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GB free agency 2022


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11 hours ago, wgbeethree said:

I swear we have this conversation every year during free agency.

GB is a quarter the size of the next smallest NFL city, the weather in winter sucks, and there's no culture/diversity. It's clearly low on the totem pole for desirability as far as destinations go for most NFL players. 

They almost all tend to love it once they get there but very few are excited by the idea of it.


This is 100% true.

However....many NFL guys hate the idea of living in Green Bay.  But once they are there, many come to absolutely love it.

Some guys like the outdoor activities like hunting and fishing.  Some, like AJ Dillon, love Door County.  Others that I've talked to love the college type atmosphere in Green Bay.  There is nothing like game day in Green Bay.  Let's face it, there's not much else exciting going on, but if you are there to play football and love football, it becomes a nice place to live.

I remember Majkowski talking about GB once.  It was after he left.  He said that he didn't realize how good it was until he left.  He talked about how he had a super large and nice condo in Green Bay and how inexpensive it was.  When he left, he ended up living in much smaller apartments in other cities for more money.

It is certainly not ideal for many NFL players who want the bright lights and big city around them.  But if someone is serious and passionate about football, it is pretty ideal.

I think it was TJ Lang who talked about how great it was to start a family in Green Bay.  As these boys become men and move on to different phases of their life, GB starts looking better and better.

It is a very unique place to be.  And yah, certainly not for everyone.

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11 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Yeah, Wisconsin sucks because of the weather. Otherwise I figure it’s a lot like North Dakota, which, for three months out of the year, is the best state in the country.

For someone like me.

I'm already looking forward to the day when I can find my "winter home" in retirement.  But I'll always have a summer place either in Door County or Vilas County.  

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1 hour ago, Packerraymond said:

Thinking all NFL FA's ( a majority are 28+ years old) care about is clubbing is dumb. 

I literally never once suggested clubs or clubbing as a determining factor. You did. So you’re the dumb one.

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I think the Packers do a great job at the treatment of players and helping players adjust to Green Bay regardless of their background.  

Ron Wolf wrote about that in his book.  Green Bay isn't for everyone, but the Packers really certainly do what they can to make it comfortable on a daily basis.

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10 hours ago, rthom348 said:

It’s someone’s opinion. It’s not something you can “correct,” especially not by being combative when he wasn’t being that way in the first place. He’s right. Some of you are sensitive as hell

Combative?  LOL .. it was HIS opinion just like the other opinion. Seems more than one is sensitive .. just sayin. 

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46 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I literally never once suggested clubs or clubbing as a determining factor. You did. So you’re the dumb one.

LOL ... sensitive are we?  It's not they have to live in Wisconsin full time .. most don't and no problem.  Planes are great;  come play for GB and their departure is a 1st class seat away. 

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3 hours ago, Nick_gb said:

For me though and I may be out of pocket here. Green Bay is a place for professional athletes who are self aware. They're aware that they're a professional before they're a multi-million dollar athlete in the prime of their youth. That Green Bay is a place that allows you to focus on your craft / profession and mitigates the distractions that a city like Miami, Las Vegas, New York or LA would provide them. 

Yet other teams in those cities develop young players just fine and GB has its fair share of "failed" development just like those cities.

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11 hours ago, rthom348 said:

It’s someone’s opinion. It’s not something you can “correct,” especially not by being combative when he wasn’t being that way in the first place. He’s right. Some of you are sensitive as hell

It is absolutely possible to correct his assertion that WI is just farmland and its residents refer to that as "nature". Which happened to follow a post of mine that talked about nature - none of which is farmland.

He is 100% incorrect in his assessment regarding the land of Wisconsin and I corrected him.

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