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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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On 8/24/2019 at 2:58 PM, Ragnarok said:

I fully admit that I am going to judge the Moon Knight casting very harshly cause I love me some Moon Knight.

I'm looking forward to Moon Knight, but man, I wish he were getting the gritty R-rated Hulu treatment Ghost Rider is getting (and very much deserves BTW). Moon Knight can be quite dark and brutal in the comics, he literally ripped Bushman's face right off and regularly tortures and bloodily cripples his foes. And going batish insane with his multiple personalities.

Also looking forward to Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk.

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37 minutes ago, RaiderX said:

Was never the biggest fan of this incarnation of Spidey. Holland is the best actor fit for the role, but Raimi's first 2 Spiderman movies are far better.

Super hyped for Moon Knight.

I wonder if it's because this Spider-Man is literally nothing without Iron Man. Even his 2 villains have been mad at Tony Stark and Peter just happened to be in the way of their revenge.

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11 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

I wonder if it's because this Spider-Man is literally nothing without Iron Man. Even his 2 villains have been mad at Tony Stark and Peter just happened to be in the way of their revenge.

Vulture was stealing tech, not so much getting revenge. Mysterio, while getting revenge, was more concerned with becoming rich/famous.

In the MCU Spiderman is in high school. He has literally zero reasons to have major enemies/nemesis. However, now that he's been involved in crime fighting and his name is out there, the enemies will come. Whether that's to challenge him or he's out patrolling or whatever, it's now natural for him to face his own main villains.

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2 hours ago, thrILL! said:

That would be amazing.  Curious to see how they bring Vision back without the stone.

I imagine Shuri was able to download enough of his consciousness to create a new Vision.

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On 8/21/2019 at 11:39 AM, thrILL! said:


Sony not wanting a 50/50 split isn’t a surprise.   They think they’re hot bcuz Venom was financially successful even tho the movie SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED.  Of course, Disney wants as much control and money as possible since they can’t have the rights back altogether. Who didn’t see this coming?  Maybe Disney will buy Sony.   LoL

Tbh the Marvel-involved Spidey movies aren’t that much better than Sony’s but it’s those appearances in Civil War/Avengers that make such a big difference.  At least we got 3 of them and even that was a huge surprise considering the circumstances.

And let’s not act like Into The Spider-Verse (from Sony) isn’t the best Spidey film of all time if not ALL superhero movies.  Maybe Sony will let the guys responsible for that direct a love action film and jettison Jon Watts. 

The irony is that Sony could be FOX right now (or FOX could be Sony right now) if FOX had managed to get the doomed-to-suck-before-it-was-greenlit Channing Tatum Gambit film made.  It would have drawn and grossed well because Gambit is one of those characters that even casual comic book fans have wanted to see get his own standalone film forever - and added to even moreso by the hope that the character getting a second chance after the abortion of a portrayal Taylor Kitsch gave in XO:W.  But it wouldn't have been a good movie or a sustainable franchise.  Legitimately the only thing that is keeping the Venom afloat as a franchise is the history of the character itself and Tom Hardy (and that the studio is confident people will still pay money to see both despite a less-than-lackluster origin film), not the international grosses (though the IG's support the argument for people still being willing to pay to see despite crap product).

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10 hours ago, thrILL! said:

You would think so but Marvel greatly powered her down.  Everything the Reality Stone can do, she can do.  She could have turned Thanos into peanut butter if she wanted to.  Instead they limited her to shooting red concussive blasts and flying.

Her powers can easily be expanded upon though. Or they manifest with time/emotion. Should be an easy write-in.

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1 hour ago, PapaShogun said:

Her powers can easily be expanded upon though. Or they manifest with time/emotion. Should be an easy write-in.

People complained that Rey's power in Star Wars was too quickly realized.  Now people are complaining in the MCU that Scarlet Witch's powers are coming along too slowly.

I think it's reasonable to conclude that if someone really did have powers like this, they wouldn't realize they could manipulate reality right off the bat.  It's the more complicated of her abilities, and frankly the most frightening.  Probably not one she'd prefer to play around with unless she had no choice or was driven there by extreme grief. 

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I think Wanda's evolution power wise from Age of Ultron up through Endgame was a great slow play of her expanding powers.  They've already shown her ability to mess with minds and subvert what reality they see in AoU, and they greatly expanded her power in IW and EG to the point to where she was about to take out Thanos 1v1 whereas Cap, Iron Man, and Thor couldn't do it together.  They've built her up as extremely powerful, all they need to do is push that next step to put that kind of power into her reality warping parts.  I kind of think they might do a reverse House of M at this point, and Mutants will come about because of her.  I honestly think they should scrap the traditional X-Men backstory.  Fox just did that with varying degrees of success over the last 2 decades, i'd be all for the MCU bringing in the time tested favorites but with a new story.  Keep some things like Wolverine being 150+ years old, Xavier/Magneto dynamic, etc..., but tell it in a new way.

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The funny thing is that in the source material Wanda's powers when she is first introduced really have no definitive in-universe logic or consistency to them. Especially in the early Avengers stories during the Captain America/kooky quartet era. Her hex power was her essentially pointing her finger at something, and winning when the plot required it. As time went on, she was given more powers. And went from a decent role player to a powerhouse. 

I guess at this point, I don't have any qualms about her only having super telekinesis and illusion abilities in the MCU now. She'll probably get a boost in her own series plus Dr. Strange 2.

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The MCU also has some logical consistency that 2 of the strongest players left (Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch) both got their powers from infinity stones.  Vision was also a powerhouse with the mind stone and had to be wounded first thing in IW for it to be a more level fight.  I still think they made him a little to easy to beat in IW, but I get why it had to happen for the plot.

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13 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

I mean, they are giving us freaking Moon Knight. You'll probably get it

Isnt Moon Knight a show?

Not sure we will see a Gambit movie for a long time, if ever.  The confidence in XMen movies is at an all time low.

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Sad to say Gambit has never been able to hold an ongoing title in the comics world. He usually just fits as a supporting character. Doesn't mean a well made movie can't be made with him as a leading man of course. I haven't read his 1993 mini series that profiles his origin. I need to get around to doing that. 

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