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4 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Bruh, my mom isnt in the NFL. Which was what I was referring to in all of the rest of the post. The vax guys in the NFL are the ones spreading it by far the most. Lik 10-20x's more than the unvaccinated. 


Everyone is going to have real life anecdotal evidence. But if you dont think the vax is a cover up for bad behavior, then you dont understand human psychology. 


Also - as I mentioned, I am pro vax. I just think the other pro vax people talk out of their arse a lot. 

some people do it within the same post they whine about others doing it.

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@Matts4313, I think it important to note that NFL players, while largely vaccinated, are not in a bubble. They are still interacting with the world at large. While breakthrough cases exist, the sheer odds of it being from one vaxed person to another is slim under normal human interaction circumstances. Based on data, it is safe to assume most breakthrough cases in the NFL come from outside the organization. The reason it spreads among vaxed once it makes it into the facility is likely some of the things you said such as laxed standards among each other. The big thing, however, is the amount of contact players have with each other from sharing shower facilities, sweating all over each other, using the same gym equipment, etc etc. Practicing and being an NFL player adds much more risk of infection IMO. 

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2 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

@Matts4313, I think it important to note that NFL players, while largely vaccinated, are not in a bubble. They are still interacting with the world at large. While breakthrough cases exist, the sheer odds of it being from one vaxed person to another is slim under normal human interaction circumstances. Based on data, it is safe to assume most breakthrough cases in the NFL come from outside the organization. The reason it spreads among vaxed once it makes it into the facility is likely some of the things you said such as laxed standards among each other. The big thing, however, is the amount of contact players have with each other from sharing shower facilities, sweating all over each other, using the same gym equipment, etc etc. Practicing and being an NFL player adds much more risk of infection IMO. 

If you write anything that includes a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated without considering when the vaccinated group got their shot, everything you note in terms of case transmission will be skewed. I'd consider the timing of vaccination a more important covariate than all of the bolded reasons the spread might be higher.

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Rare heart complications, such as myocarditis, are more likely to occur as a result of coronavirus infections than as a vaccine side effect, according to a new study in the Nature Medicine Journal.

Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart as a result of injury or infection in the body. In the case of coronavirus, the body’s antibody response to the virus can target the heart muscle by mistake, leading to symptoms including chest pain and shortness of breath.  

Coronavirus patients have 16 times the risk for developing myocarditis, compared to people who are uninfected, according to CDC data released in September.

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12 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Its wild to me how "holier than thou" the pro vax crowd, 

Not going to touch on majority of what you posted but this is absolutely true even though not everyone here is like this. A lot certainly are. Those same people also love an excessive police state as well which is very, very strange. It might be best for you to stay out of this thread lol. I tend to just observe these days b/c if you post something the hive doesn't like, they get angry and come at you from all different directions w/o even thinking lol.

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1 minute ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Not going to touch on majority of what you posted but this is absolutely true even though not everyone here is like this. A lot certainly are. Those same people also love an excessive police state as well which is very, very strange. It might be best for you to stay out of this thread lol. I tend to just observe these days b/c if you post something the hive doesn't like, they get angry and come at you from all different directions w/o even thinking lol.

The overlooked aspect of this is that, people who get vaccinated are justifiably "holier than thou" compared to those who choose not to for personal reasons. They're literally better people making better decisions for themselves and the rest of society on this issue.

I do agree that, often times their/our expression about it will not move the needle for the less holy, however. But that's a reflection more on the willfully un-vaxed than anything else. It's understandably frustrating when people make obviously stupid decisions.

Edited by incognito_man
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53 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

This is just mind-numbingly stupid, sorry to be so blunt - but it is.

Every bit of reputable research has reached the opposite conclusion to your "personal experience". Like c'mon people...

Those gamblers that give him lots of money obviously are vaccinated and spreading the disease since they don’t want to wear a mask 😆

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2 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I'm no scientist, but my logic tells me that a dominant strain that is far less severe is obviously preferable, correct?

Not that it's a 1:1 correlation, but this is basically what happened with the Spanish Flu in 1918. It's contagious/arguably more contagious, but it's not killing 50 million people worldwide a year either.

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22 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

This is extremely interesting:


Thoughts @Shanedorf @ramssuperbowl99

This may be out of your realm of expertise, though!

So the issue is disease severity comes from viral replication, but also patient immune activity. I'm not sure how directly data on how quickly the virus replicates will translate. That's a big factor that would need to be included.

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