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3 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

The anti Rogan crowd to this day lie about Ivermectin. Over a billion doses have been prescribed to humans. I think someone one a Nobel prize for it and it cured river blindness. And they know this. It’s psychopathic behavior.


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8 minutes ago, JohnChimpo said:

Didn’t his doctor prescribe it for COVID though?

That’s what he claims lol. But no self respecting medical physician should be prescribing it now that there’s a vaccine and other viable treatment for Covid.

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14 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

The anti Rogan crowd to this day lie about Ivermectin. Over a billion doses have been prescribed to humans. I think someone one a Nobel prize for it and it cured river blindness. And they know this. It’s psychopathic behavior.

What you don't understand is that a drug isn't approved to treat everything for everybody. Its approved at very specific doses for a specific population of humans with very specific disease(s). That's all on the label the FDA approves for each medicine

Ivermectin doesn't have clinical untility vs COVID because you can't get a large enough dose into the lung tissues for it to be effective- as noted in the graph below.

Red line= amount needed to provide a benefit vs COVID, the black line is the amount you can achieve in your bloodstream and the blue line is the amount you can get into your lung tissues. As you can clearly see- the currently approved doses of Ivermectin don't come close to providing any benefit vs the SARS-COV-2 virus.
In order to achieve levels high enough to work - you have to have massive, repeat doses and then its toxic to your major organs- which is why the FDA hasn't approved it for that use

So what you've shown is that you do not understand drugs/medicine- and there's no shame in that. The shame is in you spouting about things you clearly don't understand. So your "proof" statement above is actually the internet equivalent of putting a KICK ME ! sign on your back- and I'm guessing that wasn't your goal.



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25 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

The anti Rogan crowd to this day lie about Ivermectin. Over a billion doses have been prescribed to humans. I think someone one a Nobel prize for it and it cured river blindness. And they know this. It’s psychopathic behavior.

What does curing river blindness have to do with its ability to treat COVID? Joe Rogan is an idiot.

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9 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Lol sure thing, buddy. Just admit you're wrong and move on

Alright, I admit I should be nicer to people who are obviously antivax to everyone but you. And also I should be nicer to people like yourself who foolishly defend Joe Rogan and the use of ivermectin to fight Covid.

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10 minutes ago, Xenos said:

Alright, I admit I should be nicer to people who are obviously antivax to everyone but you. And also I should be nicer to people like yourself who foolishly defend Joe Rogan and the use of ivermectin to fight Covid.

Lol this is rich. You couldn't be more wrong here. 

Show me where his post says he's antivax. Just that post. 

Also, show me where I advocate Invermectin. Hint: might want to look at people who liked Shane's last post about it. I admit in the past I showed a study where I gained information but you might be conveniently be forgetting that. Still, humor me. 

Next, show me where I've defended Joe Rogan.

The first is the most important.

Go on now..... Prove your accusations right. 

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3 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

So you don’t trust experts and know more than doctors. Interesting.

you are picking one example of one doctor who might have prescribed rogan this medication and acting as though it outweighs what is at this point a global medical consensus. so no, we are not talking about "expertS" and "doctorS" here. you have cherry picked a singular example that fits the nonsense you already believe.

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11 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:


In it they say if a doctor prescribes it, fill it and take it exactly as prescribed.

Now they know people aren’t actually going to read past the tweet. So they mention animals. Talk like high schoolers for some reason. Say you shouldn’t take it. And then in the article say you should take it if a doctor tells you to.

And we talk a lot about “experts”. This leads to a very important point which is that the best and brightest minds don’t work in government.

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