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Man the more I think about it as we prepare for these championship games

No one mentions Tyreek's situation coming about with domestic abuse

No one mentions Joe Mixon's abuse situation with the woman

we all forget about it. We move on mentally. 

I'm warming up to the Deshaun Watson move more every day. I'm not saying any of their actions are more or less worth than the other, but in general our ability to move past situations and totally forget about them gives credence to thinking getting Watson is the best move for our franchise. 

It'd be a tough year maybe two, but if he doesn't have anymore issues I could see it being similar to these two situations. Idk 


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7 minutes ago, brownie man said:

Man the more I think about it as we prepare for these championship games

No one mentions Tyreek's situation coming about with domestic abuse

No one mentions Joe Mixon's abuse situation with the woman

we all forget about it. We move on mentally. 

I'm warming up to the Deshaun Watson move more every day. I'm not saying any of their actions are more or less worth than the other, but in general our ability to move past situations and totally forget about them gives credence to thinking getting Watson is the best move for our franchise. 

It'd be a tough year maybe two, but if he doesn't have anymore issues I could see it being similar to these two situations. Idk 


He's one of the reasons the Chiefs are so hated lol.

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1 hour ago, brownie man said:

Man the more I think about it as we prepare for these championship games

No one mentions Tyreek's situation coming about with domestic abuse

No one mentions Joe Mixon's abuse situation with the woman

we all forget about it. We move on mentally. 

I'm warming up to the Deshaun Watson move more every day. I'm not saying any of their actions are more or less worth than the other, but in general our ability to move past situations and totally forget about them gives credence to thinking getting Watson is the best move for our franchise. 

It'd be a tough year maybe two, but if he doesn't have anymore issues I could see it being similar to these two situations. Idk 


I hope he goes 4-13.  You know like he did his last year starting. 

If this was a BS rumor I could understand your argument.  You know like 1 woman says it but makes no sense then 3 more say it’s true with zero proof. But this could be going to trial. So I don’t think he is going to get out of this with, oh it’s no big deal.  Also no one brings up those guys? Yes they do.  They just don’t on the broadcast.  Are either of them the face of their franchise? Nope. 

I said it once and I’ll say it again, I’d be out as a fan unless he is innocent of the charges. Not that others haven’t done bad things.  But this one just seems pretty bad. If you can justify it that’s fine.  Lots of people do it. 

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9 hours ago, brownie man said:

Man the more I think about it as we prepare for these championship games

No one mentions Tyreek's situation coming about with domestic abuse

No one mentions Joe Mixon's abuse situation with the woman

we all forget about it. We move on mentally. 

I'm warming up to the Deshaun Watson move more every day. I'm not saying any of their actions are more or less worth than the other, but in general our ability to move past situations and totally forget about them gives credence to thinking getting Watson is the best move for our franchise. 

It'd be a tough year maybe two, but if he doesn't have anymore issues I could see it being similar to these two situations. Idk 


People mention both all the time…and allegedly sexually assaulting dozens of women is…

You know what, nevermind, it’s not worth it.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

People mention both all the time…and allegedly sexually assaulting dozens of women is…

You know what, nevermind, it’s not worth it.

Really?  Who though?  The media?  Fans?

Do you notice Arrowhead stadium having less folks in the stands, because of Tyreek Hill?

Did Ravens fans stop rooting for their team, when they had a murderer (Lewis)and later, an abuser (Ray Rice)?

Is Rothlisberger more beloved for a SB, or hated for what he did to women?


I have mentioned adding Watson, before understanding the scope of his alleged crimes.  He will play for someone/someday, and if he wins football games, many will set aside in their thoughts all the bad things he has done.  Some will take the moral high ground, and say....Not Me/Not on my team...some won't really give it much thought.

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21 minutes ago, big poppa pump said:

Really?  Who though?  The media?  Fans?

Do you notice Arrowhead stadium having less folks in the stands, because of Tyreek Hill?

Did Ravens fans stop rooting for their team, when they had a murderer (Lewis)and later, an abuser (Ray Rice)?

Is Rothlisberger more beloved for a SB, or hated for what he did to women?


I have mentioned adding Watson, before understanding the scope of his alleged crimes.  He will play for someone/someday, and if he wins football games, many will set aside in their thoughts all the bad things he has done.  Some will take the moral high ground, and say....Not Me/Not on my team...some won't really give it much thought.

