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Packers win over Bills 22-0 Post game thread


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1 hour ago, Norm said:

He doesn't want to throw to those routes. They're antiquated routes. He's all new age. 

Show me an offense struggling despite decent skill players and a great QB , or an offense which looks like total hogwash with a backup QB , and I'll show you a bad OC.  That's what it boils down to.  To suggest that the offense isn't working because one of the most consistently great QBs of all time isn't executing just isn't something I'm buying.

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14 minutes ago, Patriotplayer90 said:

To suggest that the offense isn't working because one of the most consistently great QBs of all time isn't executing just isn't something I'm buying

Yeah I don't even think its an arguable point that MM isn't restricting Aaron to some degree.  But there's a fair bunch of bad OCs out there as well.  Rather have Mac than Linehan or whatever the heck Seattle is doing with Schott.


The degree of malpractice there is just way way beyond what MM is doing with Rodgers.

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11 minutes ago, Patriotplayer90 said:

Show me an offense struggling despite decent skill players and a great QB , or an offense which looks like total hogwash with a backup QB , and I'll show you a bad OC.  That's what it boils down to.  To suggest that the offense isn't working because one of the most consistently great QBs of all time isn't executing just isn't something I'm buying.

So by your logic the Bellichick/McDaniels combo is now bad at coordinating an offense?  They have been worse than Green Bay.

Face it, this is the time of year that teams are trying to find out what they are, and defenses tend to have the advantage.  It hasn't helped that Rodgers has been hobbled.  He clearly has missed on some throws in the last two weeks that he doesn't typically miss on.

This offense will get better.

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1 hour ago, Arthur Penske said:

Once agian, either PFF sucks or Ha Ha does. Or both.

Kenny had one hell of a game


That HaHa INT was the exact play he needs to make to start switching the narrative...He'd played the ball AND didn't shy away from contact. Heck of a play. 

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38 minutes ago, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

So by your logic the Bellichick/McDaniels combo is now bad at coordinating an offense?  They have been worse than Green Bay.

Face it, this is the time of year that teams are trying to find out what they are, and defenses tend to have the advantage.  It hasn't helped that Rodgers has been hobbled.  He clearly has missed on some throws in the last two weeks that he doesn't typically miss on.

This offense will get better.

They have literally had 1 option the past few weeks.  We've got established WRs  in Adams and Cobb, and sprung for Graham.  What could there be to figure out?  Many of offenses aren't struggling to find out who they are.  I won't pretend that Rodgers is perfect, but I think that there is a lack of trust in McCarthy, so he tends to do his own thing or miss routine plays.  I can't really blame him, looking at the success of the offense without Rodgers.

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16 minutes ago, Patriotplayer90 said:

They have literally had 1 option the past few weeks.  We've got established WRs  in Adams and Cobb, and sprung for Graham.  What could there be to figure out?  Many of offenses aren't struggling to find out who they are.  I won't pretend that Rodgers is perfect, but I think that there is a lack of trust in McCarthy, so he tends to do his own thing or miss routine plays.  I can't really blame him, looking at the success of the offense without Rodgers.

Too funny- you make up excuses for a healthy Brady lead team, while hacking on an injured Rodgers lead Packers which is still ranked higher on total offense.

Brady had the same targets yesterday as earlier with the exception of Josh Gordon who only had two catches.  He has had plenty of options, it just has taken them a while to get on the same page.  That was with Brady healthy and practicing.  

The drive killing plays in the first half were missed throws by Rodgers.  Given how rarely he has practiced that is not surprising.  That will get better.

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Was at the game. 2nd coldest September game ever at Lambeau. Fun fact: sat next to a 90-year woman who was attending her first game ever., pretty cool. As for the game, pretty much knew after the first few series we were going to have to royally f*ck up to lose because Allen sucks. Overall, our offensive performance was pretty mediocre once again. I'm sure the Rodgers/MM rift has been talked about but it's clear that Rodgers is frustrated with many things....

First, I think he still misses Jordy and clearly does not trust the rookies (and Cobb out didn't help the matter). MVS played a ton of snaps yesterday and Rodgers pretty much looked his way 3 times (1) an overthrow early on, (2) the should-be pick 6 where MVS ran a terrible route and Rodgers was livid, and (3) the deep bomb which was a great pass and great route by MVS. Moore also played a good number of snaps once G-Mo went down and Rodgers never even looked in his direction let alone threw a pass his way... 

Second, while Rodgers is certainly convinced that the play-calling and scheming by MM sucked once again (and I pretty much agree), I think it's also a mix of poor execution. Big drops all over the field for the 3rd straight game. G-Mo had two big drops, Graham had two big drops and there were a few others as well. These drops are killing us and could have hurt us on Sunday had the Bills been a team with a decent offense. 

