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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Why did Sansa look so upset watching Arya fight?

Also...super awkward and unfulfilling family reunion, though it makes sense considering Arya and Sansa hated each other and Bran has turned into the dumbest/creepiest/worst character.  I do wonder how long they will stay together.

Littlefinger doesn't have long.  That dagger coming back into play and Bran already showing he knows things about what he's said/done is the beginning of the end IMO...unless Littlefinger does the unthinkable and has Bran killed.

That battle...ZOMG.  What a message sent by Dany, and she still has 2 dragons on deck.

It was funny seeing the preview for next week and Cersei is just like "We can overcome anything that gets in our way." I imagine if Jamie is there (are he and Bron now captives of Dany?) he's going to be like "*****, you have no effing clue what you're talking about."

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Wait... people actually expected Bran to absorb the consciousness of a 1000's-year-old omnipotent being and come out like the same Bran from before?  Really?

He's legit not doing anything different from what Luke did after completing his Jedi training.

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2 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:


Why did Sansa look so upset watching Arya fight?



17 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I didn't think she looked upset, more shocked, confused, and thinking "wtf have you been up to?"

Sansa has some jealousy in her. All of her living siblings got cool powers. Jon came back from the dead and became king. Bran is Three eyed raven. Arya is an amazing assasin. Sansa just the heir to Winterfell. Littlefinger needs to get his manipulating into top gear. He can take Sansa.


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27 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Wait... people actually expected Bran to absorb the consciousness of a 1000's-year-old omnipotent being and come out like the same Bran from before?  Really?

He's legit not doing anything different from what Luke did after completing his Jedi training.

As crazy as this might seem, Luke Skywalker doesn't have anything to do with Bran Stark.  But to the point...how was Luke exactly like this after completing his Jedi training?  As far as I know he didn't lose complete touch with his humanity or forget what it meant to be a person.

Obviously he should change, but it's just cringeworthy.  If that's the point then bravo, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

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1 minute ago, seminoles1 said:

As crazy as this might seem, Luke Skywalker doesn't have anything to do with Bran Stark.  But to the point...how was Luke exactly like this after completing his Jedi training?  As far as I know he didn't lose complete touch with his humanity or forget what it meant to be a person.

Obviously he should change, but it's just cringeworthy.  If that's the point then bravo, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

It's meant to dumb him down, The dude literally has access to all of space and time can't exactly have him have access to all of that and be normal. I get why they did it, but they should've at least shown us why he's like that.

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