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25 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:

I'd trade up for Ward if possible. GB has all these picks and they aren't gonna have room for all of them on the roster, so use some of that ammo to get YOUR guy

I say this of course with the caveat that it takes 2 to tango so not much they can do if a team ahead of them isn't keen on moving down. Not sure any team in that 8-13 range will be eager to move down to 14 and paying up to move to 5th or 6th would likely be too costly

How many roster spots are open?

I think you could make a case that every offensive position could use depth: RG, RT, TE, WR (2), backup QB, RB (the best position on offense, but I still don't know what I have with Monty or Jones) = 7 spots

Defense isn't any better : CB (2), OLB (2), backup ILB, S, = 6 spots

I'm not saying that each position needs/will be replaced, but I expect to see a ton of turnover on this roster.

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I don’t get why people don’t think Josh Jackson is a legitimate target for Green Bay. I get he is limited, but if he fits the scheme for Pettine... he makes a ton of sense.

I get he may not be the best overall and can do everything well. But what he does is great/elite. And I have been posting for months if Pettine values his time in Seattle and that defense, he would be high on Josh Jackson.

Having said that... there is also some juice to them breaking their threshold standards and wanting Mike Hughes.

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2 minutes ago, pgwingman said:

How many roster spots are open?

I think you could make a case that every offensive position could use depth: RG, RT, TE, WR (2), backup QB, RB (the best position on offense, but I still don't know what I have with Monty or Jones) = 7 spots

Defense isn't any better : CB (2), OLB (2), backup ILB, S, = 6 spots

I'm not saying that each position needs/will be replaced, but I expect to see a ton of turnover on this roster.

There will be a lot of turnover, but 12 is still a ton of picks. I would be very surprised if they don’t package some for a trade up at some point to really go after a guy they like. 

There is even more trade flexibility now that compensatory picks can be moved. 

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1 hour ago, Green19 said:

I don’t get why people don’t think Josh Jackson is a legitimate target for Green Bay. I get he is limited, but if he fits the scheme for Pettine... he makes a ton of sense.

I get he may not be the best overall and can do everything well. But what he does is great/elite. And I have been posting for months if Pettine values his time in Seattle and that defense, he would be high on Josh Jackson.

Having said that... there is also some juice to them breaking their threshold standards and wanting Mike Hughes.

My person opinion on the matter is that it's because his weaknesses are what we've asked our CBs to be good at under Dom. We spent the last decade or so knowing what the team wanted out of their CBs and it's not what he brings to the table. Thing is we don't really know what they are looking for any more. 

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29 minutes ago, PossibleCabbage said:

Wasn't Pauline reporting that the Packers loved Spriggs and would take him at #27 back in 2016?  So perhaps their interest in Jackson is legitimate, just not at 14, though they might trade up to get him with their 2nd pick of the draft.

I'm pretty sure at this time last year we coveted TJ Watt. So much so we traded out of our pick with him in the board.

I don't get why these guys post these sort of things. No scout would tip their teams board. Guys like Pauline have lots of scouting sources, I'm sure he knows a GB scout who's really high on Jackson and Fitzpatrick and thus this story exists. One scout does not equal the team. If this leak came from the team, it's for a reason, to muddy the waters.

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42 minutes ago, PossibleCabbage said:

Wasn't Pauline reporting that the Packers loved Spriggs and would take him at #27 back in 2016?  So perhaps their interest in Jackson is legitimate, just not at 14, though they might trade up to get him with their 2nd pick of the draft.

He also reported they were gearing up to take TJ Watt last year. While it’s been reported they like Watt, obviously went another direction.



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5 hours ago, Green19 said:

I don’t get why people don’t think Josh Jackson is a legitimate target for Green Bay. I get he is limited, but if he fits the scheme for Pettine... he makes a ton of sense.

I get he may not be the best overall and can do everything well. But what he does is great/elite. And I have been posting for months if Pettine values his time in Seattle and that defense, he would be high on Josh Jackson.

Having said that... there is also some juice to them breaking their threshold standards and wanting Mike Hughes.

If we’re running zone he’s a fine pick.

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4 hours ago, Jaegybomb said:

Plus he has the build to be an elite press guy once he learns how to turn smoother unlike all the 5'10'' guys he's competing with.

His arms are the same size as Hughes and Alexander and he's not as strong as either. I don't see any big advantage.

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Pauline's news this close to the draft has that odor of BS. Don't doubt that Green Bay would love Fitzpatrick, Ward or Jackson, but not as a prmary target. It seems more like last year.....want Watt but the target was King so traded back and got another pick.

All of the interest in QBs seems to me that a very good player falls to Green Bay at 14, but I wonder if Gutsey is actually trying to obtain more picks for the first three rounds? Package a few 4th and 5th round picks for a third and the 14th for a late first and another 2nd.

All I know is I will be there Thrusday night hoping for the best!  

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