Overall, can't say anything bad about the defense, they pitched a shutout against a rookie QB who played poorly. Credit to Pettine and the gang for forcing that poor play. Pressure was "better" although Matthews and Perry still didn't do very much. Perry was pretty quiet again other than his 1/2 sack. I think Fackrell might lead the team in sacks now after cleaning up in garbage time, which is scary/pathetic team-wise and inspiring for him at the same time....

Lastly, just going to point out that Josh Jones I believe did not play a single defensive snap yesterday, and Montravious Adams, despite Wilk's injury, only played about 5. That's pretty bad from your 2nd and 3rd picks from 2017. Getting little to no return at all from those picks so far. Given Jones' twitter activity the past few weeks, I could easily see him get Randall'd out of here after year 2 if he doesn't earn more playing time by then. Pretty sure the Packers prefer Raven Greene over him right now at safety...

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1 hour ago, TheBitzMan said:

That HaHa INT was the exact play he needs to make to start switching the narrative...He'd played the ball AND didn't shy away from contact. Heck of a play. 

Agreed. One of the first times I saw him anticipate a route and jump it for a pick, rather than simply catching a tipped ball or some overthrow right to him. He read it and undercut the route. Now I want to see him do it against a guy not named Josh Allen. 

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3 hours ago, skibrett15 said:

The mccarthy offense is decidedly stagnant.  I still see some things which are way more intriguing than what we saw last year though. 


Trips 3x1 with Jimmy isolated is really really exciting but it's not being run enough.  Here's my favorite play design... kind of a basic mesh/slant-wheel route combination.  Like how they identify the man coverage on the LB with motion, then the execution is very nice  by Adams to pick off 58 and still occupy his defender.



This is quite fair. 

Some staples will never die.  Slant/Flat for instance.  Iso concepts work fine vs. a poor secondary or pass rush that isn't very disciplined.  


But you can't watch the Rams offense and deny that new/innovative concepts have passed up MM.  Here's the trade-off.  Some plays are designed to get 1 or 2 guys open.  If those guys aren't open, the play is broken and a QB will likely be sacked or throw the ball away.  On the other hand, if you have an Iso-route offense, you could have any of 4 or 5 receiving threats come open at any given time.  MM likely believes that the Packers are better off allowing 12 to sort it out than they are if they design a play where only 1 or 2 will be open.  

What has handicapped MM and 12 over the last few years is 1 - a lack of speed at the skill positions and 2 - Rodgers passing up open receivers underneath for the chance at a bigger play...  3 - (this year) would probably be drops and poorly thrown balls - which you could attribute to 12's injury or immobility.  


I didn't have jack going on last week, so I watched the Packers game plus parts of the Rams/Vikes, 49ers/Chargers, and Steelers/Ravens.  The prevalence of route combinations and plays designed to target the weakness of a defense was obvious in the other three games.  The 9ers did a fantastic job of putting Bethard in a position to succeed.  1 or 2 reads and then the ball came out.  He looked like a competent QB. 

The Rams offense was absolutely brilliant to watch.  They have talent at the running back and receiving position that not a lot of teams have, but they also have a genius running that offense.  


I'm not terribly upset with MM after a game like yesterday.  Execution was poor.  He did use some route combinations that opened up some big plays.  The slant that went to Davante was nice.  He cleared out the entire left side of the D and then had Adams run a slant underneath.  That is a play that is completely blown if Adams doesn't win inside, but it worked and it was fantastic.  



Personally, I think most fans want to see more designed plays and fewer iso concepts.  I think it gives the young guys a chance to play fast (instead of thinking about 1,000 things before and after the snap) and it forces 12 to play within the system.  

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One thing I mentioned earlier: speed.  

I could give a **** less about the rookie mistakes from 83.  He made a few.  I think he'll learn.  




This has been missing from the offense for quite some time.  Adams doesn't run by people.  Davis struggles to win vs. press man.  Janis... seemed to do everything wrong.  Cobb can't do this.  2018 Jordy can't do this.  But 83... I see you, rookie.  

Cooks can take the top of a defense off for the Rams.  Diggs can for the Vikes.  John Brown is doing it for the Ravens.  I think 83 can be that guy for the Packers, if they let him.  You can even see him separate in Adams' slant.  He has such a great combination of fluidity off the line and break-away speed.  I love it. 

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1 hour ago, Patriotplayer90 said:

They have literally had 1 option the past few weeks.  We've got established WRs  in Adams and Cobb, and sprung for Graham.  What could there be to figure out?  Many of offenses aren't struggling to find out who they are.  I won't pretend that Rodgers is perfect, but I think that there is a lack of trust in McCarthy, so he tends to do his own thing or miss routine plays.  I can't really blame him, looking at the success of the offense without Rodgers.

You're ignoring the fact that GB has faced some of the toughest defenses in the league. I think their SOS rank for opposing defenses through 4 weeks is #2 in the league.

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