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TNF: Bears @ Packers


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16 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

It is different because a bad DPI call doesn't take Richard Sherman or Josh Norman or Earl Thomas or Luke Kuechly out of the game.

We already complain enough about the refs making bad judgment calls. I have no interest in giving them that call to make.

Well, too late. 


Penalty: For unnecessary roughness: Loss of 15 yards. The player may be disqualified if the action is judged by the official(s) to be flagrant.


Officials have the power for that judgement, it just wasn't deemed flagrant in this case. 

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1 minute ago, jrry32 said:

What criteria does the NFL use to decide whether to suspend the player? 

Impact, intent, recklessness, and post hit response would be my criteria.

Impact - the aggressiveness and impact of the hit

Intent - was the player defenseless, did it happen in the course of a regular play (Or like we just saw, were you away from the play, stop, see the ball carrier, and proceed to try and take his head off), was their chippiness or such taking place before the play.

Recklessness - form of the hit, leading with the crown, impact zone, general body language

Post hit response - not necessary unless you get bragging, like when Brandon Meriweather/Dashon Goldson used took heads off and act like they made an awesome play in doing so

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Just now, CWood21 said:

So you're telling me that your low opinion of the league office is why you don't want to make player safety a priority?  Good to know you can look at this objectively.

Sigh. Provide evidence that it enhances player safety. Defend your claim. Otherwise, it's as meaningful as me claiming that you think puppies have no right to life.

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1 minute ago, Yin-Yang said:

I was referencing your comment that the NFL should implement the targeting rule. There are lots of incoming posts and I'm using my phone, so if I missed too much after, that's why. 

What you wrote in the second half of this post is basically what everyone is saying, so I'm unsure where the confusion or disagreements are coming from.

I'll quote you so you can see my proposal.

LIS, if you have issues with implementation then tweak the rule.  You get called for a targeting call in the game, you're allowed to play and if you receive a 2nd one during the game you're immediately ejected.  At the end of the week's game, the NFL reviews those targeting calls AND if the player is deemed to have illegally "targeting" that player, he is automatically suspended the next week.  Your complaints are with the implementation of the rule, not the reason the rule in place.

That was my proposal, yet jrry is up in arms because a star player might get suspended because of a poor implementation of the rule.

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Just now, jrry32 said:

Sigh. Provide evidence that it enhances player safety. Defend your claim. Otherwise, it's as meaningful as me claiming that you think puppies have no right to life.

That's a cop out and you know it.  I'm done posting if you're going to continue to literally dance around the subject.

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1 minute ago, Carmen Cygni said:

Well, too late. 

Officials have the power for that judgement, it just wasted deemed flagrant in this case. 

i don't think any of them actually saw it TBH. Was a very late call. Obviously if they saw it in slow-mo like we all did that would have likely been implemented.

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