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I know it's a little tiresome to keep hearing about "potential cures and vaccines" buuuuut......

Good New Guy is back!!

Bangladesh launches clinical trial of two-drug combination to treat Covid-19



A Bangladeshi doctors’ team led by senior medicine specialist Professor Tarek Alam prescribed the combination as it initially cured within days all the 60 Covid-19 patients who were administered with the drugs.

According to the ICDDR’B, the study will include Covid-19 patients between 40-65 years of age with mild illness for less than seven days.

One group of participants will receive a single dose Ivermectin along with five doses of doxycycline, while another group will receive Ivermectin alone once a day for five days, while the third group will receive a placebo for five days.

The test medicine and placebo will be packaged identically and neither the participants nor the physicians will have the knowledge about who is receiving which treatment.

According to a statement by the ICDDR’B, a panel of international and local experts were involved with this clinical trial which will be concluded in next two months


As always, take everything w/ a grain of salt these days as many people are just pumping stories out.

I'm just doing my part to pass along this info b/c as I've stated in the past, I feel we've already found our champion, it just needs to be properly identified via testing and the more potential cures and vaccines getting into testing, the better. 

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9 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

They new pretty early on that this mostly affects old people and people with underlying health conditions 

Correct but we didn't know just how much as there wasn't enough time to compile accurate data. Odds are, the numbers are even lower than the studies show b/c I think it's pretty safe to say that not everyone is getting tested if they're not showing symptoms lol. 

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18 minutes ago, theJ said:

This is a whole different discussion.  Because by and large, the people that really need to do what you're saying can't afford it.  Processed food is cheap, and easy.  But mainly cheap.  Try telling a family of 5 that makes less than 50k/year that they shouldn't cook pasta or go to McD's.

For those that can afford it, it's usually a problem of ease.  People are busy in this country and don't give themselves time to cook.  So a 15 min meal of mac and cheese when it's 6:30 and the kids are hungry and you just got home from soccer practice or w/e is about their only option.


This is the main discussion that should be coming out of the Coronavirus experience. How do we get healthier? I live in the UK not the US but the problems are pretty much the same.

Diabetes, metabolic condition, obesity, insulin resistance, auto-immune disease, inflammation - these are what the topics of conversation should be. Correcting these issues will be be the best protection against Coronavirus and upcoming viruses, not the vaccines and drugs that Big Pharma will make $/£billions from.

We need to work out how we can make the time to cook properly. To make whole foods cheaper to buy. To get outside and get sunlight. To put the devices down! We can't keep leading these horribly unhealthy lives and assume that there won't be any come back.

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16 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

A Bangladeshi doctors’ team led by senior medicine specialist Professor Tarek Alam prescribed the combination as it initially cured within days all the 60 Covid-19 patients who were administered with the drugs.

According to the ICDDR’B, the study will include Covid-19 patients between 40-65 years of age with mild illness for less than seven days.

One group of participants will receive a single dose Ivermectin along with five doses of doxycycline, while another group will receive Ivermectin alone once a day for five days, while the third group will receive a placebo for five days.

Pretty much crapola. They showed awesomeness without a trial, so let's run a trial to prove the awesomeness

1st clue: It cured all patients. Legit treatments & trials don't have 100 % "cure" rates and every one that claimed it -  was later shot down.
2nd clue: Mild illness with no control group in the initial work that claimed 100 % cure rates
3rd clue: Ivermectin has already been tossed out by legit studies via the COVID19 Therapeutic Accelerator

The doses of Ivermectin required to have an anti-viral effect deep in the lungs are much much higher than you can reasonably dose a human being. It works at those dose levels in test tubes, but its not viable in the real world unless they can develop an inhaled version of it. 
This work is likely just a waste of resources. 

Keep on keeping on JTagg, you're providing a valuable effort here. Just know that you were right about a grain of salt and that everybody everywhere is pumping out trials -  so you're going to have to curate the sources. I know nothing about the Hindustan Times, but its a fair guess they aren't the go- to source for scientifically competent news.

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12 minutes ago, JonMcC2018 said:


This is the main discussion that should be coming out of the Coronavirus experience. How do we get healthier? I live in the UK not the US but the problems are pretty much the same.

Diabetes, metabolic condition, obesity, insulin resistance, auto-immune disease, inflammation - these are what the topics of conversation should be. Correcting these issues will be be the best protection against Coronavirus and upcoming viruses, not the vaccines and drugs that Big Pharma will make $/£billions from.

We need to work out how we can make the time to cook properly. To make whole foods cheaper to buy. To get outside and get sunlight. To put the devices down! We can't keep leading these horribly unhealthy lives and assume that there won't be any come back.

I don't disagree w/ any of this. I've found that I'm better at it b/c of covid lol. Working from home, I walk >6 miles a day. I have a dog that's 1/2 husky, 1/2 ACD and even though she's 7, she's a damn puppy w/ her energy. When I go to my office, I usually only walk about 3-4 (mostly 3). I've lost 12 lbs working from home but I might've caught covid long ago b/c I had stomach problems, severe nausea, and a small fever back in early April and that's when the weight fell off. I never got tested though b/c it went away in 3 days and the fever and nausea was only around for a day. No coughing or sore throat had a lot to do w/ my decision not to get tested as well. At the time, I attributed it to mild food poisoning but didn't know how differently this virus effects people. Wife never got sick either. Wanted to get antibody tests done but they seem unreliable so I don't see the point. Anyway, the weight has stayed off and I eat a lot better since I have my full arsenal of equipment to make stuff right in front of me. I kinda hope we work from home more often once things get back to normal b/c I do feel I'm much healthier as a result.


