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12 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

Would also help if everyone listened to the experts and followed what they say. The numbers aren't as bad because a lot of us are actually playing along. Not because it isn't a big deal. Sucking it up is what's helping make things better.

I think you should just keep copying and pasting this post every time someone thinks the cure is worse than the disease.

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1 hour ago, mission27 said:

Yeah I totally understand and agree with you.  My point is there has to be a limit to what we ask the 99.7% of the population to do to save the 0.3% of the population that would die from this unmitigated, because the cost of the most extreme approach to 99.7% is a lot greater than the cost of remaining life to the 0.3% who are mostly elderly anyway

You can justify lockdown for a period of time to get the healthcare system ready for the next wave, to flatten the curve, but 12-18 month lockdown is a different goal entirely and I dont think people are supportive of that 

There’s a few more variables though. Everyone is talking about the elderly.

Do you know how many people aged 20-40 have suffered fibrosis because of the disease? How many that have recovered in that age group are now having mobility issues or require oxygen?

China published some early stats but they’ve stopped sharing a bunch of their data publicly about autopsy results and permanent damage.

More than 25 million Americans have asthma including 8.4% of children and 7.7% of adults.

Over 10% of Americans have diabetes. Over 24 million have cardio vascular disease. 

Statistics about deaths in the U.S. are also low. Far to many people died without being tested in the early days. Many states are also not providing breakdowns of the stats like age, underlying conditions etc. The system is under far to much stress in areas to provide any of the follow up data required. Anywhere hit hard by the virus is either way behind on autopsies or simply not doing them and that provides important data.

i know you guys are spit balling but I think it’s very premature to guess what people may or may not accept with conviction. There’s just way to many variables and information gaps.



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2 hours ago, acowboys62 said:

Ohhhh be careful around these parts! 

Yeah everyone always feels the need to champion their morales and stay up on their high horses no matter what the topic at hand is, and act condescending towards someone who doesn't share their beliefs.

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On 4/10/2020 at 5:25 AM, acowboys62 said:

Curious what you think the plan for Phase 2 will be?  Now that we are in lock down in most places..and short of a magic vaccine, this thing is still going to be around.  So how do you think we can now climb out of a quarantine and not expect to have this thing circulate again? 

How do I think? My nonprofessional opinion, it boils down to two things really:

1) Listen to what the actual experts have to say and do what they tell us to do.

2) See what works in the countries that are recovering and see if that's feasible in the USA. This should tie into the first part with health experts and their advice.

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I'm on day 17 since I started showing symptoms, and I'm more or less clear from it now.

Twice during those 17 days I had caffeine, and it was like I angered the virus. I had severe stomach cramps and it made the chest pain and headaches even worse.

There were some dark times where it felt that we, as my wife had it too, were close to hospital, but the breathing exercises, and sleeping on our fronts, advised by a London Dr and nurse did the trick.

I know it is said that some people might get a mild version, but what I had was ******* awful. Be careful people.

Edited by Mega Ron
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On 4/10/2020 at 5:18 AM, acowboys62 said:

The media IMO did nothing to help.  Like you said, from the beginning it was a political game and then from there (in my area at least) all they did was pedal into the notion of "buy more TP" and "millions will die".  I got more facts/real insight from this thread than any media outlet out there.  It is sad but I think the majority of people (no matter where you may lean) can't rely on the media for factual reporting these days and its very rating driven not content driven. 

The other sad part that this brings to light, and I agree with your comment above about models being a "this could happen" situation is that a lot of people in this country clearly can't comprehend what a models intention is supposed to be, the panic that spread across the NJ/NY area was 100% unnecessary and the states reaction to immediately start shutting things down without any runway/warning could have handled 100% better.   

Regarding the bolded portion, I see the problem now. It's not the media per se, but the particular outlet that you're watching. My advice: stop watching outlets that let you to buy more TP.

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13 hours ago, Danger said:

I'm getting so sick of this.

Almost to the point where I am in favor of a reckless approach and for the country to just "take it's medicine"

Can I offer a small suggestion ?  
Nobody likes being told what to do and certainly not us fiercely independent Americans. Out whole country exists because our forefathers didn't want to continue under the tyranny of a govt telling them how to live their lives

And that's part of why people say: "I'm getting so sick of this"  because ALL of the focus is on what we can't do. And that drives people nuts
In another thread we talked about  Re-Directing Children's Behavior, its a child-raising strategy where instead of running around all day telling kids:

No, don't do that !    Hey, don't touch,    No ! No! No !  You instead focus on what they can do. If your child is playing with your car keys and you take them away, the child will react negatively. If instead you hand them something else that's shiny and interesting, they will let go of the keys without a flinch

Now, I am not saying we are a bunch of kids, but on some level - we are. We have the parent ( govt) telling us NO NO NO but there isn't anybody telling us what we can do. And our species needs to have positive outlets for our energy and creativity - and when we don't we suffer.

