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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

So yeah right now gopher until we have more evidence otherwise. I may be on sporadically today as my back is still killing me and limiting my ability to walk or sit so hopefully I'll stay caught up as best I can.

Get better man, back pain is something no one deserves. 

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19 hours ago, The Orca said:
On 4/19/2019 at 11:25 AM, The Orca said:

Very interesting posts reading back at the first couple of days

On 4/17/2019 at 9:58 AM, MWil23 said:

Full disclosure @TheKillerNacho and   @theuntouchable, since I can't apparently be any more guilty/suspicious in your eyes, two nights ago I investigated
@SwAg and found out that SHE was an agent. Since Swag defused the bomb and the phony yesterday, I assume that he won't mind confirming this.

This post was Wednesday about Monday...what day did we start? 

On 4/15/2019 at 2:08 PM, SwAg said:

So, who we lynching, boys?  SwAg is reporting in!


So Swag is claiming town and has said he isnt part of the team. Yet Mwil said he was email and part of the team. No more female team members are left to claim...so what the blank

Here I was trying to show how the above post correlate to Swags claim on D1. Which I believe has now caught Mwil. Mwil claimed Monday morning that two nights ago (Monday, D1 where Swag posted this gif he invested Swag. Now he is claiming that was N2 because the gunshot stopped his N1 invest. Swag later claims he isn't part of the Team and is town. Mwils post above taken at a glance signals he is part of the Team imo. He later claims that he was being literal and that Swag (she) WAS an Agent as in not anymore. What could be construed as an agent. FBI, BAU, Secret Service...yes. Sergeant in the military...hell no. This was a play on words to make it seem like Swag was town and Mwil was confirming it. But I think messed up

On 4/15/2019 at 2:16 PM, SwAg said:

So, when I’m lynched by an assortment of FailTown, AFKers, Lolz, and Serial Killers, you should probably do something about that!

Setting up stuff early D1 

So here Swag was posting a reason for his lynch D1. He had like 3 or 4 votes I think when this was posted. Blaming others imo

On 4/15/2019 at 2:17 PM, Whicker said:

Swag and Touch is better than Swag and Matts at least 

Not sure why Whicker posted this but it didn't seem to fit and was sketchy looking back

On 4/15/2019 at 2:18 PM, MWil23 said:

Fin, BCB, Raves all very quiet. KOTN, Nacho, and Gopher are relatively quiet (Nacho gave an explanation).

Mwil posts about people not posting or being quiet...but leaves out Touch (Who called him out on it), myself and Tk3. The latter two I dont think had posted at this point

On 4/15/2019 at 3:34 PM, SwAg said:

It definitely goes both ways.  I know you’re focused on those defending me, and I don’t mind that, but it’s not difficult for me to imagine why non-Town people would vote for me to put me into this position in the first place.  A handicap is a handicap.

Pickle was pushing hard that someone defending Swag was a SK. Swag pushed hard the other way and was adamant to look at the people pushing him

On 4/15/2019 at 3:55 PM, SwAg said:

Yeah, but I can also understand the reasoning he alluded to being compelling as Town.  I mean, regardless of what you think of me, I doubt anyone would characterize me as lacking analytically.  So, I understand both my innocent and malicious explanation for defending me.  

I can see why you think that with KOTN, even MWil, as they’re relatively soft spoken, and I’m not.  Plus, KOTN had no issue lynching Malf on D1 in Gopher’s Game.  But, I can ignore that since I’m better than @Malfatron.

Furthermore, more to my initial point, it’s mutually exclusive.  One of my defenders could be doing the long con, and one of my detractors could be trying to ship me out early or limit my presence.

Swag talks about his defends finally, but more as 1 of them could be a SK and 1 of the people pushing him could be as well. Sets up the next post which is Red Flag worthy now imo

On 4/15/2019 at 4:04 PM, SwAg said:

Believe me, guys, I know one of my defenders is probably a SK, and probably going to murder me.  The same can be said for everyone else too.  

I’m not long for the game, lmao.  Serial Killers don’t want me alive because regardless of whether I’m Town or another SK, my best way of surviving is to find them.  

This is why I emphasize the early game record.  I have low survival expectations (call it arrogance if it helps), so I try to build something that’s going to outlive me.

