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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

You said he could only sense bran because of how powerful he is. And yet he reacted and interacted with two insignificant people nowhere near his level.

you said he was clairvoyant but that also can't be true because of how he was killed. I'm just saying he could feel where bran was and that's probably because bran was telling him where he was the whole time.

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5 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

No, i'm not talking about big Hodor. I'm talking about the episode Hold the Door. He was a normal kid when that happened. Plus Cersei drinks alot and is crazy for the most part. That has to affect her mental fortitude.

I'm aware.  I meant that Hodor seemed like a normal kid.  Cersei, for all her faults, is a lot smarter.

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28 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Also, can’t Bran just warg into Cersei and make her kill herself?

add in Arya and a dragon or two and it doesn’t matter how many soldiers Cersei ha.

Thats why I was hoping Qyburn had some little birds in Winterfell. He said "got other plans" for Dany to Bronn.

Hopefully something like Bronn arriving is their cue to activate. Since Qyburn has to know hes more likely to take the gold and betray them. So he shows up, like 30 kids run around stabbing the plot armor off characters.

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The NK can tell where Bran is because he marked him when Bran was warging by himself. From then on, he was always able to tell where Bran was.

Whole lot of people in here changing GoT history so they can get mad about their factually incorrect version of events. 

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3 minutes ago, vike daddy said:

what was the weapon  Arya had made?

A staff with a blade on each end. One of the ends also was removable to create a dagger of sorts. 

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9 hours ago, thrILL! said:

That just reminds me of fans complaining when their favorite artist’s new album doesn’t sound exactly like their last one. 

or maybe if the artist wrote some lyrics and let another musician publish the album in their name, that would be a more accurate "metaphor"

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18 minutes ago, Herbie_Hancock said:

Wow a lot of bitching in here. Buncha lame *****. 

None of the main characters die? Boo, lazy writing.

A character does die? Boo, they didn't give Theon and NK the deaths they deserved.

It wouldn't have mattered what the writers did. They could have killed Brien, Jon, Danny, Arya, Sansa and people would still be complaining because of the way they got killed. You can't just kill them, no it needs to be in a heroic way. Because that's "realistic".There are people complaining about not enough deaths in Avengers Endgame. "We need more main characters to die!". See that's lazy writing to me: killing off main characters for the sake of killing off main characters. 

This is fantasy. If I want to watch realistic battle scenes I'll watch Dunkirk or Saving Private Ryan. It's like watching Lord of the Rings and complaining about how most of the Fellowship survive every single battle despite being surrounded by thousands of Orcs. How convenient it was that Gandalf came to the rescue at the right moment at Helm's Deep or Aragorn with his Army of the Dead at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. A minute too late and everyone would have died. Who cares? 

Unless a show is exactly how a viewer wants it to be, they'll complain. Why would I want a show or movie to be exactly how I want it to be? I want to be surprised, even if some of the surprises don't work for me. 

I'm a huge Star Wars fan but I avoid discussing the movies with other SW fans. I used to enjoy discussing the movies but lately I've noticed how unpleasant it has become. 

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22 minutes ago, Jeezla said:

Does the NK being immune to dragon fire mean he was a Targ? Or is fire immunity just a standard NK special ability?

No one knows, even Bran said he had no idea if dragon fire could kill the night King because no one had ever tried it before.

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1 hour ago, Chinaski_86 said:

None of the main characters die? Boo, lazy writing.

A character does die? Boo, they didn't give Theon and NK the deaths they deserved.

It wouldn't have mattered what the writers did. They could have killed Brien, Jon, Danny, Arya, Sansa and people would still be complaining because of the way they got killed. You can't just kill them, no it needs to be in a heroic way. Because that's "realistic".There are people complaining about not enough deaths in Avengers Endgame. "We need more main characters to die!". See that's lazy writing to me: killing off main characters for the sake of killing off main characters. 

This is fantasy. If I want to watch realistic battle scenes I'll watch Dunkirk or Saving Private Ryan. It's like watching Lord of the Rings and complaining about how most of the Fellowship survive every single battle despite being surrounded by thousands of Orcs. How convenient it was that Gandalf came to the rescue at the right moment at Helm's Deep or Aragorn with his Army of the Dead at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. A minute too late and everyone would have died. Who cares? 

Unless a show is exactly how a viewer wants it to be, they'll complain. Why would I want a show or movie to be exactly how I want it to be? I want to be surprised, even if some of the surprises don't work for me. 

I'm a huge Star Wars fan but I avoid discussing the movies with other SW fans. I used to enjoy discussing the movies but lately I've noticed how unpleasant it has become. 

Ignorance is bliss, why go to an art museum when you can just look at the paintings online?

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2 hours ago, Jeezla said:

Does the NK being immune to dragon fire mean he was a Targ? Or is fire immunity just a standard NK special ability?

I think it's just a standard White Walker ability. No reason to think a Targaryen would have been in Westeros at the time the children created the Night King.

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