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Browns vs. Steelers GDT


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The worst part about this entire thing is reading Chris Fedor's tweets. Seriously? Could that guy be any more of a pansie snowflake? I'm honestly more embarrassed to have him in my local sports media than being a fan of the Browns after what Myles just did. Did that guys nuts forget to drop when he was younger or what?

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Just now, brownplaque said:

The worst part about this entire thing is reading Chris Fedor's tweets. Seriously? Could that guy be any more of a pansie snowflake? I'm honestly more embarrassed to have him in my local sports media than being a fan of the Browns after what Myles just did. Did that guys nuts forget to drop when he was younger or what?

Be careful bro, you’re about to trigger some folks with your lack of empathy for people empathizing.

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1 minute ago, brownplaque said:

This team is a disgrace. Things were suppose to be different for us fan this year but they're really same ole Browns. We can't even enjoy a win anymore. The team acts like a bunch of idiots like they had never won before after escaping a Josh Allen led Buffalo team and now we have to deal with this Myles thing after beating Pittsburgh for the first time in ages. I'm am about done with this team for good. 

You stuck it out through keeping a 1-31 coach, but whooping Pittsburgh's literal and figurative *** is what does it?

Weird flex.

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First off as a Steelers fan congrats on the win, just too good for us tonight.

I'm actually shocked people can defend Garrett,  I understand where Pouncey was coming from but he is going to get a one more than likely two game suspension for the kick.  

However Garret is gone for the season, and if I were a Brown fan I would be livid because no offense but any chance you had of making a push for the playoffs is gone with him out.

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2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I don’t get the taking personally what another human did that you had no part of and feeling the need to attack a fan base or defend a player that you aren’t even affiliated with in any other way than being a fan or opposing fan of that players employer? Like really? 

Isn't that what being a fan is? We have no effect on anything on the field regardless of what happens.

Edited by Don Roshi
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18 minutes ago, OhioG said:

Lol wtf kind of take is this

Our great grandparents also suffered through the great depression, so does that mean you cant feel any negative way if you are in a bad financial situation or when you hear/see others in something like that

Also its a just a figure of speech. The gatekeeping is strong in this one

OG kind of cookin' a little bit... lol

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Just now, BlaqOptic said:

Half the league is tweeting about this... guess those players are snowflakes too.

Jesus you can’t be this dense...  I have no issue with people discussing it.  If you have noticed, I’m discussing it too.

My issue is with some folks having an absolutely over the top reaction as if some dude got his head chopped off on live TV.  Aikman with the “I’m sorry you have to watch this” or the “disgusting” comments.  

Literally nothing significant happened. Myles is fine, Rudolph is fine, everyone is fine.

All the same “disgusted” individuals tuned in to see a game that had at least 2 dudes have to leave the game with actual head trauma and that’s all well and good, but this giant nothingball of stupidity has people virtue signaling their horror from the highest of mountain tops.

It’s a showcase of stupidity (by some, not all).

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4 minutes ago, ditchdigger said:

You stuck it out through keeping a 1-31 coach, but whooping Pittsburgh's literal and figurative *** is what does it?

Weird flex.

The Myles thing has nothing to do with it. The cumulative of the season. Things we suppose to be different this year but the reality is nothing has changed. We are still a bad organization with no real direction. We have beat Luke Falk, Josh Allen and Mason Rudolph whoopdiehell. We cave under adversity we have zero hope of making the playoffs before its even Thanksgiving yet again.

We all knew we were going to be bad when Sashi and Hue took over, but lets be real the fact that it got that bad probably helped us get through it because it turned comical. The losing wasn't the hard part. Hell we have been champions of that department for 20 years. What has me near wits end with this team is the false hope and ultimate let down. Some will say 4-6 isn't really that bad especially with our schedule, but honestly its not the record. We have played and looked like garbage even in victory. Nothing is different around here. It's different faces in different roles with different lines but it all plays out as the same story. I didn't say I was done. I said I was almost done.

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I don’t get the taking personally what another human did that you had no part of and feeling the need to attack a fan base or defend a player that you aren’t even affiliated with in any other way than being a fan or opposing fan of that players employer? Like really? 

Our existence on this planet is a strange one...

In moments like these, the nonsense is a gravity that attracts other nonsense to itself and spirals...

The "the negative act of the players wasn't negative because he's on our team" takes or the " I think I'll go to another team's forum, find one take I disagree and generalize and sh*t on the entire forum/fanbase as if a few opinions are representative of all" takes are the minority and just sign of the confused times we live in...

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