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Covid: Full outbreak, approaching 25 cases


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4 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

Also, can anyone tell me how it's a clear disadvantage to the steelers and or Bills for getting an early bye?

Yeah, I think it is.  You want the bye later in the year when, theoretically, more injuries have piled up and you are closer to the playoffs starting when you get the rest.  And it's an entire week of rest - not just "practice like you're gonna play on Sunday, oh wait - never mind - that was your bye"


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Just now, titanrick said:

Yeah, I think it is.  You want the bye later in the year when, theoretically, more injuries have piled up and you are closer to the playoffs starting when you get the rest.  And it's an entire week of rest - not just "practice like you're gonna play on Sunday, oh wait - never mind - that was your bye"



Just now, titanrick said:

Yeah, I think it is.  You want the bye later in the year when, theoretically, more injuries have piled up and you are closer to the playoffs starting when you get the rest.  And it's an entire week of rest - not just "practice like you're gonna play on Sunday, oh wait - never mind - that was your bye"


But there has been week 4 byes in the past.

In previous years were those considered fair?

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7 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

Also, can anyone tell me how it's a clear disadvantage to the steelers and or Bills for getting an early bye?

They both practiced multiple days during a bye. They’re not getting real byes. So much of a bye is resting up during a tough season, the players are having that taken from them.

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20 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

Also, can anyone tell me how it's a clear disadvantage to the steelers and or Bills for getting an early bye?

It's definitely somewhat of a disadvantage. Steelers lost about half of a bye week preparing for a team they didn't play. 

However, I don't think the NFL will look to forfeit any games unless it's unavoidable. Forfeiting would be a punishment directed at us that affects every other team in the NFL. The Bills automatically get a win without risking any injury? How does that work when it comes to playoff seeding? Or if we only take the L and their record goes off 15 games that's actually potentially bad for them as they could have won this game and they could drop in playoff seeding because of it. Being 11-4 instead of 12-4 could be a huge difference in December/January. Just as our negligence should not negatively impact other teams, our punishment should not negatively impact other teams.

This definitely sucks, but other fans acting like the Titans are some sort of outlier in not following protocols is really just absurd. It was going to happen we were just the first one. It was known that they practiced outside the facility a week ago; no one cared because we only had 3 positive tests.

In all of this though we are the major losers. Losing all of this time to prepare, losing a number of players due to the illness, which was going to happen regardless of whether or not they held an off-site practice (only the most recent tests could have came from contact at that meeting), and to top it off we are probably looking at being penalized as a way for the NFL to reiterate to the media that this isn't their fault. They want it to appear as if their plan would have worked and it's people not following their plan that has resulted in it's massive failures. Not coming down hard on us would appear to the media as an admission of guilt that the protocols were not effective.

Edited by TitanSS
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20 minutes ago, Titans fan 617 said:

I’m not going to kill PK for breaking the story unless that was him in bushes taking pics

Hes not an employee of the team

Hes not a fan 

If he didn’t break the story I’m sure someone else would have 

PK came across the info and he has a job too


You may not, but a lot will, and worst of all for him, the players will. Breaking the story I actually don't have a problem with, the reply tweet to Saffold I have a problem with.

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14 minutes ago, KingTitan said:


But there has been week 4 byes in the past.

In previous years were those considered fair?

I don’t see the big deal

SF went to the SB with a week 4 bye last year I believe 

Yes players usually have their own time to do things and go places on their byes but this year they don’t and won’t due to the pandemic 

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1 minute ago, Mesa_Titan said:

You may not, but a lot will, and worst of all for him, the players will. Breaking the story I actually don't have a problem with, the reply tweet to Saffold I have a problem with.

Who on the team as far as players was PK actually close with?

Lewan Compton maybe?

A lot of PK’s sources I would imagine come from the management side of things

Players talk in cliches anyway so what’s the worst they will do to him? Give 1 word answers to his questions?

Players and Coaches don’t say a whole lot anyway so to me it’s not a huge deal

PK isn’t in the building now anyway so no idea how this affects him much now 

Maybe it does next year 

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37 minutes ago, KingTitan said:


But there has been week 4 byes in the past.

In previous years were those considered fair?

Fair from whose perspective?  If the Titans had a week 4 bye when the schedule was released, my reply would be "that's not really fair".  But you're right - they have happened before.  If I were a Steeler, I'd have a much bigger problem with starting a normal prep week, being told the game is still on, then being told it might get delayed to Monday or maybe Tuesday, then finally being told - Nope, I hope you enjoyed your bye week!  That's crap.

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21 minutes ago, titans0021 said:

PK would’ve been doing a massive disservice to his subscribers by sitting on that story. He’s not a Titans fan. He’s not employed by the Titans. His job is not to make the team look good.

the issue i have with PK is he's standing by the "broke protocols" headline which isn't actually true. obviously it's a letter vs. spirit of the law thing but for someone who's as much of a hyper-annoying stickler as he is, i don't love it.

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14 minutes ago, -Hope- said:

the issue i have with PK is he's standing by the "broke protocols" headline which isn't actually true. obviously it's a letter vs. spirit of the law thing but for someone who's as much of a hyper-annoying stickler as he is, i don't love it.

Isn’t he saying that he has a source telling him that the league told the team on the 29th? The argument seems to be that the players were unaware and that the memo didn’t come out until the next day.

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