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4 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

Pretty much crapola. They showed awesomeness without a trial, so let's run a trial to prove the awesomeness

1st clue: It cured all patients. Legit treatments & trials don't have 100 % "cure" rates and every one that claimed it -  was later shot down.
2nd clue: Mild illness with no control group in the initial work that claimed 100 % cure rates
3rd clue: Ivermectin has already been tossed out by legit studies via the COVID19 Therapeutic Accelerator

The doses of Ivermectin required to have an anti-viral effect deep in the lungs are much much higher than you can reasonably dose a human being. It works at those dose levels in test tubes, but its not viable in the real world unless they can develop an inhaled version of it. 
This work is likely just a waste of resources. 

Keep on keeping on JTagg, you're providing a valuable effort here. Just know that you were right about a grain of salt and that everybody everywhere is pumping out trials -  so you're going to have to curate the sources. I know nothing about the Hindustan Times, but its a fair guess they aren't the go- to source for scientifically competent news.

I assumed it was as I tried to make note of that up top as my first comment and further down as you alluded to. I took my Good News Guy title and dammit, I'm going to stick w/ it until this puzzle is solved lol. Thanks for correcting me. I'm going to keep it up there for now though b/c hey, you never know.

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19 minutes ago, JonMcC2018 said:


This is the main discussion that should be coming out of the Coronavirus experience. How do we get healthier? I live in the UK not the US but the problems are pretty much the same.

Diabetes, metabolic condition, obesity, insulin resistance, auto-immune disease, inflammation - these are what the topics of conversation should be. Correcting these issues will be be the best protection against Coronavirus and upcoming viruses, not the vaccines and drugs that Big Pharma will make $/£billions from.

We need to work out how we can make the time to cook properly. To make whole foods cheaper to buy. To get outside and get sunlight. To put the devices down! We can't keep leading these horribly unhealthy lives and assume that there won't be any come back.

You know just little things like :

A fundamental economic shift to cut back or nullify income inequality and wage theft.

Restructuring of the idea of a "workday" in an effort to reduce stress, and free up time for individuals personal pursuits

A complete overhaul of infrastructure, affordable vertical housing and city planning to promote short walks over driving and negate or lessen commutes

(For Americans) To stop being such self centered jerks and NIMBY's and allow for more shared communal green spaces to be created

Large civic injections of development and money into poorer communities to clear out food deserts and raise the standard of living WITHOUT forcing out the residents

(At least of the US) Universal Healthcare AND MOST IMPORTANTLY a shift in Healthcare philosophy away from emergency to preventative care

Strong federal regulations preventing sugar and sugar like substances being added to everything

Robust funding for schools to allow for healthier food options AND resources available to promote nutrition and exercise as core education.

Free or heavily subsidized post-high school education ; since level of education and overall health have a strong correlation

You know, just a couple of small things.

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To get away from the political talking points above......

There's a few nuggets to read up on here:

Michigan is 1 of 3 states ‘on track to contain COVID,' data shows

Experts label Michigan 'low risk' for coronavirus spread as cases, deaths increase at slower rates


This is the real curious one:



At the same time, the counts of people currently hospitalized (345) and in intensive care units (171) — two of the most closely watched measures of how Minnesota is managing the spread of the disease — remain at their lowest points in more than a month, continuing a hopeful, downward trend.

Minnesota seems to be going in the right direction. 

We obviously have to take the numbers w/ a grain of salt as well as they can be manipulated but this is good news for the gatherers but it still makes no damn sense. What is happening there that isn't happening in AZ? AR? NC? TX? 

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51 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

Pretty much crapola. They showed awesomeness without a trial, so let's run a trial to prove the awesomeness

1st clue: It cured all patients. Legit treatments & trials don't have 100 % "cure" rates and every one that claimed it -  was later shot down.
2nd clue: Mild illness with no control group in the initial work that claimed 100 % cure rates
3rd clue: Ivermectin has already been tossed out by legit studies via the COVID19 Therapeutic Accelerator

The doses of Ivermectin required to have an anti-viral effect deep in the lungs are much much higher than you can reasonably dose a human being. It works at those dose levels in test tubes, but its not viable in the real world unless they can develop an inhaled version of it. 
This work is likely just a waste of resources. 

Keep on keeping on JTagg, you're providing a valuable effort here. Just know that you were right about a grain of salt and that everybody everywhere is pumping out trials -  so you're going to have to curate the sources. I know nothing about the Hindustan Times, but its a fair guess they aren't the go- to source for scientifically competent news.

Yeah I was going to say this but you beat me to it. It's been amazing to see how many drug companies are trying to completely bypass so many of the standard steps just to be the first to the vaccine or even a drug that helps like the one above. When all is said and done I would put my money on one of the powerhouses to get to the finish line first and also do it the correct way. There is a reason those companies are who they are. They know what they are doing and they have the systems and standards in place to do it right. 

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2 hours ago, JonMcC2018 said:

So 1 in every 305 people (0.33%) of people under the age of 40 developed critical symptoms. Even extending this to all people under 60 the % is 0.599%.

This is what we shut down the whole of society for!?!

Untold economic damage, mass unemployment, large increase in domestic abuse, child abuse, mental health issues and an increasingly intolerant and angry population?

Absolute madness.


Can't believe I'm still seeing this take in the wild. 

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