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***Spoilers*** Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


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On 12/28/2019 at 11:53 PM, naptownskinsfan said:

And as most of us have said, you have to blame Kathleen Kennedy for not having an overarching plan for this.  It's storytelling 101.  None of what happened with The Last Jedi and the undoing of most of that movie with Rise of Skywalker would've happened if they mapped out a story from the beginning, and a sole director given control over all three.  

yeah. it's just a crying shame because they had some really great and well-casted new characters and ultimately IMO wasted them. too bad.

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29 minutes ago, -Hope- said:

yeah. it's just a crying shame because they had some really great and well-casted new characters and ultimately IMO wasted them. too bad.

Disney+ gives us spinoff show possibilities. Maybe we get Kerri Russel and Poe in a smuggler show pre-resistence. Would be fun to see a Captain Phasma show. 

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16 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

Disney+ gives us spinoff show possibilities. Maybe we get Kerri Russel and Poe in a smuggler show pre-resistence. Would be fun to see a Captain Phasma show. 

They kinda did that already with the novel exploring her backstory.  Other than that, it would be watching her train stormtroopers.  

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I'll always wonder what JJ could have done if he had been given the whole trilogy from the start along with creative control, but the end product is still a lot of fun, which I rank above the prequel trilogy, even if it does fall short of the original trilogy.

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. Return of the Jedi

3. A New Hope

4. The Mandalorian

5. Rogue One

6. The Force Awakens

7. Rise of Skywalker 

8. Solo

9. The Last Jedi

10. Revenge of the Sith

11. The Phantom Menace

12. Attack of the Clones

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1. The Empire Strikes Back

2. A New Hope

3. Return of the Jedi

4. Rogue One

5. Revenge of the Sith

6. The Last Jedi

7. The Force Awakens

8. The Phantom Menace

9. The Rise of Skywalker

10. Attack of the Clones

11. Solo

The OT trilogy is king. Individually the sequel trilogy movies are better, but I just rewatched everything before seeing RoS, and the prequel trilogy is a better watch from start to finish for me. The sequel trilogy is way too incoherent. The Last Jedi would be higher, but Rose/Canto Bight and RoS drop it a lot.

Rogue One is up and down, but the last hour is the best hour of any movie so that vaults it up for me. Solo is pure meh. I have no desire to ever watch it again.

Edited by seminoles1
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Just saw it last night. It's a fine movie, but that only upsets me because it could have been so much better if the whole series built a little better. 

The Rey/Ben thing never really grips me like it should because Kylo never feels like a real villain. 

Palpatine obviously wasn't planned from the beginning. They should have alluded to a bigger bad in the first, then showed a glimpse of him at the end of #2. Just get rid of snoke altogether. 

Luke's emo thing still gets me upset a little too. Surely there was a better way of involving him as a side character. 

At least Rey finally struggles a little in this last one, even if it's just mentally. She still just inherently knows how to do anything with the force as well as anyone else except palpatine himself (heal, force lightning). 

Again, I did enjoy it. Solid 6.5/10 for me. I just wish the whole series was more coherent. 

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1. The Empire Strikes Back

2. The Mandalorian

3. A New Hope

4. Return of the Jedi

5. The Force Awakens

6. Solo

7. Rogue One

8. The Last Jedi

9. Rise of Skywalker

10.Revenge of the Sith

11. The Phantom Menace

12. Attack of the Clones

Edited by Malfatron
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