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Something you disagree with your fan base on


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Re-signing Darren Waller to a mega deal. 

I'm skeptical about giving a nearly 30 year old TE with 1 year of elite production and one solid but sort of underwhelming one while coming off of an inefficient and injury plagued season a huge deal, especially after investing a good bit at WR. 

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5 hours ago, SkippyX said:

What he did in 2017 was incredible.

You could almost say its a fluke based on the results on the other 15-20 years he has been running you guys.


For the Cowboys its likely Dak and Zeke (Dak good, Zeke hurting us was my stance). Though now most of the fanbase agrees with me. But it was a rough couple years for me there being in constant debate with our fanbase. Turns out, I was right.

I guess Cooper? But at least on this website many Cowboys fans recognized how soft he was. Reddit/other forums it was more contentious. 

Tank being overrated? 

Edited by Matts4313
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2 hours ago, SkippyX said:

It used to be hatred of AR.

Now it’s hatred of Howie.


He’s not perfect but his results are in that top 10 range as a GM. What he did in 2017 was incredible. Almost every TD they scored in that SB run was from a UFA player ( all but Ertz’s SB winner maybe?)

Jeffery and Blount had multiple touchdowns throughout. Smith had one. Unless you mean just the SB, then Blount/Jeffery only had one each. 

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3 hours ago, Tommy_C said:

I don't know many people who are Bills fans that agree with me on this take but I genuinely don't think Sean McDermott is a great coach. I think he is decent/good, but I think he lucked out on how good Josh Allen has been. 


McDermott plays way too conservative and sometimes I feel like I'm watching a game circa 2001 with his conservativeness... and don't get me started on 13 seconds. 

The thing is, he won 9 games with tyrod Taylor and 10 in 2019 before Josh Allen became great.


I do think there’s a lot of pressure on him to get to the Super Bowl this year though. 

Edited by CP3MVP
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That because we lost 1 playoff game to Tennessee in 2019 that we needed to change the identity of the team for some reason.

We went 14-2 running the ball every play and after that playoff loss all Ravens fans screamed about that offseason was mOrE 3 wR sEtS and oPeNiNg uP tHE pAsSiNg gAMe so that Lamar has prettier passing numbers.

Well, we tried that in the early part of 2020, went like 6-5 and then the coaching staff said F it and ran the ball every play again and won like 5 straight to get into the playoffs lol.

A lot of Ravens fans think (or at least thought prior to last year) our team will only be successful if we evolve/update the offense to throw more frequently, but that’s typically them just veiling the idea that they want Lamar to throw more so they can push back on the “Lamar = RB” narratives.

Its quite clear this team’s best path to victory - as it’s currently constructed - is the unorthodox, rush heavy offense of 2018, 2019 and late-season 2020. Ravens fans just get unnecessarily envious for some reason when they see other teams throw for 400 yards a game consistently even if the W/L results don’t follow.

7-0 to end 2018 once Lamar took over in 2018, The 14 win season in 2019 and the 5 straight wins to end 2020 are a much more statistically significant mark of how we can be successful with this rushing offense than 1 game against Tennessee in the postseason where we just straight up failed to execute that night, but because we had an off day most Ravens fans panicked and created this “this offense can’t win in the playoffs” narrative that is ridiculous based on the sample size.

Edited by Ray Reed
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That it was a good idea to draft Kayvon Thibodeaux. I was against taking him from the start. He's a gamble, and I'm not a betting man. IMO it was too great a risk in a draft where we needed more capital for next year (when we are 99% certain to need a quarterback) and to spend on other positions, especially corner and center.

But I am rooting for him now that he is a Giant. And if he succeeds for us, I will happily admit to being flat-out wrong.

Edited by y*so*blu
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28 minutes ago, y*so*blu said:

That it was a good idea to draft Kayvon Thibodeaux. I was against taking him from the start. He's a gamble, and I'm not a betting man. IMO it was too great a risk in a draft where we needed more capital for next year (when we are 99% certain to need a quarterback) and to spend on other positions, especially corner and center.

But I am rooting for him now that he is a Giant. And if he succeeds for us, I will happily admit to being flat-out wrong.

You got a good one in Joe Schoen, I get the hesitation but he's amazing at identifying college players to pros. Trust the process. 

Players he had a part in drafting in only 5 years: Josh Allen, Tremaine Edmunds, Harrison Phillips, Wyatt Teller, Ed Oliver, Dawson Knox, Gabriel Davis, Tyler Bass, Taron Johnson, Greg Rousseu, Spencer Brown and Devin Singletary. His track record of hitting is v high 👍

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14 hours ago, y*so*blu said:

That it was a good idea to draft Kayvon Thibodeaux. I was against taking him from the start. He's a gamble, and I'm not a betting man. IMO it was too great a risk in a draft where we needed more capital for next year (when we are 99% certain to need a quarterback) and to spend on other positions, especially corner and center.

But I am rooting for him now that he is a Giant. And if he succeeds for us, I will happily admit to being flat-out wrong.

I would be a Giants fan who shared this view. Other places to resource first

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My time to shine! Although to be fair, there are a few more Rams fans that agree with this take now...

Jared Goff is a bad quarterback. Had McVay not shown up in LA, he would be out of the league right now. I would take him only over the obvious "shouldn't be starting" QBs right now. Anyone else who is even a question, I'm taking over him.

McVay's offense took the league by storm for most of two seasons and after that (once there was enough tape out there), it was clear that Goff shouldn't have been a starter. I did not want to extend him after that Super Bowl loss. I adamantly disagree that it was anyone's fault other than Goff. Of course McVay will SAY he got outcoached, but if Goff just hits a wide *** open Brandin Cooks, that Super Bowl probably ends differently, so I hesitate to take that very seriously.

When we made that trade, it almost ripped the fanbase apart. And I'm trying - really, really trying - not to troll incessantly about it now. But what makes it really hard are all these Jared Goff apologists - well, most of them at least - never admitted just how wrong they were.


Beyond that, probably the CBs or OL - I have consistently agreed with the teams approach while most fans get anxious heading into each season.


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Goff was 17th in rating and 21st in ANY/A on a dogs breakfast of a Lions team and offense in 2021.

How does this mean McVay is the only reason why a #1 overall pick should dare to show his face in the league?

He's not even the worst current #1 overall pick at QB in the league (Baker)

He might not be in the top 10 for worst 1st round pick QBs in the league right now.

  • D Jones
  • Darnold
  • Z Wilson  (worst QB on his 2021 team)
  • Love
  • Baker
  • Rosen (is he still on a roster?)
  • Trubisky (not terrible but he's not Goff)
  • Mariota
  • Lick-a-Dub
  • Teddy

This is not even counting washouts like Lynch, Manuel, RG3, Weeden, and Johnny Football

TBD on Fields, Lawrence, and Lance


He's 20th all-time in passer rating. His career after his rookie year is similar to Andrew Luck so far (record, rating, ANY/A, limited playoff success, playoff rating). Any hint of should be out of the league is a massive cold take.

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A lot of people are selling high on the potential of Davis Mills. I see mid-tier starter at his absolute peak, a poor mans’ Kirk Cousins if EVERYTHING goes right, most likely a competent backup/journeyman QB who wins a few games in relief of a starter.

There are people who think the Texans should pass on one of the elite QBs in the next draft because Mills is an emerging franchise QB. When pressed for why, the focus is on QB rating, situation with the team, poor rookies elsewhere (he’s better than Trevor Lawrence who went #1!) and that final few starts at the end of the season.

I’ll be absolutely stunned if I’m wrong on this one.

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