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BDL Discussion Thread 2018


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2 hours ago, Whicker said:

You missed my point. 

I'm saying "what if the trade committee acted like the rulings committee did with this situation" then no one would be on board. 

And no I really don't think I'm blowing this out of proportion , and if you disagree then you can either explain to me why I'm wrong or silently think less of me. I woke up and saw that people were  PMing each other about an issue with the league, and those PMs directly resulted in the outcome of a game changing. I had to post about four times before anyone actually explained why Nacho's votes were compromised, and there posts were people were clearly trying to hide the info from others. Then, when I directly asked when were others told, I was told that we were told right away which was so clearly not true that I can't help but think it was deceitful. I also get a "this will probably happen again" from someone directly involved and I'm not okay with that at all. 

The ruling committee. Myself, sirA, and the two individuals who voiced the complaint were involved  sirA and myself refrained from making any decisions regarding the situation as we would be directly affected. 

I'm not sorry you weren't involved and quite frankly idc anymore.  The people affected outcome wise were sirA and I and we were both involved in the conversation even though sirA technically isnt on the ruling committee.  If you were somehow involved with what was going on you would have been there 

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19 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

The ruling committee. Myself, sirA, and the two individuals who voiced the complaint were involved  sirA and myself refrained from making any decisions regarding the situation as we would be directly affected. 

I'm not sorry you weren't involved and quite frankly idc anymore.  The people affected outcome wise were sirA and I and we were both involved in the conversation even though sirA technically isnt on the ruling committee.  If you were somehow involved with what was going on you would have been there 

You do not get it. I do not believe you, or anyone else, has the power to decide who is involved and who is not

This is a league wide issue. We all should have been involved. If you post the issue and thread and then someone decides they don't care about the issue, then that's fine. What is the downside to letting us all know of the issue while it's happening? Do you (plural) really think no one would have asked why Nacho's votes were compromised?

I will ask again since no one answered. How would you feel if the trade committee had acted as the rulings committee did in this situation?
Let's say the Wilson trade got submitted, and the trade committee posted in thread "we are discussing this issue via PM," and then stated "we have decided to veto this trade." When asked why, the response was "well this doesn't involve you and if you had been involved we would have told you." How would feel about that?

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All I am asking is that the rulings committee put all of their thoughts, concerns, and arguments in thread, and that they consider league issues to involve everyone in the league. Why is that so hard? If you can't agree to total transparency, then at least explain why you cannot provide.

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16 minutes ago, Whicker said:

All I am asking is that the rulings committee put all of their thoughts, concerns, and arguments in thread, and that they consider league issues to involve everyone in the league. Why is that so hard? If you can't agree to total transparency, then at least explain why you cannot provide.

The vast majority of the time that's the case.  I was included as a ruling committee backup and my thought on why PM at first was better was because it involved claims about a mod and a degree of discretion was probably wise.  At least while we did some fact finding and got thoughts from the people this effected.  Sometimes, especially early on, having a ton of people involved just makes things more convoluted.  

If that was wrong, then I was wrong.  I went about this in the manner I thought would be most effective and least likely to cause issues just like this.  My goal was not to exclude anyone, just to get this resolved so we can all enjoy our glorious league.

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3 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

The vast majority of the time that's the case.  I was included as a ruling committee backup and my thought on why PM at first was better was because it involved claims about a mod and a degree of discretion was probably wise.  At least while we did some fact finding and got thoughts from the people this effected.  Sometimes, especially early on, having a ton of people involved just makes things more convoluted.  

If that was wrong, then I was wrong.  I went about this in the manner I thought would be most effective and least likely to cause issues just like this.  My goal was not to exclude anyone, just to get this resolved so we can all enjoy our glorious league.

I am telling you this with all seriousness and as a good friend. This is to everyone else as well. I do not want to be a part of a league where decisions about scores/games/rulings/etc are made without everybody being involved. I do not want to be a part of a league where a group of people hold the power to decide who is and who isn't involved in a league issue. I do not want to be in a league where I ask someone a direct question and I'm not given a straight or truthful answer. I do not want to wake up and see that an issue was brought up, discussed, decided on, and acted on in a manner of hours. If something like this happens again, I will likely be leaving the league. 

You all can decide how much that means to you. 

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19 minutes ago, Whicker said:

I am telling you this with all seriousness and as a good friend. This is to everyone else as well. I do not want to be a part of a league where decisions about scores/games/rulings/etc are made without everybody being involved. I do not want to be a part of a league where a group of people hold the power to decide who is and who isn't involved in a league issue. I do not want to be in a league where I ask someone a direct question and I'm not given a straight or truthful answer. I do not want to wake up and see that an issue was brought up, discussed, decided on, and acted on in a manner of hours. If something like this happens again, I will likely be leaving the league. 

You all can decide how much that means to you. 

I will back this sentiment, something that affects the outcome of a game/sets a precedent league wide should be discussed by all owners. It was here somewhat, but I agree it wasn't fully transparent. Though I get why Rags/the others felt the need to be discreet given it's a moderator and well you should always try and be respectful to mods.

For a random example, say OKC vs. Sydney was tied 8-8 with 1 minute left in OT and 2 random people vote for OKC and that was just the agreed upon outcome after a discussion with no input from me, that would be annoying. 

BDL would not be the same without you Whicker, I hope it never comes to that.

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I'm getting tired of this being blown out of proportions. Before everything was in thread, the only PMs sent were by me and discussion was "Please keep an eye on ...". It was not an issue back then as it didn't affect Rome Singap. And nothing was ruled on. Should have we ruled on this, yes, we would have taken it to the thread.

Now given that I won't commit in acting in a different way in the future, I will resign from the ruling committee. I never asked to be on it and y'all nominated me because you trusted me on how to handle these things. Since it doesn't seem to be the case anymore, I might as well leave it. I vote for pheltz to replace me

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24 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

I'm getting tired of this being blown out of proportions. Before everything was in thread, the only PMs sent were by me and discussion was "Please keep an eye on ...". It was not an issue back then as it didn't affect Rome Singap. And nothing was ruled on. Should have we ruled on this, yes, we would have taken it to the thread.

Now given that I won't commit in acting in a different way in the future, I will resign from the ruling committee. I never asked to be on it and y'all nominated me because you trusted me on how to handle these things. Since it doesn't seem to be the case anymore, I might as well leave it. I vote for pheltz to replace me

It's not worth it.

Edited by Whicker
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