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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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4 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

I apoligize. I know people think I'm extreme with this stuff. But again I've waited 8 years for this because I figured I'm not gonna get the explanation from Martin who I think is gonna die before he finishes the books. So 8 years of waiting and they go and do this. It was a breaking point for tonight.

Bye felicia

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Before this thread devolves, people should appreciate that people have different opinions. There are elements of the episode that were questionably written. Other parts were excellent. Criticism is fair game after all this time. It doesn't make people whiners that can't enjoy anything.

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3 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Before this thread devolves, people should appreciate that people have different opinions. There are elements of the episode that were questionably written. Other parts were excellent. Criticism is fair game after all this time. It doesn't make people whiners that can't enjoy anything.

Agreed. This episode did some really great things from a cinematic standpoint. That scene where the flaming sword go out was incredible. 

The flip side is I thought the writing was pretty poor overall and the ending just felt hollow and unfulfilling to me personally. They wrapped up the bad guy who started in the very first scene in one episode, the guy couldn't even take one major city in Westeros, with no real explanation of him and did so by creating an all powerful character. Arya's power has been increasingly rising for the last couple seasons but this episode really took to an out of control level in my opinion. If she can do that, nothing should be able to stop her. 

I loved the hour and a half of straight battle and the visuals were stunning (when it wasn't pitch black) but I just wasn't pleased with the resolution to that storyline. 

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Anyone who expects a television series and/or movie franchise to ever stick 100% true to the source material and cover EVERYTHING is completely delusional in their expectations on what it takes to create something of this scope.

They do not have the time or resources to go over every single thing. GRRM himself has not figured out how to trim his garden to where it begins to funnel towards the conclusion. Could you imagine the outcries if it was 100% following source material, then left out high and dry to wrap things up after it passed GRRM?

It's been noticeable for me since the show passed the books with dialogue, plot, etc. Becoming a lot more "showy". It is what it is.

Between contract lengths, shooting time, financial aspects, etc. It was never possible to be 100% true. If you had those expectations, they are unrealistic to the real world and just an excuse to whine about the fact that GRRM didn't focus on writing once the series launched.

Sit back and watch and enjoy the show for what it is - a show based on the books.

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6 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Only the Knights of the Vale were there. If Yohn could get half the treatment he deserved. He could round up 25k or so from the Vale.

Edmure is somewhere in the Riverlands. If not, House Tully faithful would rally to Sansa as heir.

House Tarth would be on the table. Any Brotherhood members likely.  Tyrion could regather a few hundred of his Vale creatures. Redwynes seem like they would pitch in because of Olenna being one. Iron Islands being taken by Yara in name of Dany.

Theres tons to work with in the regard. Though Im sure not a single thing I mentioned will happen.

Second Sons too, if Dany wants

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1 hour ago, seminoles1 said:

Very different. The Night King had very different motivations and using different types of magic for each touch.

It's Necromancer magic. Let's be real, the show/books completely makes their own rules on this. If they want Arya or Bran to be still affected by this and the Night King's magic to not fully be dead, they could absolutely go down that road.

But my general point was still that the showrunners have been very sensitive to the Azor Ahai prophecy before, so it doesn't make sense that they just throw that out without some consideration.

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Is it possible Bran foresaw Arya killing the NK and that's why he just sat there seemingly ready to accept death? The way that scene was shot alternating between shots of Bran/NK and Jon and the Ice Dragon seemed to tease Bran was going to warg into it which of course was a common fan theory. If not..then man all that building up to him becoming the 3 eyed raven was just a waste. If all he truly did was warg into some Ravens... I did see something about the raven carrying a message. If true I missed it...but a message to who?

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1 hour ago, seminoles1 said:

Some of you guys are being *******s. You can not enjoy the show, that's fine, but you don't have to do it while acting all high and mighty about your intelligence and acting like the only things that stimulate your brain are existential conversations with Stephen Hawking.


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