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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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On 11/7/2019 at 11:51 AM, Hockey5djh said:

I'm interested in this because you claimed Protector and the writeup says nothing of a failed hit.

So what if he did?

On 11/7/2019 at 2:10 PM, Pickle Rick said:

Here is the thing....

Why would malf and forge work in lock step unison to buss a teammate (hockey or et) when the most optimal play is to buss forge who can't die as it seems.  

Is he protected?

On 11/7/2019 at 6:21 PM, rackcs said:

I think one of counselor or gopher is scum here and I lean counselor. If I remember correctly, it was gopher who was softing a counter claim on counselor and malf was quick to point out that it could be possible there are two town protectors. I think one of them is the scum protector and I think it's counselor.

No I brought up that there could be two town protectors, I asked how common it was.... two.... but continue reading in this post....

On 11/7/2019 at 7:32 PM, The Orca said:

What did he do that was egregious other than stay in the game? When was he replaced?

I dont see Counselor coming into the game and fake claiming left and right if he was scum. That's more of what he does as town and  how he did it felt town imo

Maybe he didn’t have to fake claim. He could be a proctector, are you defending him?


On 11/7/2019 at 8:44 PM, Counselor said:

So those pushing my lynch must know I’m the protector and are scum. If I get lynched look at those people. I protected myself two nights in a row. Last night phase I was told I was protected. The night before nothing.

So here’s the issue..... I know the other civ protector didn’t protect you. Literally can confirm this....unless there are THREE civ protectors this game, I don’t understand it..... if anybody reading this can’t figure out what my role is, it’s my last clue.

so I’m going to vote counselor

16 hours ago, TedLavie said:

I don't think so honestly

However it is possible that there is something unclear that can explain this. Since Counselor has claimed I think it's better he explains the mechanics of his role and you be the judge on whether it's possible or not. 

Wouldn't want to mislynch a protector based on a possible misunderstanding 

Asking a protector to give out more info?

8 hours ago, Hockey5djh said:

Welp....Orca is an investigator. @Counselor if you're actually a protector you now have someone to protect.

Ah yes, come out to all the crowd to announce what orca is......

playing the captain obvious route to seem helpful?

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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

The statement in bold directly implies that you know who a civ protector is from a night move.

Now it is from before that?

Night move, to clarify clearly. It’s from a role. I didn’t say night move and have said this multiple times. In my “gophers world” game I handed out “night moves”..... roles

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