He flat out claims that 1 of his defenders is a SK. At this time I think he still had a few votes. This is clearly setting something up and was an intentional post...or more grandstanding and trolling. Either way...wtf. He also starts the multiple posts about him dying, being lynched or going to be killed. Basically trying to get votes off of him, also setting up an eventual death and possibly putting us on the wrong path or where he wants us to look. Basically two SKs pushed Mwil hard early in Nacho and Whicker. Maybe they were setting up Mwil to be the fall guy at some point

On 4/16/2019 at 4:07 PM, Whicker said:

I planted the bombs. Both of them. And I have a partner who will win this game. Just saying.


On 4/16/2019 at 4:07 PM, SwAg said:

That’s ominous.


On 4/16/2019 at 4:07 PM, Whicker said:

Super annoying there's a defuse although it's not surprising

Whicker claims the bombs and basically says he isn't surprised about the defuses. Aside from Mwil, the interactions with Whicker and Swag are telling imo. They have a hint of knowing that other posts did not. Swag saying that it is ominous I assume to the partner aspect, then later Nacho says he doesnt and is trolling. Then Swag will push forth the partner angle

On 4/16/2019 at 4:11 PM, SwAg said:

Orca, what are your thoughts right now?

Sounds like two different types of bombers.

Basically making an excuse and reason for his role to be in the game imo. No reason to have Forge be able to defuse bombs and a normal citizen. Why? Doesnt make sense. I have been steadfast that having two bomb defusers would basically make a bomber inert. I was allowed to explain everything about the bomb, so theoretically I and Pickle and anyone else would live until we were out of defuses. That's a minimum of 4 I think. That's crazy. Basically makes Whicker a joke SK lol. One of the defusers is a fraud. I am confident. Whicker kept saying he was weak because of the defusers. What if 1 was connected to the bomber. He defuses the bombs and then everyone thinks he is civ and coasts through the game...exactly what Swag has done

On 4/16/2019 at 4:16 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

BTW he has no partner. Hes telling the truth about trollimg us

Spoken as fact 

On 4/16/2019 at 4:22 PM, SwAg said:

Whicker and Forge confirmed duo.

Spoken as fact opposite Nacho. They are basically causing the WIFOM we are at now imo

On 4/16/2019 at 4:23 PM, SwAg said:

Forge did you target someone last night? lol

Swag starts pushing Forge who claimed bomb defuser on D1 and D2. Swag made multiple attempts to make it seem like Forge was an imposter. When in fact Forge was a member of the team

On 4/16/2019 at 4:26 PM, SwAg said:

Tbh, if Forge is lying, it is genuinely impressive how hard he failed in certain details, yet maintained other lesser details.  Makes me think there is something true there.

Whicker pushes Forge as well. If Swag is connected to the Bomber, what better way to expose Forge who fumbled his role like Mwil and get him lyched or hit

On 4/16/2019 at 4:53 PM, Whicker said:

I have a genuine defuse right here

Whicker claims to have a defusal. He also later claims to have a specific restriction on a time constraint like Swag. He then says Swag can confirm this aspect. What better way to further reinforce that Swag is the real bomb defuser and Forge is a fraud...which Forge was the TEAM MEMBER

On 4/16/2019 at 5:40 PM, SwAg said:

Not really.  You’re saying you don’t think he would do it based on a lot of unknown context that may have occurred.  I proposed a scenario in which it is likely.

The strikes just add up on Mwil: (1) role not in open setup post; (2) messed up claim; (3) spiraling responses; (4) some of you might include unsolicited defenses of me; and (5) and I am sorry I mention this, but simply using real life to get away — we previously had someone use his grandmother dying, mother diagnosed with cancer, etc. in games to get out of being lynched as obvious scum. @bcb1213 verify.

Using real life got in the way...what has Swag been doing. Claiming he cant participate fully until school is out in May, says he isn't interested in the game and doesnt want to commit time to the game

On 4/16/2019 at 6:02 PM, SwAg said:

lol, I feel like Whicker has told us half the truth, and we are stuck trying to discern which half.

