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"Choose your own character" GAME OVER! TOWN WINS!


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49 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

@Forge guessing you used your move, whatever it is, on rags and the result was he had a gun?

N1 Matts - no gun (town)
N2 blue - no gun (town)
N3 tk3 - no gun (town)
N4 rags - gun (scum)

Is this accurate?

Can you all reveal the info you all got last night?

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2 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Only 2 moves were submit last night in the group. The third cop didn’t submit.


10 hours ago, Malfatron said:


Moves are locked.

pms going out. no discussing moves until the writeup


14 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Very tired from work so doing a noFrills writeup


Night results!

@The LBC was hit. he was Proxy Voter - Mafia (red text)

@Blue was hit. He was Miller Beloved Princess- town (green text)


lbc - hit night 3 - Vicki the Robot - proxy voter- mafia

blue - hit night 2 - William Shaksman - Town- miller beloved princess




The night will end at 7 AM thursday or until all moves are sent in


1) @MWil23 - Rocco

7) @JoshstraDaymus - Lando Calrissian

8) @Ragnarok - Connor McManus

9) @Tk3   -   Chiitan   (replaced et80)

10) @bcb1213 - Ron Burgundy 

11) @rackcs -  Ol' Dirty Bastard

12) @The Orca - Jodelle Ferland 

13) @daboyle250 - JCVD

14) @Forge - Butters

15) @squire12 - Ted Thompson

16) @James - Jeffrey Lebowski(millionaire)

17) @Dome - Kevin from the office

18) @VikeManDan - Ron Swanson

23) @Whicker - Archimedes of Syracuse

24) @Nazgul - Jesus Christ

That's not correct. If 1 of you didnt submit, then night would have ended today at 8 AM EST. Ending last night means everyone submitted something 

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Just now, VikeManDan said:

I don't have an answer.

We've got two guys ready to string up and we're going to worry about the naive cop not submitting a move. Get real.

Alright alright take it easy...

I don’t see a reason to not submit a move anyways though 

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7 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

No move was the submission. Why are you getting hung up on this? 

Cause its info and helps me figure you all out. 

That's 2 moves I have given you all and not submitting a move is troubling

1. I would have role copped the same person you used the presumptive insane cop on 

2. If not, you should have at least used 1 of the cops on the person you role copped as well. Gives more data points to figure things out 

3. Gives the rest of the game an insight to what you all are thinking

As it sits, you are claiming Racks is tracker even though he killed Mwil (via James' watch). A claim that could have been made via the thread only info, given what he has said and that James claimed who be watched


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11 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

No move was the submission. Why are you getting hung up on this? 

Also it was said somone didnt submit...not they submitted "no move"

17 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Only 2 moves were submit last night in the group. The third cop didn’t submit.


19 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

I don't believe one was submitted. 


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