Uncle Sam isn't going to tell us what we can do, that's on us .
And I know how completely lame this sounds, but there's a million things we can do with the extra time & energy instead of "being sick of this ****"

Also; turn off the news

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3 hours ago, JaguarCrazy2832 said:

Where do you guys stand with the whole take out/delivery thing while balancing not putting you, your family or the delivery people in danger? Like my wife and I want to help out local businesses but most of them dont offer gift cards online or at all but at the same time the risk of getting sick increases when you have someone else make your food and bring it to you?

Yes, we go to the grocery store once every 2 weeks now so getting sick is obviously possible there but otherwise we dont come within 6 ft of anyone

@pwny posted some great articles and videos about this earlier in the thread. But in essence, you should be fine as long you take the necessary precautions. I'm doing the same thing to help out local restaurants. And the risk is greater for those who bring you food than the other around. He can post the full article on it so you can make your own decisions about what is best for you and your family.

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21 minutes ago, Danger said:

Yeah everyone always feels the need to champion their morales and stay up on their high horses no matter what the topic at hand is, and act condescending towards someone who doesn't share their beliefs.

I get where you're coming from. We can't wait a year or more for a cure or vaccine. But at the same time, there's a balancing act as well. It's only been what a month? It sucks but it's going to take a little longer than that to get things back to some semblance of normalcy. 

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1 minute ago, Xenos said:
3 hours ago, JaguarCrazy2832 said:

Where do you guys stand with the whole take out/delivery thing while balancing not putting you, your family or the delivery people in danger? Like my wife and I want to help out local businesses but most of them dont offer gift cards online or at all but at the same time the risk of getting sick increases when you have someone else make your food and bring it to you?

Yes, we go to the grocery store once every 2 weeks now so getting sick is obviously possible there but otherwise we dont come within 6 ft of anyone

@pwny posted some great articles and videos about this earlier in the thread. But in essence, you should be fine as long you take the necessary precautions. I'm doing the same thing to help out local restaurants. And the risk is greater for those who bring you food than the other around. He can post the full article on it so you can make your own decisions about what is best for you and your family.


There’s the video and article.


It’s an award winning chef who wrote the article, sourced with a ton of help from food safety experts, virologists and epidemiologists.


In short: remain as contactless as possible, move food to separate clean dishes, dispose of all containers and bags the food was in, and wash your hands thoroughly.

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2 minutes ago, Xenos said:

I get where you're coming from. We can't wait a year or more for a cure or vaccine. But at the same time, there's a balancing act as well. It's only been what a month? It sucks but it's going to take a little longer than that to get things back to some semblance of normalcy. 

And as I said, a few months? Fine, I'll put up with it, as will most. But if everyone is expected to put their lives on hold for an extended period of time and live off of savings as well as a one time $1200 check then at that point the prevention becomes worse than the disease itself for society as a whole.

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Also worth noting that gift cards for restaurants help the restaurant, but only in that it spreads out losses. You’re still going out to eat there just once, you’re just paying ahead. The best you can do is to actually order from there additionally. So ordering now and then also in 8 months or whatever is better than paying now for a meal you’re going to eat in 8 months.

It’s a simple concept, but I think a lot of people are just buying gift cards, thinking that’s helping a ton, when it’s not helping as much as they think. You’re simply helping to spread out how long they take their losses over, rather than creating additional revenue.

It’s not bad to buy gift cards, but it’s not the best option.

Edited by pwny
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3 minutes ago, Danger said:

And as I said, a few months? Fine, I'll put up with it, as will most. But if everyone is expected to put their lives on hold for an extended period of time and live off of savings as well as a one time $1200 check then at that point the prevention becomes worse than the disease itself for society as a whole.

A few months will work if everyone continues to practice the social distancing guidelines and most importantly, follow the health expert advice. There is a tunnel at the end of the light. You can already see it with other countries that have slowly recovered. We may never really go back to truly normal normal until a viable treatment or vaccine is created, but I don't see how we can't go back to certain routines again. What will ruin things is if people start to panic and give up too early, setting back all the hard work that was done this past month.

In the meantime, concentrate on the positives and what you can do instead. Or just read @Shanedorf post since he did a much better job of elaborating than I did.

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3 hours ago, rob_shadows said:

Every report that's come out has said your chances of getting the virus from food be it takeout or delivery are very very slim. Most places offering delivery are now offering contactless delivery...I ordered last night at work and the doordash driver simply placed the food outside the door, let me know it was there, and left. 


Stupid question what is that? Like they just leave it on the front porch, dont ring the bell and leave?

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