and length (the episode clocked in at 1:22).

Would we finally, in the grandest episode the show has ever attempted, get a fight that was just too large to both do justice to the conflict and also land with the emotional impact the story and viewers deserve?

Not today.

Sunday’s final clash was a masterpiece of tension and release, goose bumps and heartbreak, grandiosity and intimacy. It deftly mixed genres (horror, action, melodrama), shots and planes of action as it shifted from the chaos of the fighting in and around Winterfell to the claustrophobic terror of the crypts to the dragon dogfighting in the winter sky.

When I look back on the Battle of Winterfell, I’ll think of the stirring scene when the Dothraki swords ignited in a wave of fire, only to extinguish one by one in the distance. I’ll remember Theon getting absolution and Lyanna sacrificing herself to kill a zombie giant in a deeply symbolic if very sad moment, the smallest warrior felling the largest foe. (Wun-Wun, was that you?) Arya’s climactic dispatching of the Night King was genuinely surprising and thrillingly rendered.

It wasn’t flawless — the dragon action, in particular, was often hard to track (more on this below). But in the end, despite the scale of the clash and the endless hype we’ve been hearing about the 55 nights of shoots that went into filming it, et cetera, the Battle of Winterfell actually exceeded expectations.

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All in all, I was shaking in nervousness/excitement from start to finish. Not many shows can do that to you. They did a lot of things well. Only complaint LIS is no major death and there really hasn’t been one since Tywin imho  

i wasn’t  able to watch the last two episodes live, but I get to watch the next two live and hopefully the finale.  

Edited by Herbie_Hancock
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45 minutes ago, Blackstar12 said:

I agree with most of you guys far too many characters survived. Also those WW are so useless they had one job and they failed to protect the NK.  She had to been in full sprint mode for that epic jump she did.

She does know the area better and could've came at him from an unexpected angle. Tbh I was expecting more of that home field advantage from her throughout the castle.  But my goodness did we see her badassery in full glory. 

Jon is the only Targaryen worth a damn tactically.  Dany screws up the plan then instead of saving Jon and them both flying back to the castle, she lands on the ground and long enough to be smothered in the dead?  While Jon  has to fight his way back on foot against endless odds.  And she said Tyrion messed up.  Dany was like here hold my mead.

Melisandre came correct.  

Would've liked to have seen where the heck Brann went to the entire battle.  


“Brann?  Are you in there, buddy?”

Theon gets his validation and acceptance he longed for. And instead of standing next to Brann to help defend him, he runs off and gets gutted.  Such a Theon thing to do.  

Ser Jonah represented to the fullest.  Nuff respect. 

Actually thought the episode might end with Brann and NK (who was surprisingly fit and nimble) came face to face.  So we get an extra episode instead of a 2 parter.  Nice.  

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