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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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40 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Is it too early to hard claim CAPTAIN PLANET? My team is composed of 






...by your powers combined, I’m CAPTAIN PLANET. My win con is taking all of the Polluters down to zero.


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Asked him a simple question.  Says he'll be back to answer it.  Comes back, doesn't answer it. I call him on it. He comes back again, still doesn't answer it and puts me on his scum list.  If I'm right, dome is likely his team nate 

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13 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

@Matts4313 why do you have to try and push the ethical/unethical boundary so much. 


I'm getting the feeling that neither are Avengers aligned.  Matts was making a play for the lolclear got busted and instead went for the easy lynch of malf who very well isn't aligned with Avengers or matts 

Matts then malf

Why matts before malf?

Based on the posts thus far, seems like the reverse order would be better.

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13 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:


Matts has been playing the PM game all day and may or may not have gotten counselor (could very well be just language confusion) and malf (seems to be forcing a round peg into a square hole).  

Interesting summary and backwards use of the expression

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