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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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One reason why you need to take the long approach to a pandemic and the economy. It feels like we literally eliminated all of our progress from the first lockdown. Maybe if we had a federal mandate for masks after the lockdown was lifted in each state, we could have controlled the spread enough to use testing, tracing, and isolating.



Testing, contact tracing and isolation are the tactics being used successfully to crush outbreaks in countries such as South Korea and Germany. But those places never had the level of case surges that many U.S. states are now experiencing.

"When you have something like this happening, there's no way that traditional testing and tracing is going to have any meaningful impact," Osterholm says. "I liken it to trying to plant your petunias in the middle of a Category 5 hurricane."

Others agree. At this point, there are just too many new infections occurring too quickly for underfunded, understaffed public health departments to effectively use testing and contract tracing, according to Dr. Jeffrey Engel, the senior adviser for the COVID-19 response for the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.



So if testing, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine won't work , what will?

"Given our basic failure to fix the gaps in testing and the bottlenecks, that really puts us on a path where there is no viable alternative beyond shutdowns," says Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Now, Nuzzo doesn't think all hope is lost. If enough people finally start wearing masks, and get vigilant about staying at least 6 feet away from other people, especially indoors, there may still be hope in at least some places of avoiding new shutdowns, she says.

"I do really worry about forcing an entire state or country to retreat to our homes for extended periods. These are harmful measures in themselves," Nuzzo says.


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2 hours ago, rob_shadows said:

Welp just found out my household has been in contact with people who tested positive and now 3 of us (including myself) have been feeling a little sick so I set up to be tested in a couple hours.

I haven't had the fever or cough just feel really tired and a little achy but I figure better to be safe than sorry it's only costing me 20 bucks to get tested and they are giving me the rapid test so I'll get my results right there

Good luck. Hopefully you'll get the results quickly and are negative!

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2 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

I have a officially tested positive.... For being awesome 😎

I've also unfortunately tested positive for Covid 😔


Keep everyone updated on your progress. Hope it's one of the easy cases. Good luck! I know some others have tested positive that might be able to help you out. I believe @Daniel had similar symptoms to you way back when and he was getting tested. Not sure what came of it though.


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Healthcare and education reform haven’t been addressed in 80+ years here and hopefully a plus of Covid is that they have to be now...but we shall see. It may take a landmark court case precedent, which will be too late for this but hope have positive fallout going forward.

The sad part is that you already got the landmark case for healthcare.

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1 minute ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Keep everyone updated on your progress. Hope it's one of the easy cases. Good luck! I know some others have tested positive that might be able to help you out. I believe @Daniel had similar symptoms to you way back when and he was getting tested. Not sure what came of it though.


I tested negative, so it was just coincidental sickness.

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24 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Explain this to me like I'm 5

People hate on HCQ b/c use your imagination. They try to denounce it every opportunity they can. Turns out most studies, if you believe them, suggest it's a very helpful treatment for early stages of the virus while being useless late in it's life cycle.

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5 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I tested negative, so it was just coincidental sickness.

Ah OK. I just remember you expressing the same symptoms. Sorry for bringing you back in this but felt you might be able to offer some insight to Rob. Did you get over your mystery sickness quickly?

Edited by BobbyPhil1781
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Just now, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Ah OK. I just remember you expressing the same symptoms. Sorry for bringing you back in this but felt you might be able to offer some insight to Rob. Did you get over it quickly?

Yeah.  The wife and I just had headaches, body aches, and fatigue for four or five days.  Only three days were more than mild IIRC.  Thermometers were out everywhere, so we didn't know if we had fevers.  Never felt hot to the touch, but I usually run in the low 97s, so my temp is low anyway.  Who knows?

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