Looking back, seriously another post that seems to be of knowledge and if not...just plain trolling

On 4/16/2019 at 6:10 PM, Whicker said:

I'm not alone. If I were alone, all hope of winning is gone and I'd just take my lynch and move on. But I'm here to set the table for someone else right now.

I believe this statement. Two bombs on 1 night. When has scum been able to go to two houses in one night? Only 1 game I have ever seen. I think this is true

On 4/16/2019 at 6:19 PM, SwAg said:

I feel like Whicker is purposefully being helpful to make my idea less believable.

Using a SK to make himself look better. Why imo. No reason to make this post

On 4/16/2019 at 6:19 PM, SwAg said:

So, screw you, Whicker.

Trying to separate himself imo from Whicker

On 4/16/2019 at 7:26 PM, SwAg said:

Please, Forge, my dear friend, enlighten me as to:

(1) how you were unclear in your ability when Dome's game has segmented Role PMs that line-by-line instructions;

(2) do you even know what you ******* do?  You've claimed an x-shot limited-protector, bomb defuser, and Watcher, and somehow didn't understand your role.  The whole "I'm new" schtick isn't going to work because last I checked you're not new to reading;

(3) you said earlier three people would die at night without you, yet you allegedly only have two defuses, and didn't understand how to use them, but apparently at that time you knew it was a night ability; and

(4) how did you not know it's a night ability after a.) using it on N1, and b.) "consuming a charge"

Putting more shade on Forge...the claimed bomb defuser after Swag I think defused Pickle

On 4/16/2019 at 7:29 PM, Whicker said:

If you could all somehow not lynch and me and lynch Forge instead that'd be really cool. I'll send you a bomb and then defuse it!

Wanting Forge lynched...but not Swag....lmao

On 4/16/2019 at 7:49 PM, Whicker said:

I just get to choose who I kill. It's not the last voter. Swag is being prudent 

Swag didn't vote Whicker because he said Whicker would blow up...Whicker agreed with him and Swag doesnt lynch Whicker 

On 4/16/2019 at 8:21 PM, SwAg said:

Well, y'all have about 35 minutes to decide if you want Orca or not.

I think the Bombs are largely done for the game, and I don't want to trust Forge, and I have more defuses, so I would be inclined to save Orca because he's Town, and I believe I'm likely to die early.

But if I'm wrong -- which I'm always wrong -- then there is another bomber out there, and then I use a good amount of my defuses right out the gate and we're stuck later.

Wow this post. Making himself useful to town...claims Im town (knowledge), then puts more shade on Forge

On 4/16/2019 at 8:31 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

@Forge If you have the power to save Orca but only have one save left let him die. he's probably scum. Chance he's Whicker's partner. If you don't save him and he doesnt explode we will have good faith on that. If he somehow is town he's probably a liability cause his reads have been awful.

Either way you're almost certifiably better off investigating someone. Which is frankly what you should've done n1.

Nacho with the absolute opposite stance as Swag, that was interesting

On 4/16/2019 at 8:39 PM, MWil23 said:

I say save him. We have the bomber already and there’s no guarantee of a partner. I think saying that he has one is his best attempt to win post lynch.

Im still hesitant on Mwi and extremely worried about him at the same time lol

On 4/16/2019 at 9:08 PM, MWil23 said:

I get that completely, but from my vantage point, if I’m being targeted night 1, I’m better off communicating now because there may not be a tomorrow for me and my win stipulation is the same as the rest of town I assume. Even if I get a mislynch out of it, people will go back and look to see who pushed for me and connect the scum dots.


Felt like quoting this...even with all his inconsistencies...he posted here that he assumed he had the same wincon as the rest of town. Implying he is town and not town. Would he be able to have a detail like that just thrown in that matches given he cant keep anything straight

On 4/16/2019 at 9:09 PM, SwAg said:

I don’t know if Nacho has improved a lot, or if I’m just biased because he’s acting like me.

