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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I mean, if I died, they left.

Yeah, and that's probably sufficient balance. I don't really know anything about the balancing of mafia games like that, so I suppose if there was a single issue with it, it would stem for that. I had no problems with it. 

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6 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

In what way did you help me?

You stopped by our chat for like 30 minutes last night (never returned), came up with a plan (and never executed it). I suck at this and needed help.

Last night I went to bed. Today I’ve been at work. Terribly sorry I didn’t cater to you 


I was outed, that was the situation of it. Nothing we could do.

My plan was to not play ball with them, while simultaneously not trying to look like it was intentional. Which is why I voted for the esper

I wanted them to not trust me, as scum. I would vote for you, and hope the WIFOM would make them switch to Squire or llama. What would you have me do? Vote squire with you? That would have been even more stupid. I was hoping my vote for Naz would give them a reason to hesitate

I was going to say that the scum moves did not include poisoning swag, so the poison mystery was still out there. 

The ratio was 5-2. I was hoping for a miracle mislynch, then at night I would protect us both (I could do that), while you got someone, bringing it to 3-2. 

Then I was hoping to be lynched the following day, survive, and make a hit to get to 2-2 and the win

The problem was, they all locked on you too quickly.


I may have done it poorly, but don’t sit there and whine and act like I didn’t try something. It was an impossible task and I tried my best attempt at a Hail Mary.


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Yeah, I understand that.  I'm not criticizing that point, because it was my initial concept too.  I think for this particular setup, it was balanced well enough from a mechanical standpoint, coupled with the fact that it's the type of role to have informal balancing (e.g., even if I played perfectly and survived long enough to have the role's power maximized, people will start to get paranoid about one person's ability to effectively dictate the lynch).  Albeit, I didn't maximize power, if I wanted to maximize power, I would have not used their day abilities until endgame.  So, overall, I thought if their powers were any stronger, they would have to have a more definitive expiration, but it turned out well relative to the rest.

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1 minute ago, TheKillerNacho said:

In my mind, there was going to be paranoia with them, being that the summoner could be scum or town. Swag did well to virtually clear himself through thread play, then make it known he was summoner. Then again, even then it still got tk3 paranoid so there you go

Damn, ninja by a minute.  I played it almost flawlessly, and outed their abilities almost immediately to quell paranoia, and I still had heat for them.  That's the epitome of practical balancing.

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But yeah, overall, I enjoyed the game.  I also enjoy that you tend to bring the added layer of items to your games, and I think you've cultivated a way of balancing it. 

I used to have setups with certain zones available to certain players (e.g., Wilderness Zone available to the Forager or Alchemist for potential bonuses, with a chance of encountering the PGO; four neighborhoods with a park in the middle, and if you intersect through the park based on your target, you might encounter the SK), but reception was semi-negative for that element of those games, but you'll all probably have to suffer through one of those in my next game because I'm a fan of retreading past failures to see if I can make them work.

Edited by SwAg
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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

But yeah, overall, I enjoyed the game.  I also enjoy that you tend to bring the added layer of items to your games, and I think you've cultivated a way of balancing it. 

I used to have setups with certain zones available to certain players, but reception was semi-negative for that element of those games, but you'll all probably have to suffer through one of those in my next game because I'm a fan of retreading past failures to see if I can make them work.

I don't think I've played in one of your games yet,  consider me intrigued

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I've only done 2 here, and neither had too many ripples as the major "break the game" roles died early, but upon reflection probably had too much RNG across the board.

I have actual games (not Trump / Epstein Mafia, but I do have those too) ready to go whenever there is a lull in the ready-to-host queue.

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I tried to lay low days 1-2 and just make it to day 3. Forge should have died day 2 and/or 4. I couldn’t use my arrows on consecutive nights or night 1, so I used my charm and spear night 1, arrow night 2, faction kill 3, was caught, and trolled to gain information, which actually worked well. With the 3 vote passive lynch on me I tried to self sacrifice with the ET situation at the end and unfortunately orca came out looking worse somehow. We decided anything after night 2 for me was gravy.

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