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Best fan bases in the NFL?


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6 hours ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Also live in Iowa. Also have met more Jags fans here than he is claiming to have met in Florida.

@Adrenaline_Flux- What! And you're a Jags fan???

Seems to me you'd oughta be a loyal follower of The Iowa Barnstormers! Now, there's a team to root for - in fact, the players themselves actually pull roots for a few hours after practices, or husk corn, to make payroll (it's a kind of a low-budget operation). They were originally the Cedar Rapids Actuaries, but (O, the Irony!) their health insurance got cancelled on account of too many injuries suffered in tractor pulls. Homeless, they actually stormed the barn of Milo Ziggenfoose, the biggest Corn Farmer in Bassackwards County, and claimed it for the team dormitory. Hence their name! Milo's fit to be tied, but he'll get over it. Go, Barnstormers- Yeeee-Hawwww!!!!


Image result for minor league football teams Iowa 

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1 hour ago, Buc Ball said:

I’d love to hear the rationale for this.

my point is the nfl doesnt care whether you are a single team fan or not. Most people buy different things from different teams every year. A So called loyal fan will only buy  a few items of one team. There isnt as much long term profit in that. theres that fan in cleveland who only buys cleveland stuff ,no one else in the country does. In every State theres thousands of people buying Brady/Patriots stuff = the league makes more money from bandwagoners.


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2 hours ago, RaisinBran said:

It's not a matter of belief...it's a fact

you mean you believe its a fact. You have no way to prove it. When millions and billions are involved,the only fact is: theres no honesty behind it.

 and if its true,so what? you still dont actually own any aspect of the team.You get nothing. You just gave your money away for a useless piece of paper like a 3rd grade star sticker for  reading a book.


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5 hours ago, biletnikoff said:

What defines best?

The money made  by the team off the amount of fans?  The ability of idiots to go watch a losing team..paying 100s for the experience? Lol

It's actually  a joke on fans.  Calling someone a good/better fan because  they sit through losing thinking it's a badge of honor.wasting 100s of dollars.   in the hope they can say they were true to a team when they start  winning. Ohhhh you weren't  a fan when they were losing?  You'e an evil BANDWAGON jumper-er-er-er .

 Actually bandwagon jumpers are the smartest fans. Sports  is free time entertainment. If you aren't winning, I'm not wasting a decade hoping it happens.

I'll find a winner so I have fun. If You win 4 of the next 5,I'll get back to you,see how you're doing. 

The LA fans are the smartest  fans in sports. They don't waste money on losers for loyalties sake.they are the best fans.

I come from Pasadena California.  I was of course a lakers fan..but after a while it actually got boring watching them win all the time.15 finals in a 30 year period.

When the Celtics got the big 3..Garnette etc lop I rooted for them lol..even though they are like anther team that never loses through the years .



An all-time candidate for my least favourite post ever. I cringed the whole way through.

I'll go for Cleveland and Buffalo. Special mention to the Packers, Eagles, Chiefs and a couple of others. But I think I lean towards Cleveland and Buffalo because they have been the epitome of ineptitude and the fans are still there. Supporting an equivalent letdown of a team over here in England, that stands out to me and should rightly be worn as a badge of honour. When the turn does come, it'll feel like nothing else.

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11 hours ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Also live in Iowa. Also have met more Jags fans here than he is claiming to have met in Florida.

The last 3 years in Chicago, I’ve had more food service people and cashiers tell me they’re Jaguars fans after seeing my hat or a shirt (or rare occasions my tattoo) than he’s seen in 15 years. 


In 2014, 2015 and 2016, there were actually *more* fans attending Jaguars games than there are this year. So there’s that too.

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I'm personally of the mindset that:

Most loyal/diehard: Browns and Bills. Decades of suffering, heartbreak, will sell out no matter what, will show up when it snows/rains, etc. Packer and Steeler fans are also in the mix, as well as Kansas City (criminally underrated fan-base), but their success makes it hard to gauge. That's not their fault, it's just how it is.

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18 hours ago, SpanosPayYourRent said:

I have to say it’s between Cleveland and Green Bay, opinions?

Where would Green Bay fans be if they were as successful as the Browns? Pretty much anyone can jump on a team's bandwagon and be a fan, that is not really real because the second the team faces some real turmoil they are off to the next team.

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Winning is the only reason why anybody is a fan of any team. 

I'm a Browns fan and I've seen two winning seasons in my time as a fan. However, I'm only a fan of the team because my Dad grew up in the 60s when the Browns were dynasty level good and witnessed all of that. 

Packers and Steelers fans travel well because of all the winning. 

If I had to say there's a best fanbase in the NFL it would probably have to be the Bills. 

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5 hours ago, biletnikoff said:

my point is the nfl doesnt care whether you are a single team fan or not. Most people buy different things from different teams every year. A So called loyal fan will only buy  a few items of one team. There isnt as much long term profit in that. theres that fan in cleveland who only buys cleveland stuff ,no one else in the country does. In every State theres thousands of people buying Brady/Patriots stuff = the league makes more money from bandwagoners.


I get your reasoning, but do you have some kind of source which actually supports it? Some study or article or anything, that concludes that bandwagon fans in their, let's say, 2-5 years of rooting interest for a team throw more money at it than lifelong fans who make team-related purchases in their entire life; preferably with figures. Throw some data at us, please.

5 hours ago, biletnikoff said:

you mean you believe its a fact. You have no way to prove it. When millions and billions are involved,the only fact is: theres no honesty behind it.

 and if its true,so what? you still dont actually own any aspect of the team.You get nothing. You just gave your money away for a useless piece of paper like a 3rd grade star sticker for  reading a book.


I mean, can you prove yours? Packers shareholders get voting rights, whatever that means. I have no idea how any of this works to be honest, but instead of flinging conjectures, I'll just ask Packers fans who hold team stocks: what do you get from it? I remember @NormSizedMidget mentioning he inherited some; would you care enlighting us?

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It's definitely a cold weather team. I would say it's between the Browns and Lions although the Chiefs have an awesome fan base as well. I'm biased but I think the Bills have a really special fan base and not just the crazy stuff you see online. There is a legitimate camaraderie between Bills fans that stretches far beyond Buffalo, the amount of Bills fans that attend away games despite almost two decades of listless football is incredible to me. 

Between the Lions, Browns and Bills I'd say that Lake Erie water raises some loyal fans.  

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