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Death Note Mafia - TKN Edition (Kira and Sakura TV wins!)


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16 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I know but I don’t mind doing so. You doubted my alignment because of a previous game. So I am letting you know who I am and you can decide from there.

Why assume that I'm Town? Why not assume that it's possible that I'm scum and trying to get you to claim in what happened with Orca and the other apparent Death Note last night?

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Why assume that I'm Town? Why not assume that it's possible that I'm scum and trying to get you to claim in what happened with Orca and the other apparent Death Note last night?

I am not assuming what you are. But I don’t care to be out and open with my character and ability this game which I almost didn’t even play in. Gives me less of a feeling of weight on my shoulders. Which is a feeling I need currently in everything in my life. If it brings me death in the game so be it. 

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5 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I am not assuming what you are. But I don’t care to be out and open with my character and ability this game which I almost didn’t even play in. Gives me less of a feeling of weight on my shoulders. Which is a feeling I need currently in everything in my life. If it brings me death in the game so be it. 

I'm out of likes (again). I hope all is well buddy! Hang in there!

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

The major issue that I have with this is that @Tk3 had a very similar role/ability (saboteur) in Nacho's Star Wars Game and he was scum. He sabotaged my lightsaber N1 and then sabotaged Josh's grappling hook later.

I had the same role in star trek 1

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Just now, Forge said:

I was...the greatest mafia


Still out of likes. :)

So, basically you and TK3 were both Mafia with the exact same role. Counselor, I'm sorry if you're town, but since you already hard claimed your character, you're likely as good as gone anyway via Death Note, so really there's not much of a risk here.


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9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Death Note main rules from the show


  • The notebook has 60 pages with 38 lines per page. If you write small, you can cram in as many names as you want.
  • The Shinigami's voice and form will go completely unnoticed by others.
  • In return for letting you keep the notebook, the Shinigami may take it back at any time.
  • Those who do not wish to be followed by the Shinigami can get rid of him simply by giving the notebook back or throwing it away.
  • It is up to the owner to decide how to use the notebook -- whether it be for world conquest, getting rid of that one guy, or choosing to not keep such a terrifying item.
  • This Death Note can only be used by the one who found it. If the owner throws it away or loses it, the right of ownership is automatically transferred to whoever next picks it up.
  • One must know the face of the person whose name is written down for there to be an effect. That way, people with the same names will not be affected all at once.
  • If you write a cause of death after the name like this: (Name) died from (cause), then that will happen.
  • You can write with any pen: the color doesn't matter. If you use a sticker with a name printed on it, there will be no effect. Please write directly onto the notebook. It would be a good idea to change your handwriting as much as possible.
  • These letters cannot be erased. (Arrow pointed at the words "Death Note" on the cover.)
  • If the cover is destroyed, the notebook cannot be used.
  • Be careful not to let other people see it.
  • You will not die if you write your name here, but it is not recommended. (Arrow pointed at the cover.)
  • When you run out of room to write in the notebook, you may ask the original Shinigami owner for another. How many Death Notes would you need?

The pilot chapter also includes the Death Eraser, which can undo deaths. Ryuk explains:

  • "If you erase a name in the notebook with this, that person will come back to life -- so long as he hasn't been cremated yet."


but I quoted it so I can look back for future reference.

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

I was gonna say it’s hard to get a scum read on inactives, but inactives that always get their vote in last second (and later events) made me take that back.

Again, was gonna say that makes sense, until...

Now it just seems like touch is admitting being Light.

This makes sense to me until 4 and 5. I still haven’t seen the show, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t get how touch has Light’s shinigami, isn’t Light, has a kill that he uses, but throws away a Death Note, and is also a good guy.

He’s lying.

Look who else just came out of the woodwork when summoned.

You liking oatmeal raisin cookies now makes complete sense. 

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