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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

Yeah.  It's pretty typical Dostoyevsky, if you've read any of his other stuff.  You'll figure out the "twist" real fast, but that's not really the point.  Good character work, but I think it's a little heavy handed with the themes.  A lot of Russian writers tend to be like that from the little Russian stuff I've read.

Worth a read, if for no other reason than to try out non-English literature, but I liked Crime and Punishment much more myself (similar criticisms though).  And I prefer Nabokov to any of the Russians I've read.  He was a ******* genius, and is much more fun to read.

Great, thanks for taking the time for this write up, much appreciated 

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On 10/24/2022 at 7:29 PM, Malfatron said:

Tommorrow im going to Barnes and Noble just to go right for the new one: The Passenger

I came in totally blind, and i wont give any spoilers, but just 11 pages in and its just wonderful so far. 


I will remarck this too. While the are both talented writers, cormac is the exact opposite of Robert Jordan.

I cant wait to read more of his stuff (only read Blood meridian and currently this)


Just finished chapter 1, this has the potential to be my favorite book since Blood Meridian on dialouge alone

I will be back on the site when i have finished the book.

A chapter per day

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The revelation at the end of Storm of Swords that Petyr was behind everything: poisoning Jon Arryn in the beginning and putting the Lannisters against the Starks to start the five king war. Wow. GRRM is incredible. 


I think the most emotional/exciting parts of the book were: red wedding, petyr sending Lysa through the moon door, Tyrion and Jaime’s final talk as Jaime released him and tyrions subsequent murdering of Shae who he trusted and his father long overdue, Joffrey’s death. Each of them are earth shattering if you didn’t know they were coming and all so well written. These characters are all real people. The emotions and the stakes are what made this show take over America, not the softcore porn. The depth and complexity of this universe, the world and character building, the bravery in not shying away from brutality or obscenity, the draw from actual history and additions of unique and intriguing fantasy elements are what made me love this more than any other fantasy I’ve read or watched  


Dany’s parts are still all kinda a drag to me. I like Davos considerably more in this and even Stannis. Arya and Jon are among the most interesting. I like the hound a lot more in this and brienne although her character doesn’t have much depth. Jaime was absolutely my favorite character in the show and he’s still strong in this, but all after his hand is removed. Before he was captured he wasn’t terribly compelling. 


It’s lucky I don’t remember the show perfectly so some things and when they happen are almost new to me, like I didn’t remember how the wall fended off the wildlings or Stannis ever going beyond the wall, but I remembered Stannis ending up in the north. I don’t remember why Jon gets killed or when so that will be new to me again lol. I also don’t remember Ser Barristan at all after leaving KL. 


When I talked to book readers when the show was on still, their mention of Azor Ahai reborn made it seem like he was a well kept secret, subtly mentioned here and there and could thereby be forgivable that he was forgotten in the show but he’s like the focus of every single Stannis chapter lol. 


This was easily the best book yet for me. Those who say the show and books diverge dramatically after book one are wrong. If they do, it must be after this one. 

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On 10/25/2022 at 7:19 PM, Malfatron said:

I came in totally blind, and i wont give any spoilers, but just 11 pages in and its just wonderful so far. 


I will remarck this too. While the are both talented writers, cormac is the exact opposite of Robert Jordan.

I cant wait to read more of his stuff (only read Blood meridian and currently this)


Just finished chapter 1, this has the potential to be my favorite book since Blood Meridian on dialouge alone

I will be back on the site when i have finished the book.

A chapter per day

Sad to say, but i finished chapter 6 or 7, and its like Waking Life in book form.

Not a complimnent

Didnt think the whole book would be a reflection of the first couple chapters

I was on board for the first 5 or so, but i at least like things to happen/escalate/etc

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Finally reading The Millionaire Next Door. At around the midway point, I haven’t come across anything new or surprising. It would be a real helpful read for those who are just getting serious about their finances. I wish I had read it when I was 21.

Maybe the last half will teach me something new. 

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