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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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11 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

On the Bran part with Arya. When he pulls the dagger out the sleeve. He looks at it like focusing. Then he acts more brotherly, and gives it to Arya. When she has it, he focuses on looking at it again while bringing his hands up.

Maybe its just his basic weird act. But if the girl that spent a couple years helping leaves and hes all hohum about it. Why would a dagger draw such focus for a minute there? Was he seeing who hired the assassin? or did he see the potential of it in Aryas hands?

I thought it was about him handing a valryian dagger to an assassin of her caliber. Like how many people did I just kill doing this? type thought. 

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Amazing, amazing episode. May be on par, if not better than battle of the bastards and hard home. Really curious to see how Cercsei and more importantly the Iron Bank respond to these events. 

As far as Sansa's reaction, I think some others have brought up good points, but my personal take on it was a bit more towards resentment. In their initial meetup, they recount how they've both traveled long, hard roads to get back. At first I think Sansa assumed similar events occurred on Arya's path, and like herself it had made Arya more of a young lady. However, when Sansa saw for herself that Arya's path lead her to becoming this fierce warrior who can take care of herself, Sansa in that moment felt a bit of weakness because for all her trials and tribulations, all she became was more cunning. Physically and capability wise, she's still just a "lady". 

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6 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

Amazing, amazing episode. May be on par, if not better than battle of the bastards and hard home. Really curious to see how Cercsei and more importantly the Iron Bank respond to these events. 

As far as Sansa's reaction, I think some others have brought up good points, but my personal take on it was a bit more towards resentment. In their initial meetup, they recount how they've both traveled long, hard roads to get back. At first I think Sansa assumed similar events occurred on Arya's path, and like herself it had made Arya more of a young lady. However, when Sansa saw for herself that Arya's path lead her to becoming this fierce warrior who can take care of herself, Sansa in that moment felt a bit of weakness because for all her trials and tribulations, all she became was more cunning. Physically and capability wise, she's still just a "lady". 

Resentment is certainly possible. The two were certainly never close, and it's easily to get those old feelings riled back up again. Now you have Arya coming back, encroaching on Sansa's turf, with her sworn protector (yes, Brienne swore an oath to Cat for both girls, but all this time it's just been Brienne and Sansa who have an oath themselves I believe). Arya is now this super skilled assassin, yada yada. So jealousy, resentment, reconciling her own inner turmoil with everything...all very possible. I'll be really curious to see how it plays out. Whatever it is, this is where Littlefinger is going to make his move. I think he's seeing a manner in which he can slip in there, sow a little discord, try and keep them just slightly weaker than they could be by trying to keep them apart. I think that'll be his downfall more than anything to do with the dagger. 

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2 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Can Bran see the future?

The whole show is based off magic.. remember Danny had visions in the house of the undying..

Also, to that person who said Bran and Tyrion! I digress.. Arya and the Hound..


its funny how things have turned.. Arya was the sweet one while the hound was a savage.. And now it's the opposite. 

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7 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

On the Bran part with Arya. When he pulls the dagger out the sleeve. He looks at it like focusing. Then he acts more brotherly, and gives it to Arya. When she has it, he focuses on looking at it again while bringing his hands up.

Maybe its just his basic weird act. But if the girl that spent a couple years helping leaves and hes all hohum about it. Why would a dagger draw such focus for a minute there? Was he seeing who hired the assassin? or did he see the potential of it in Aryas hands?

I thought the implication of the scene he had with LF was that he knows the backstory of the dagger. Why would someone who can see everything ask someone else for information unless they are trying to catch them in a lie?

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13 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Did the Sam's dad say all the gold was safely back at King's Landing before the attack?  That's what it sounded like he said. 

Yes, and I missed that the first time.

Apparently the battle sequence happened closer to King's Landing than Highgarden (where the wagons were in the beginning of the episode) because the gold already arrived safely. So Dany just burned a ton of (very valuable) grain / wheat.


I'm loving the new Bran tbh. I never liked his character, but now he's borderline omniscient and playing everything super slow. "Chaos is a ladder." That line to Littlefinger was great (it was a callback to season 1, when Petry said that to someone else). Petry is so screwed, he's got Bran / Arya / Sansa all mean-mugging him. I hope he isn't able to manipulate Sansa, although I agree she seems to be feeling uncomfortable with her siblings.


Arya confirmed GOAT character.

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