I wholeheartedly understand why those share a different opinion and purely from a win/loss/football perspective this makes sense. I acknowledge that. For me, I just don’t have any interest in sweeping that aside so that my favorite team can win games.

To those who can, I’m absolutely not judging and get it. I’m just not one of them. 

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34 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I wholeheartedly understand why those share a different opinion and purely from a win/loss/football perspective this makes sense. I acknowledge that. For me, I just don’t have any interest in sweeping that aside so that my favorite team can win games.

To those who can, I’m absolutely not judging and get it. I’m just not one of them. 

Take Watson out of the equation, and insert _______ sc.mbag.  There are plenty of garbage human beings out there.  If they are on the team you root for, do you stop rooting for that team?  Do you no longer wear or buy their gear?  Are you voicing your displeasure to the team in any way to protest?  Do you stop posting on this forum?  All of these "you's" aren't just you.  I am wondering where people, in  general, stand?

I can recall when Kap, and others were kneeling for the Anthem, that there were people that I would encounter who claimed to stop watching football as a result.  I don't really hear much about the "kneeling" any more, so I don't know if those folks are  back to watching, or stopped being a fan of the NFL?

It's really an interesting study in fandom tbh......

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39 minutes ago, big poppa pump said:

Take Watson out of the equation, and insert _______ sc.mbag.  There are plenty of garbage human beings out there.  If they are on the team you root for, do you stop rooting for that team?  Do you no longer wear or buy their gear?  Are you voicing your displeasure to the team in any way to protest?  Do you stop posting on this forum?  All of these "you's" aren't just you.  I am wondering where people, in  general, stand?

I can recall when Kap, and others were kneeling for the Anthem, that there were people that I would encounter who claimed to stop watching football as a result.  I don't really hear much about the "kneeling" any more, so I don't know if those folks are  back to watching, or stopped being a fan of the NFL?

It's really an interesting study in fandom tbh......

Oh no doubt! I think a lot of this boils down to perspective. To be fair, I am a HS teacher/coach, so it’s difficult for me to separate fandom from those core values that I preach every single day of my life. Throw in my 3 daughters, and they’re at an age where they are enjoying watching the Browns with me, so them rooting for Watson and asking for a jersey/etc is just something I can’t wrap my mind around.

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45 minutes ago, big poppa pump said:

Take Watson out of the equation, and insert _______ sc.mbag.  There are plenty of garbage human beings out there.  If they are on the team you root for, do you stop rooting for that team?  Do you no longer wear or buy their gear?  Are you voicing your displeasure to the team in any way to protest?  Do you stop posting on this forum?  All of these "you's" aren't just you.  I am wondering where people, in  general, stand?

I can recall when Kap, and others were kneeling for the Anthem, that there were people that I would encounter who claimed to stop watching football as a result.  I don't really hear much about the "kneeling" any more, so I don't know if those folks are  back to watching, or stopped being a fan of the NFL?

It's really an interesting study in fandom tbh......

I didn't have a problem with Kaep protesting or sharing his voice but some of his messages were hateful and promoted violence on innocents so I didn't want anything to do with him.

Vick is another one that many people said they would stop watching football if he played for their team.

I personally didn't want Hunt, what he did wasn't that bad but it may have been not that bad because he had people around who stopped it from being that bad.

There are bad people out there and they are on every team. They still represent cities and fan bases and I have no issue with those that don't want certain people representing them whether it is an athlete, politician or family member. I also have no problem if you keep rooting for your favorite team even though there is a scumbag on it.

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4 minutes ago, Thomas5737 said:

I didn't have a problem with Kaep protesting or sharing his voice but some of his messages were hateful and promoted violence on innocents so I didn't want anything to do with him.

Vick is another one that many people said they would stop watching football if he played for their team.

I personally didn't want Hunt, what he did wasn't that bad but it may have been not that bad because he had people around who stopped it from being that bad.

There are bad people out there and they are on every team. They still represent cities and fan bases and I have no issue with those that don't want certain people representing them whether it is an athlete, politician or family member. I also have no problem if you keep rooting for your favorite team even though there is a scumbag on it.

When Greg Hardy was signed to the UFC, I can recall being pis.ed....but then I thought...wow...my man is about to get some serious payback!

Edited by big poppa pump
when dude's his size are slapping him around
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