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Football's Future: This is the End Mafia - Night 8 ends Monday, 3/2 at 10:00 PM EST


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Pickle Rick hung his head, frustrated. Tonight was not as fruitful as he was hoping. He got himself together and held his head high though, determined to do better tomorrow night. Well, that was the plan anyways.

"Hey kid, wanna hear a joke?"

Pickle Rick turned around quickly but didn't see anyone in the hallway with him. He decided to play along as he kept his eyes peeled for any sign of trouble.


"Y'know, purple is my favorite color...I like it more than red and blue combined! Ay, badda bing badda boom! Forget about it!"

Despite how tense Pickle Rick was, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Heh, you're a real funny guy. Real funny."

There was silence for a moment.

"Whadya mean I'm funny?"

"Hey, you're just funny man. It was a funny joke, that's all. You're a funny guy."

"What, is it the way I talk? Funny how?"

Pickle Rick became even more nervous as the unseen character's voice became more serious and menacing.

"Look, I'm just saying you're funny. That's all."

"Let me understand this, maybe I'm just a little ****ed up. I'm funny how, like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to ******* amuse you? What the **** is so funny about me?"

"It's just the way you tell the joke, that's all. That's why you're funny."

"That's it you prick I'm gonna ******* kill you!"

Out of the shadows burst a man whose skin was shaded purple. He pulled a snub-nosed revolver out of his pants, pressed it to Pickle Rick's forehead, and pulled the trigger.

@Pickle Rick is dead. He was theuntouchableDemon-Aligned


Squire12 was heading back to his room after a busy night. As he turned the corner he saw a giant shadowy figure filling his doorway. 

"Hey, who the heck are you?"

The figure turned around to reveal himself as a hulking figure with dark, scaly skin. He had goat legs and horns on his head. His eyes were a piercing red color. In a scratchy voice, he said, "I'm your worst nightmare. I'm gonna tear you a new *******!"

Squire12 turned and ran, taking turns as often as possible. He was desperate to lose this monster. He turned one more corner and hit a dead end. The creature caught up to him and pinned him to the while.

"Could've had it the easy way, not it's time for the hard way."

The creature pulled down squire12's pants and literally tore him a new *******. When he was done he threw squire12's corpse on the ground and dissapeared.

@squire12 is dead. He was Mwil23Forum-Aligned

Squire12 slowly picked himself up off of the ground, tenderly grasping at his new wound.

"Ouch, that one hurts like a mother!"

Squire12 is still alive!


It is now Day 2! With 17 alive and 17 voting, it's 9 to lynch! The deadline will be Wednesday, 2/26 at 10:00 PM EST. All votes at 10:01 PM and later will not count.

Edited by rackcs
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23 hours ago, Malfatron said:

I Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum


Can do kannst mir sehr gefallen!

Like the news had come out in the First World

And the bloody Red Baron was flying once more

In the Allied command, he ignored all of its men

Myself, I called on Snoopy to do it again



Pink was the night before Christmas, 40 below

In and Snoopy went up in search of his foe
Charlie spied the Red Baron, fiercely they fought
Killing with ice on his wings Snoopy knew he

Let himself be caught

Enough Christmas bells those Christmas bells

Ring out from the land

Im Asking peace of all the world

Could be and good will to man.              

 Kicked The Baron had Snoopy dead in his site


Merry Christmas!!!


On 2/24/2020 at 8:30 PM, Malfatron said:

Not gonna deal with this ****.  

I'm mafia with 





Malf lock 

I tried to tell everyone but nobody listenedxD

look closely. I hid a message in my lyrics.

If you read down the lines, it forms a message.

Too bad nobody is able to read though :(


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