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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 hour ago, Chinaski_86 said:

The petition is the perfect example of how fandom has become a joke. This happened with The Last Jedi as well. The entitlement that fans feel when it comes to a show, book or movie and how they believe it's "theirs". It's not and never will be. Let's come up with a petition because something we enjoy watching or reading isn't going the way we want to? Can't beat that logics. No let's let the fans dictate how a movie or show should be. And what if the remake isn't sayisying either? Another petition? Probably. The hilarious part is that when you ask 1,000,000 GoT fans how they believe this final season should be, you'll get 1,000,000 different opinions. Good luck finding the one script that will satisfy everyone because it doesn't exist. Finding a middle ground isn't going to be satisfying enough for a large majority of fans. They'll want it their way because that's the "right" way. All other ways are wrong. 

Kevin Smith had a hot take on fandom that I agreed with. Don't like the product? Write your own script, find your own money and direct your own movie or show. Don't just say that you can do it better but show you can do it better. HBO owes people nothing and neither do D&D. Or simply don't watch. You don't have to watch. There are more important matters in life to get worked up over than a movie, book or TV show. 

If you're trying to sell entertainment to millions then you want them to feel included. And the best ones make them feel entitled because having that sort of connection keeps them back to buy merchandise and keep money flowing in. 

Pissing off the fan base or leaving them completely uninterested leads to flops like Green Lantern, Solo, Justice League, etc. 

So writers will tell you fans dont matter, but the fans and studios disagree. 

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Eh, writers getting pissy about people not liking what they did is just as bad as the online backlash.  I don't nerd rage on the internet like some do, but saying a fan can't criticize the show is just stupid.  Especially when there are plenty of logical arguments as to why it was bad.

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2 hours ago, Chinaski_86 said:

Or simply don't watch. You don't have to watch.


I understand people are invested at this point, but ive seen so many people in here saying its been going downhill the last couple of seasons. Why are you still watching? I havent watched the Walking Dead in years because I didnt enjoy it any longer. 

48 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

So writers will tell you fans dont matter, but the fans and studios disagree. 

Studios don't give a BLEEP what fans think if they are still watching and setting audience records...

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3 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:


I understand people are invested at this point, but ive seen so many people in here saying its been going downhill the last couple of seasons. Why are you still watching? I havent watched the Walking Dead in years because I didnt enjoy it any longer. 

Studios don't give a BLEEP what fans think if they are still watching and setting audience records...

Because you hope that magic from before gets recaptured.  Once you are that invested in a story you want to see how it ends.  That doesn't mean you can't criticize them for falling short.  Are expectations too high?  Probably, but that's what happens when you are wildly successful.  I still enjoy the show, but that doesn't mean I don't notice the decline in quality and lament that fact.  Last season still had some great moments, this season has had a couple, but I would agree with many that this has been the weakest season.  That's a damn shame because the culmination of something this grandiose should be handled better.  The fan anger has been compounded because it wasn't network limitations on time or money, it was the show runners not wanting to do it anymore that has caused a lot of the issues.  They turned down 7 extra episodes.

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13 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

The fan anger has been compounded because it wasn't network limitations on time or money, it was the show runners not wanting to do it anymore that has caused a lot of the issues.  They turned down 7 extra episodes.

This I can get on board with. Dumb & Dumber have no excuse for turning down the extra time when HBO basically would've given them anything they needed. 

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52 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

People have spent ten years watching a show. You really think they'll quit in the final season? Regardless of how bad it gets people will see it through. 

99.99% yes (there's gotta be one crazy person out there)

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4 hours ago, Chinaski_86 said:

The entitlement that fans feel when it comes to a show, book or movie and how they believe it's "theirs". It's not and never will be.

Entitlement..... these days?? Naaahhhh.... no way...... there's no way people feel entitled.......

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1 hour ago, JonStark said:

This I can get on board with. Dumb & Dumber have no excuse for turning down the extra time when HBO basically would've given them anything they needed. 

It wouldnt have made them care any more or tried any harder.

Just look at Davos and Greyworm. Davos gets called last episode worlds greatest smuggler. Lead the Blackwater fleet. Been a captain for 30 years. GW leads the unsullied, commanding land forces for years. And what happens. When leaving the North. Davos is leading land forces while GW has a fleet. More episodes isnt going to fix that type laziness.

And its been nonstop like that. Why pile on more if theyre heart isnt into it. Best to just wrap it up, get ready for the prequels and new frontmen while laughing at what these Star Wars dorks are inheriting.

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1 minute ago, PARROTHEAD said:

It wouldnt have made them care any more or tried any harder.

Just look at Davos and Greyworm. Davos gets called last episode worlds greatest smuggler. Lead the Blackwater fleet. Been a captain for 30 years. GW leads the unsullied, commanding land forces for years. And what happens. When leaving the North. Davos is leading land forces while GW has a fleet. More episodes isnt going to fix that type laziness.

And its been nonstop like that. Why pile on more if theyre heart isnt into it. Best to just wrap it up, get ready for the prequels and new frontmen while laughing at what these Star Wars dorks are inheriting.

Actually I kind of get that.  Danaerys was already worried about the loyalty of the Westerosi people seeing how much they loved Jon.  Davos was clearly Jon's man at that point, so to feel safer she chose to have Grey Worm go with her and Davos to stick with Jon.  Not to mention not knowing about the improved ballistas she likely thought the Dragons could deal with any fleet of ships, just like they did at Mereen.

I get your point though about them not caring though, although I don't see how you get into that mindset on something that is likely going to define your career.  Ego?  Laziness?  a combination?  Who knows, but the show definitely suffered for it.

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2 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

Studios don't give a BLEEP what fans think if they are still watching and setting audience records...

That's a complete contradiction. 

If and that's a big IF. If a movie turns out like Solo then they are stopping productions and releasing press statements saying they need to observe these closer in the future. 

So they do actually care what fans think because they care about their bottom dollar. Now I'm sure they dont care for the opinions but they sure as hell care if they are entertained or not. Because not caring is the big difference between Endgame and Justice League. 

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3 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

Actually I kind of get that.  Danaerys was already worried about the loyalty of the Westerosi people seeing how much they loved Jon.  Davos was clearly Jon's man at that point, so to feel safer she chose to have Grey Worm go with her and Davos to stick with Jon.  Not to mention not knowing about the improved ballistas she likely thought the Dragons could deal with any fleet of ships, just like they did at Mereen.

I get your point though about them not caring though, although I don't see how you get into that mindset on something that is likely going to define your career.  Ego?  Laziness?  a combination?  Who knows, but the show definitely suffered for it.

Season 6 was fine story wise. Things look to take a downturn when they had their "what if the Civil War ended in a draw" idea along with Disney wrangling them in with other commitments. Far to much on their plate maybe?

I know what thats like. I run businesses and have 4 kids. Other things Id like to dabble in, but cant because it would ripple effect heavily. If talking the money D&D were getting, Id be all for trying to pile it on and handle it.

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