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Week 4 Sunday GDT


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7 minutes ago, 4thandInches said:

Giving up almost 50 to this Seattle team is a fire able offense. 

I loved Aaron Glenn as a player but I have no confidence in him as a defensive coordinator.

Surprising win for the Jets. Better luck next week, Kenny.

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Just now, LAOJoe said:

FYI I know that's an unpopular opinion about the flags but I think there's weren't messing up, just had to make some tough calls late. If they weren't called then the Bills fans might be arguing.

might be arguing what? the flag on Brandon Stephens was universally agreed upon to be awful, and it literally gifted them 15 yards and first down to put them into FG range with less than 2 minutes left...

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1 minute ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

QBs nEeD to wATcH aNd LeArn a YeAr

Can people finally stop saying that?


Edit: nvm. Apparently that didn’t go the way I thought it did

The problem isn't that. It's that they thought Trubisky was the guy he should do it behind. Learn what not to do?

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Just now, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

might be arguing what? the flag on Brandon Stephens was universally agreed upon to be awful, and it literally gifted them 15 yards and first down to put them into FG range with less than 2 minutes left...

Definitely a bad call. Won’t argue that.

I think some fans on your forum, not you, seem to think the Bills had penalties extend every scoring drive and was the only way they could move the ball. Which you and I know to be utterly false. Ravens defense is bad. 

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2 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

might be arguing what? the flag on Brandon Stephens was universally agreed upon to be awful, and it literally gifted them 15 yards and first down to put them into FG range with less than 2 minutes left...

I 100% disagree. It was roughing. He slowed and widened his stance to square Allen up and leaned into him after the pass. Had he not shuffle stepped after he threw it I would say bang bang and no PI but he hit him late and I don't think Allen dived at all.

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Just now, Trentwannabe said:

Definitely a bad call. Won’t argue that.

I think some fans on your forum, not you, seem to think the Bills had penalties extend every scoring drive and was the only way they could move the ball. Which you and I know to be utterly false. Ravens defense is bad. 

Yeah I mean in the end we had how many chances to make plays and didn't? Oweh got put on skates by Josh Allen like 4 times, we dropped easy INT's, and when you have no pass rush and your secondary blows coverages at the rate we do, you can't afford to NOT capitalize on those opportunities.

That's why that flag at the end of the game was so frustrating, because we FINALLY did something right and the referees just go "nope, Buffalo wins" and there's nothing we can do about it. 

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