I urge you all to read these quotes

Swag/Nacho connection

Sorry for the long post but I thought this was best to use again. My responses this time are in bold. Further explaining how the posts fit my thoughts on Swag, Nacho, Whicker, and Mwil


So, for a while now, beginning with the bombs on D2, I suspected that there was someone working with the bomber. Maybe Whicker was the bomber like he claimed...or maybe the guy who can defuse the bombs is the bomber. Either way. Having two bombs placed in 1 night signifies someone is helping the bomber imo. Most games...and I do mean most, scum can only use 1 move and go to 1 house a night. Whicker would have had gone to 2 houses or someone is working with him. I believe 1 of these people is a bomb defuser. Swag being this person makes total sense to me because of all the posts I quoted above. Having a SK, someone working with the bomber, accomplice, or the real bomber, being able to defuse the bombs would be perfect cover and make them look like a civ. It would also make up for the fact that civs and the Team in particular had a bunch of moves at their disposal. Yes some of those moves were false positives, but having that many moves that could possibly catch a SK, to balance the game the SKs would need something to balance out their end. I propose that is the ability to defuse their own bombs (SWAG).


Separate from that theory you have Swags game play. His posts on D1 and D2 were mostly game related with some trolling. Starting D3 he has been mostly absent, trolling, calling Mwil a SK and touch is gonna kill us all etc. What if he knew he could clear himself with the bomb defusal, get Forge to out himself (which he already did) and then constantly troll about Mwil and touch. They both could be SKs or scum and once "cleared" he thought no one would look back at those posts.

Then you have the constant complaining, saying he doesnt care about the game, doesnt want to devote time, etc. BS. After lying low for a few days he has popped back up today after we have lost 3 Team members and a townie.

Then you have the fact that a town member could defuse bombs...that would be overpowered on top of the team moves...and the fact I have no move as a townie.

Then you have @AFlaccoSeagulls saying unbeknownst to me that Swag had background info that would allude to being a bomber. This is way too much coincidences to be random. Could it be a false positive maybe....but look above at everything else. I could add a lot more imo to all this and might but let me know if this is clearer and what you all think. Please read the posts in the quote tree and my thoughts in bold as well 


19 hours ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

After reading all of that, and especially after reading Whicker's post - I believe Orca is his partner.


10 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Still not sure - tbh I've missed all the arguments against SwAg can you tl;dr?

This was my arguement and your response from yesterday

I get some of it is looking and fitting posts into a theory...but there are a lot of coincidences that I cant ignore it and I really truly believe two bomb defusers are not civ

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10 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

It's crazy. I can't stand up straight beacuse I'm so out of alignment - my upper torso is noticeably leaning left lol

Back injuries are horrible. They basicially immobilize you. Hope you get better soon!!!

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2 hours ago, The Orca said:

Orca- Barry (Bcb invest) Bartow, townie, no move 

Swag- townie, 2 shot bomb defuse, female (Mwil invest), Background points to Bomber (Flacco invest)

Raves- JJ

Flacco- Garcia

Bcb- Reid/Gideon

Kotn- townie (Bcb invest), female (Raves invest)

Touch- townie (Bcb invest), self watch, female? (Mwil invest I think)

Gopher- townie, day vig, gun/stolen keys (Forge invest)

Dingo- townie (Bcb invest), decent move

Squire- Reid/Gideon


Unless Dingo is lying about himself being a townie...everyone has claimed or been labeled into either team or town by info. 

Discuss something with me...Lynch me today that removes 1 for sure townie. Leaving Swag, Gopher, Touch, Kotn, Dingo. Should we do that or look at 1 of the other townies?

Also...looks like I'm really the only person without a move @squire12 if dingo is telling the truth


2 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

What I got for living people 

Dingo is Emily Ellis emergency clean up tech 

Touch is Katie Kennedy, single mom of three, insurance rep 

Kotn is Denise Dillon, retired 


With info mostly in the thread ya'll can go from this 



  1. @The Orca - Barry Barlow
  2. @SwAg - Bomb Defuser. 
  3. @Pickle Rick - Torched N3 - Aaron Hotchner
  4. @AFlaccoSeagulls - Investigator. 
  5. @gopherwrestler - Person with a gun.
  6. @Forge - Shot N4 - Derek Morgan
  7. @TheKillerNacho - Lynched N3 - Tyson Trotter
  8. @squire12 - Can't remember if claimed or not. 
  9. @FinneasGage > Now DingoLadd2.0  - Emily Elway, Cleaner. 
  10. @Whicker - Lynched N2 - Chris Charles
  11. @bcb1213 - Investigator. 
  12. @Raves - Investigator. 
  13. @MWil23 - Lynched N5 - Stacy Sanders
  14. @DingoLadd - Lynched N1 - Elle Greenaway
  15. @theuntouchable - Katie Kennedy, single mother, insurance rep.
  16. @Tk3 - Lynched N4 - Jeff Jordan
  17. @KOTN-93 - Denise Dillon, retired. 

