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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, Packerraymond said:

Duh, from some spoken words to genecide with nothing in between, that's how it always happens. 

Some people have no ability to separate Dany playing the Game of Thrones and her just going to a full fledged villain, like the worst one the show has seen, with absolutely no character development other than some sentences. You could make the EXACT same meme from every season of her saying she wanted to break the cycle, be different or her actions of offering mercy to those she could've struck down. The writers just wanted to go full Michael Bay and put as much fire in that episode as they could. They went shock factor over substance, but judging by the mass reaction and not the few, they botched the end of an all-time show.

People really take her quotes to the Dothraki far too literal. She was playing to her audience.... 

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7 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

The point is she fought against any urges for most of the seasons. Then she stopped being about those urges

In most of those seasons, Dany didn't watch her best bud get her head separated from her body in defiance of her presence. She had lost so many and so much that was dear to her. Her 2 dragons to Cersei. Jorah to the NK. Betrayals, a broken heart 5x over. Now to learn that Jon was not being honest with her. Knowing that even as she won at KL, her claim was tenuous, and the people hiding under Cersei's protection were just mindless sheep anyway. Her dream was now discovered as pretty unworthy of all her travels, losses, and other turmoils. She mad. 

It's not the way I wanted this to go. It was no guarantee that she would or even should snap... but in this fantasy-land television show.. she did. Jon was a fool at that point to open his big yap about who he was.. and he doubled down on telling his family when he did. Is what it is.

Outrage may be good for venting purposes, but it is rather futile. People act like the show owes them something. The entitlement is out of hand these days.

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6 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

People really take her quotes to the Dothraki far too literal. She was playing to her audience.... 

Exactly. She was being a damn politician. 

I don't understand how people are so caught off guard by this either. It's in her damn blood and she even said she needed to make people fear her. I think it's just people who want to find something wrong b/c they're not happy the show isn't living up to expectations so they're just throwing out everything they can find. When supply doesn't meet demand, you need to make stuff up

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Bravado. She's going to make bold statements when she's grasping for power. There's a big gap between words and action. I don't think what she did was outside the scope of her character; however, going from burning enemies to innocents is a step that could have been more fleshed out. 

I will say that unlike the other episodes in the season, this one has grown on me since I saw it. The others got gradually worse the more I thought about them. 

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11 minutes ago, oldman9er said:

Outrage may be good for venting purposes, but it is rather futile. People act like the show owes them something. The entitlement is out of hand these days.

I just want to comment on this (generally) as it comes up a lot lately. I'm somewhere in the middle. If companies can make money off of viewers by putting out shows/films/games based on beloved source material, then they have some obligation to respect it and do it justice. I'm aware this might be idealistic, but that's my opinion on it. 

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4 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Bravado. She's going to make bold statements when she's grasping for power. There's a big gap between words and action. I don't think what she did was outside the scope of her character; however, going from burning enemies to innocents is a step that could have been more fleshed out. 

I will say that unlike the other episodes in the season, this one has grown on me since I saw it. The others got gradually worse the more I thought about them. 

I agree. It wasn't the worse of the season but I still hate the sudden transformation Dany. I can take all the other things. 

Also the more I think on Jon "Not wanting any throne" just keeps telling people who he really is doesn't make sense. If I didn't want any throne and I believed in the person who did. Why would I bother even telling anyone who I am? Does it really matter at this point if I don't care about power? 

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Dany going full Mad Queen makes perfect sense, they just executed it so poorly. Almost everything about this season could have been great, it is all just so rushed and so poorly put together. This should have been two seasons.

Even Jamie taking the Dexter-Lumberjack turn could have been good or atleast acceptable if they had put more nuance into it. 


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1 hour ago, Packerraymond said:

Duh, from some spoken words to genecide with nothing in between, that's how it always happens. 

Some people have no ability to separate Dany playing the Game of Thrones and her just going to a full fledged villain, like the worst one the show has seen, with absolutely no character development other than some sentences. You could make the EXACT same meme from every season of her saying she wanted to break the cycle, be different or her actions of offering mercy to those she could've struck down. The writers just wanted to go full Michael Bay and put as much fire in that episode as they could. They went shock factor over substance, but judging by the mass reaction and not the few, they botched the end of an all-time show.

Well said. 

Definitely no character development on this minus some sentences. 

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11 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Sentences she's said throughout her entire story.

You still need character developing with these sentences. I could say I’m gonna burn the cities of my enemies as well and probably would say that over and over because I want my enemies to fear what’s coming, doesn’t mean I actually would. Her personality never makes you feel she actually would is the point here. 

More examples, more believable examples anyways, among a slower transition would have worked. They totally rushed this season and flipped her into an entirely different character in one episode. This is the problem 80-85% of people have, not just me. Go on reddit or anywhere, it’s not a happy sight anywhere. 

No one was upset with Walter Whites transition because it was extremely well done. People don’t snap and commit genocide lmao. Being “in your blood” is such a cop out. Even if it is her blood, it would happy gradually over time, you wouldn’t decide to commit mass genocide in one episode.

Edited by BayRaider
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35 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Sentences she's said throughout her entire story.

Sentences that have been planted there by writers who wanted shock and awe with her character over development. Any natural transition into madness is not abrupt like that there are actions that build up. If the writers did that though, we'd all have seen it coming, as she's a Targaryen. Instead they wanted to gut punch the audience because that's what they like to do, and make the shows most loved character into it's worst villian with the snap of a finger, all while severely sacrificing character development. It's fine if you're OK with it, others are and how you react to a show is your right. The majority seem to wish a show so rich in character development throughout didn't make that sacrifice at the end.

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1 hour ago, Heimdallr said:

Dany going full Mad Queen makes perfect sense, they just executed it so poorly. Almost everything about this season could have been great, it is all just so rushed and so poorly put together. This should have been two seasons.

Even Jamie taking the Dexter-Lumberjack turn could have been good or atleast acceptable if they had put more nuance into it. 

Once Euron appeared on that shore, it ruined that entire sequence for me. This man jumps overboard on a ship about to explode and just happens to conveniently come ashore at the exact moment Jaime is going to get Cersei....because of course he does.

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