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Week #12 General Discussion


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4 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Far too predictable, which is even worse than the QB limitations

I mean, I get the punishment for COVID, but the NFL allowing this product to be on the field in embarassing. Its like the Broncos are just waiting for the game to be over and take a loss. Im just hoping they get out of this with no injuries because the defense is about to be on the field forever.

Edited by AkronsWitness
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2 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

I mean, I get the punishment for COVID, but the NFL allowing this product to be on the field in embarassing. Its like the Broncos are just waiting for the game to be over and take a loss. Im just hoping they get out of this with no injuries because the defense is about to be on the field forever.

Their defense is playing hard...

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1 minute ago, Leoric said:

I was looking forward to seeing Nathan Peterman level lolz. instead it's like a full time wildcat... this is unwatchable.

Its bad, like I thought it would be like watching a MACtion Conference type of game with just hilarity but no, this is boring, predictable and sort of sad to watch.

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1 minute ago, Hunter2_1 said:

Brady deep ball goes through Evans' hands.



I was called a Brady-homer for saying this last week, but the TB receivers are not playing up to their billing this year. Yes, they've been hurt a lot, but even when healthy they have dropped a way too many passes.

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Just now, ChazStandard said:

I was called a Brady-homer for saying this last week, but the TB receivers are not playing up to their billing this year. Yes, they've been hurt a lot, but even when healthy they have dropped a way too many passes.

Evans in particular is not stepping up. I think Godwin has been reliable when he's actually on the field. AB nothing so far

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