That leaves Gopher/KOTN/Me/Orca. 

Gopher has a gun.

KOTN I have no reads on.

I am obviously town.

Orca not having a move is ? but this doesn't feel like his scum game. 


Out of the four of this group we should find the stabber/shooter/arsonist. 

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2 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

@The Orca That's not a tl;dr my good friend :( 

Haha...I didnt want to write it all for like the 5th time

Basicially I don't believe 2 bomb defusers are civ, the back and form between Swag and Whicker, along with the comment about 1 person defending him is sure a SK, multiple times saying he didnt want to play this game, didnt want to commit time to this, reluctance to vote Mwil when given the chance, the posting before using the bomb defuses has been different since then, a bomb defuse seems rather powerful for a townie given Dingos move, touchs move (Gopher I think would be similar to Swag imo)

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1 hour ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:


Invest on Orca results:

Name: Barry Bartow

Background check: He's made numerous "radical" posts on social media and internet forums, usually relating to politics and social news.

So what if the bomber put the fake bomb on themselves? 

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you can lynch me if you want. 

I’ll flip town. I’m Ray Riley if that helps anyone whose watched the show.

i have nothing anymore since we took my gun away that didn’t even work, and my stolen keys that had no use whatsoever, along with being homeless. Send me to prison, probably would be nicer than a tent.


outside of that, KOTN is the only one I actually question a little bit.


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20 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

I still believe pickle was onto something with him when we both voted for him and you guys thought we were nuts 


On 4/15/2019 at 9:25 PM, gopherwrestler said:


You vote Kotn based on a good push by Pickle about the 2 people defending Swag

On 4/15/2019 at 9:38 PM, gopherwrestler said:

@SwAg doing the shut up a disappear thing before night too?


On 4/15/2019 at 9:42 PM, gopherwrestler said:


Flip to Swag 15+ min later

On 4/15/2019 at 9:45 PM, Whicker said:

Let's see. I think Nacho is a bad lynch. I think Swag is a bad lynch. Orca isn't catching any steam.

Mwil23 is the least offensive of my options here

Felt like highlighting this post 

On 4/15/2019 at 9:52 PM, Dome said:


squire12 TheKillerNacho
FinneasGage TheKillerNacho
The Orca TheKillerNacho
DingoLadd TheKillerNacho
MWil23 TheKillerNacho
AFlaccoSeagulls SwAg
gopherwrestler SwAg
KOTN-93 Raves
Tk3 Pickle Rick
Whicker MWil23
Raves MWil23
theuntouchable MWil23
Pickle Rick KOTN-93
Forge gopherwrestler
TheKillerNacho FinneasGage
bcb1213 DingoLadd
SwAg AFlaccoSeagulls

At this point Nacho is the lynch with 8 min to go

On 4/15/2019 at 9:54 PM, Whicker said:


How the hell is that the most likely? Have intricate knowledge of such things?

BW time

On 4/15/2019 at 9:55 PM, gopherwrestler said:


You flip to Dingo

On 4/15/2019 at 9:57 PM, MWil23 said:


SK flips to Dingo

On 4/15/2019 at 9:59 PM, gopherwrestler said:


You flip to Forge last second

On 4/15/2019 at 10:04 PM, Dome said:

Still no talking

Dingo will be the lynch. Writeup incoming. 

FinneasGage TheKillerNacho
The Orca TheKillerNacho
DingoLadd TheKillerNacho
AFlaccoSeagulls SwAg
KOTN-93 Raves
theuntouchable MWil23
Pickle Rick KOTN-93
Forge gopherwrestler
gopherwrestler Forge
TheKillerNacho FinneasGage
squire12 DingoLadd
MWil23 DingoLadd
Tk3 DingoLadd
Whicker DingoLadd
Raves DingoLadd
bcb1213 DingoLadd
SwAg AFlaccoSeagulls


Final vote on D1



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