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I don't want JA gone. I want someone on that defense that can play head games with opposing superstar WRs. Occasionally it will bite us in the butt, but someone on that defense has to bring some fire. He most likely deserves this suspension and hopefully it helps him understand which line to cross and when. 


This does hammer home Barry should have been let go before the Carolina game. All you boogers chanting the "nothing to gain by firing Barry with only 3 games left" and/or "nobody else on the staff is a DC" got pie in your face. Granted, you will never admit it...

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If you’re constantly trading corners or suspending them because they’re speaking out, it’s not the players.

Don’t really know how your minds are flexible enough to see three veteran players speaking out or acting out all on the same side of the ball only to blame one player.

If this was only Jaire, yeah. You assume it’s him. It wasn’t only Jaire. Once (Douglas) is an occurrence. Twice (Campbell) is a coincidence. Three times (Alexander) is enemy action.

All of you sat there and celebrated the trade of Damarious Randall. Because we traded him instead of thinking, “Hey, maybe Randall was right,” we had to endure another two or three years of Capers.

We traded Clinton-Dix because of Capers, too (I might be wrong on that one).

How many players have to get reprimanded or traded or suspended until a front office can see it’s coming from the top?

Edited by MacReady
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1 minute ago, Leader said:

Andy Herman -   This was the right move by Green Bay. Never agreed with the idea that this wasn’t an issue. Jaire put himself ahead of the team. If you let that stuff fly you end up with major locker room issues.

Put himself above the team by going out for the coin toss 🤣

We need more dogs on this roster . This is nothing. 

Cmon Matt . If you’re going to do this you better defend it better 

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Corners aren’t receivers. The better they are, the more they’re ignored on the field. They’re not complaining because they’re not getting touches.

If your receiver is complaining when you’re winning, it’s because they want the ball and they’re selfish.

Football doesn’t work like that with corners.

If a corner is complaining or acting out, chances are you’re doing something ****ing stupid.

Also let’s not act like Jaire hasn’t done this before. Pettine sucked and needed to go. In a Vikings game, Jaire was supposed to cover a side of the field with nobody there. Instead of standing there doing literally nothing, he decided to go on a blitz. That turned into a safety from him sacking Cousins in the end zone.

So yeah, you’ve got a corner who excels in close man coverage, chirping at receivers, hitting them, pressing them, thriving off the mental game and you’re gonna put him in a position to not do that? No.

I say fire Barry or trade Jaire.

Keeping both makes as much sense as nipples on a turtle.

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4 minutes ago, mikebpackfan said:

Aka he is as much of an *** as it seems. 

I think he's just wired differently. When motivated, he is one of the top man to man cornerbacks in the league. Problem is, right now a lot of guys just don't look like they've buying what Barry is selling.  It ain't working and the players know it. The results speak for themselves. Nobody likes to be a laughingstock and the rest of the league is laughing at our defense.

A change is needed at DC, one that brings in a new more aggressive but highly disciplined approach, and gets the players to buy in and therefore play hard.

One of our biggest issues is that the communication is really lacking in the back half of the defense right now. We need to bring in an experienced high quality safety that knows how to get defensive backs lined up.

The tackling is also really bad and needs to be addressed. We have a lot of ankle biters back there that don't want to bring physicality to tackling. 

The third thing we need to improve on is disguising our blitzes better.  We pretty much tipped off to Carolina who was coming before the play even began.

Even with all these problems...if Love finishes the year strong and improves on his mechanics during the offseason, this year was a success.

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1 hour ago, Leader said:

You got that too? He kinda contradicts himself no (?) and winds up saying a whole lot of nothing much.

Yeah, I think at one point he said the coin toss thing has nothing to do with the suspension.  Earlier in the day Gute said it was the reason for the suspension.  Someone isn't on the same page. 

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And I’ve had about enough of the accusations of Jaire not being able to tackle.

He’s got a ****ing shoulder injury.

Do you all seriously forget how good a tackler he’s been his entire career? Do you even remember the tackle he made where he first injured his shoulder? It was over two years ago.

I wish half of you could have turned on Rodgers as quickly as you’re turning on Jaire.

I’d trade Jaire in a heartbeat if we could get good value for him and not even feel bad, but how some of you are turning on him so quickly just proves to me how infatuated you are with whatever the Packers do.

In spite of only two Super Bowl wins with over three decades of all time great QB play.


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Where is Barry's suspension for detrimental conduct?   Where is MLF's suspension for keeping Barry?

You could see that Barry lost the defense a couple weeks ago and did nothing.  Now suspending players because leadership failed to act sends the wrong message.  The players see no accountability in the coaching staff and are acting accordingly.  This is why waiting until the end of the season was a bad idea.   Douglas, Campbell, and Alexander are 3 veteran leaders and all have basically demanded action be taken- yet nothing.

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This all stinks.  What are they doing?  Trying to tank the season?  Fine Alexander is pissed.  Can't say I blame him with this totally inept DC.  Why not just pull him in to the office sit him down and talk to him?  Tell him Barry is gone after the season and they need him to be a leader and set an example for the others.  Right?

Suspending him blows.  Especially when we needed him to shut down Jefferson.  I don't know this sucks all the way around.  Really liked Sul.  Didn't really get all that much for him either.  Moved up essentially a round and some change.  We get Buffalo's 3rd and we flipped them a 5th.  

Campbell situation not sure what to make of that.  Dumb arse Barry put him in a position to fail.  He's pissed.  Barry should have been terminated after that Tampa fiasco.  Really thought MLF would just pull the trigger right then and there.  Well sitting Alexander isn't the answer that's for damn sure. 

I'm pissed when the team is fighting for a playoff spot and we have this crapfest. Dunno what to expect against Minny.  Are the defensive players just going to tank the game or what?  Hard to think they will rally with Barry still there and Alexander suspended.  Just sucks sucks sucks.  

HC should have a pulse on his team right?  Apparently not.  Pretty clear Gute is fed up as well.  I've been a strong MLF supporter but this latest episode I'm reconsidering my opinion.  Should have just canned Barry after Tampa regardless.  He better get that DC hire right.  No friends this time.  Get a brilliant Defensive mind.  

Pretty much writing the season off now.  This was the last straw.  

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The players have voiced their frustrations to their coaches, the media, and all of twitter. And it has happened repeatedly over the season. Now it has escalated to players naming themselves captain in the middle of a playoff hunt. 


I wonder, if Barry was fired mid season, would we even be talking playoffs now? Would we have beaten the Chiefs and the Lions? Who the **** would have called the defense the rest of the year and would the players trust them any more?? 

it’s one thing for them to voice their disagreements, even publicly.  It it is another to subvert the team because of it. Don’t know the extent of the subversion obviously but MLF said the coin toss incident was only one factor in his decision. 

At this point in the season, the grievances have been aired. They have been responded to - Joe Barry is not getting fired during this season. But the coaches and GM understand the players will not play another season for Barry.

If the players want to give up, then missing the playoffs is squarely on them because firing the coordinator is going to do nothing at this point.

They need to shut the **** up about it at this point and focus on winning two more goddamn games. When the off season comes, then they can pound their fists on the table again. But goofing off or mouthing off now does nothing for anybody. 

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